Chapter 140

The atmosphere on stage was lively. Yang Xiao walked up and said:

"Next up is Class B's group performance. Just before going on stage, the staff informed me that Class B had some last minute issues, but I won't say what just yet. I'll keep everyone in suspense for now. Let's see what happened as the performance unfolds. Please welcome Class B!"

The music started playing as Liu Xin and four others took the stage, led by Liu Xin.

To match the theme of the song, everyone was dressed very cool. As soon as they appeared, screams could be heard from the audience seats:

"Ahhh Tiantian Sweet and Salty!!!"

"Liu Xin cool girl!!!"


"Ahhh who's that wearing the hoodie with their face covered??"

"That's rapper Feng Xue!!!"

For the group performance, Liu Xin got to sing the opening lines like she hoped. Her breathing was steady and she kept the rhythm well, not messing up at all.

The rest coordinated nicely too. After all the painful practice, as long as they kept their composure, their performance would be fine.

But everyone was worried about the two rap parts.

After the instrumental break, the figure in the hoodie "Feng Xue" started rapping:


"Our singles party is set for this week..."

That voice, that rhythm...

Daniel was stunned. That wasn't Feng Xue!

Taking another look, the person removed their hoodie hat, shocking everyone -

Qin Wei?

That's right, the one rapping on stage was Qin Wei!


The applause froze for about three seconds before recovering, even more enthusiastic than before. So this was the "little situation" Yang Xiao mentioned!

Assuming it was coordinated between the program team and Qin Wei, the audience quickly accepted it.

Seeing the reaction was within her expectations, Qin Wei continued rapping without stopping:

"Remember to bring champagne and wear your new clothes when you come

Drink, chat, dance as you please

I invite you to..."

What was next?

She forgot the words.

No teleprompter for the counterflow performance...

After about a second delay, Qin Wei continued performing: "Torealizehowgreatwasthedramaticactivity..."

Qin Wei took a breath.

"Yo, welcome to my singles party, yeah!



Barrage comments:

【Qin improved her rap but I don't understand, can someone translate?】

【These aren't the original lyrics!】

【Probably an adaptation, as long as it sounds good who cares about the lyrics!】

【Lu'er sang well! Although I still want to know what she sang without subtitles...】

【...I think I know what she sang】


【What? +1】

【College English exam, reading comprehension passage...】



Although the bullet comments were still passionately discussing, the live audience only cared about hyping it up. After all, Qin Wei's part was lit. Everyone was busy clapping and screaming.


Sun Tiantian nicely wrapped up the song to finish the performance.

But did you think it was over?

The lights dimmed. When they lit up again, Qin Wei had taken off the oversized hoodie.

Hidden underneath was the costume she prepared for today.

A short, sleeveless utility vest that perfectly revealed her abs.

Barrage comments:

【I'll be damned Qin Wei has a six pack!!!】

【Normal since she works out diligently everyday】

【Lu'er is more fit than I imagined. Mainly because she wears that wretched short sleeve everyday, giving me the wrong perception...】

【Wretched... it's sold out online now, scalpers are buying it at high prices】

【Dang, just dang!】

The music started. Qin Wei put on some retro round frame sunglasses handed to her by Youyou. Then she picked up the mic and started rapping her part:

"Don't know if you're currently feeling

That public speech is like filling out an exam

You wanna happily crack jokes and chat freely

Yet there's always someone making you revolve around them ..."

Barrage comments:

【Ah! It's the song I love written by Big Big! Dream collab!】

【Double fans extremely happy!】

【Did they get authorization?】

【Already obtained consent from lyricist and composer, original is on B station】

With great lyrics and melody, plus the choreography by two dance teachers, under the excellent stage lights and audio, this performance directly pushed the atmosphere to climax!

【So fitting for Qin's current mindset!】

【Brilliant, this is Qin directly clapping back at haters!】

【She's not dissing haters but contrarians. The line "self-perceived excellence plus sarcasm, my rules I stand undefeated" is clearly referring to contrarians】

【"All horizontal and vertical they gotta argue"】

【"Earth round they still gotta argue"】

【"Three mountains five peaks they still gotta argue"】

【"Thousands of troops and horses they still gotta argue"】

【Summarized what I was thinking, imma go listen to the original version on my knees now】

【Felt so good listening to Qin slap contrarians】


"Just to pick fights and arguments."※

Youyou perfectly ended the nearly 10 minute long performance.

Scarily, no one thought it was dragged out. Rather, some felt it wasn't enough!

Nonstop applause and screams from the audience seats. The entire group finally relaxed now that the risky song choice worked out. As Yan Jinyu put it, choosing this song was quite "adventurous". That night, Qin Wei showed Yan Jinyu the original song. Yan Jinyu didn't give an opinion right away. It was the next day at dance practice during break time that she shared her thoughts.

"Overall the song is great. If we prepare diligently, the stage effect won't be lacking. Just worried about the lyrics...what if some people make connections?"

Yan Jinyu thought hard about this problem, constantly debating whether singing this song might offend the audience.

In the end, she was convinced by one line from Qin Wei:

"Do you think those contrarians making connections will vote for us even if we don't sing this song and do perfectly?"

Good point!

Yan Jinyu felt Qin Wei made sense. As Qin Wei said, no matter how well you do, those people will still nitpick with odd angles.

Seeing Yan Jinyu wavering, Qin Wei added:

"There you go. Stop worrying about contrarians. I'm singing this to satisfy myself."


And that led to today's performance.

After the song finished, Yan Jinyu also felt relieved. She was pretty satisfied listening to it too.

(※Song original name is "Just to Pick Fights and Arguments", author iKz_Teapot obtained permission from Big Big, original link: BV1TB4y1M7Z4)
