Chapter 102

It was really impossible to drag it out any longer. As soon as the rehearsal ended, the staff hurriedly pushed Qin Wei to the dressing room and asked her makeup artist to do her makeup and styling while she was changing clothes.

Fortunately, the makeup artist was Xiao Yan, a deft girl with excellent skills. She was the makeup artist who had given her the pill backstage during the preliminaries. Li Yao felt that she was decent, so he spent money to poach her.

Now it was clear that Li Yao's approach was right. She quickly styled Qin Wei, basically not delaying the time.

As a result, after hurrying downstairs, she was told that the car had left.

"It left?"

Qin Wei didn't understand and asked the staff,


"But I haven't gotten on the car yet?"

The staff downstairs said:

"Teacher Qin, the other teachers were in a bit of a hurry, afraid they couldn't get there on time, so they said they went ahead first. Teacher Liu said to let you not worry, you can come later as the finale."

Who the hell wants to be your finale, being late is being a diva!

"When will the next car come?"

The staff glanced at his phone:


"Probably...ten minutes..."



"Don't worry."

When the LS commercial vehicle got on the main road, the sky was already dusk. Liu Xin sat inside, looking at the messages coming in on her phone, and couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile.

It seemed Xin Ya was right. Lin Qiqi was still quite useful. As expected, when you hate someone, you lose your rationale, and there are many ways for you to give her direction and countermeasures.


For example, holding up Qin Wei for as long as possible, making her get downstairs as late as possible, she did that very well.

As for everything else...

"Sis Xin, can we really not wait for Qin Wei...?"

Kong Yi and Si You sat in the car, still a little worried.

Not long ago, they were called downstairs by the staff five minutes in advance and took the car after Liu Xin got in.

The two of them said they should wait until everyone was there before leaving, but who dared to easily offend the number one person in Rising Poetry Entertainment? Seeing that she still wanted to leave, they both shut their mouths and obediently sat down.

Now thinking about it, they were still uneasy.

Liu Xin smiled and said,

"Don't worry, I'm not doing this 'sweeping the building' thing for the first time. Coming a little earlier or a little later doesn't make much difference. We're representing the program team in going there, arriving early is to avoid being late, and when we get there, we can chat with everyone at the door and stall for a bit, and she'll arrive after us."

With Liu Xin's words, Kong Yi and Si You felt a little more at ease.

Although they still didn't quite understand the reasoning, at least they wouldn't get blamed since they didn't leave without Qin Wei.

As for Liu Xin... She had already planned to go upstairs as soon as she got off the car, and most people would follow to see the celebrities. By the time Qin Wei arrived, there might not be anyone waiting for her downstairs.

Moreover, the car following her was probably already broken down.

Then buying hot search topics saying she was late and playing diva, wouldn't that be even better?


"It's too late, I'll just take a taxi myself."

Qin Wei looked at the time. If she didn't leave now, she'd be late after arriving.

Who knows what kind of storm this could stir up...

This uneasy premonition kept rising in her heart.


At this moment, Liu Xin was in a great mood. On the way, she even took out the red wine in the car and shared it with everyone.

Of course, they still had work ahead, so the three of them only had a sip.

The car stopped in front of Triangle Video Building. The three got out of the car and were stunned for a moment. The red carpet on the ground hadn't been taken away yet, but the entrance was deserted without a soul around.

The three looked at each other, apparently none of them knew about this.

Helplessly, they could only go inside to ask the security guard.

"They all went upstairs!"

The security guard said,

"They went up with two big celebrities, just now, it was very lively. Unfortunately I don't follow celebrities so I didn't see who they were, but they were really good looking.

If I wasn't still on duty, I would've gone up with them too."

As the security guard spoke, he still looked longing, then sized up the three people:

"What are you guys here for?"


The feeling of being surrounded by people as she entered the grand lobby was very strange. Everyone around her was taking pictures of them, some were talking, some kept shouting. It felt like she was surrounded by groundhogs.

Although Qin Wei had seen it before in videos, experiencing it in person was another feeling altogether.

What's more, she was also one of the main characters today.

She looked at the person beside her and smiled brightly.

Half an hour ago...

She had already waited for a while but the car still didn't come. Then the staff's phone rang over there.

The staff regretfully told her:

"Teacher Qin, I called another car, but that one broke down right after leaving the garage and is blocking the exit now."

"It's too late to call a taxi now."

Qin Wei waited and waited. To be honest she felt desperate inside, but this wasn't a main road, plus the darkening sky, traffic was already sparse.

Opening the ride-hailing app, the nearest car would still take ten minutes to arrive.

Even if the driver sped, it would still be too late.

A black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle stopped at the door, the window rolled down, and a voice came from inside:

"Get in."

Qin Wei was stunned for a moment: "Teacher Qiao? What are you doing here?"

Qiao Sixiao glared at her and impatiently told the driver:

"Close the door and drive."

Qin Wei immediately jumped into the car and sat next to her.

Letting out a breath, Qin Wei calmed herself before asking Qiao Sixiao:

"Didn't you leave with them? Weren't people from our own companies not allowed to come because of the semi-closed management?"

Because of the semi-closed management rules, even the assistant Li Yao got for her couldn't come. The only one was the makeup artist Xiao Yan, because she hadn't resigned from this job yet so she temporarily stayed at the station.

Qiao Sixiao glanced at her:

"Those rules are for restraining you all, not me.

And even without these regulations, I have my own car.

Qin Wei, do you have a car?"

"Who are you looking down on?"

Qin Wei glared at her, then tried hard to remember,

"I really don't..."


Should she buy one later? BYD, Volkswagen or Wuling Hongguang?

Cars should be practical above all...


"Thank you."

Upon entering the sightseeing elevator, Qin Wei said to Qiao Sixiao beside her.

Bullet screen comments:

[Ah!! I'm dead, I'm dead! Both beauties look so good!]

[The quality of this livestream is no good! Can't even screenshot to make wallpaper!!]

[Mainly they're too far now and there are too many people, but people on site will take pics to give fans benefits.]

[So envious of being on site! I want to intern there now!!]

[Little Qiao is wearing her own endorsed brand right? The white shirt with black utility pants and boots looks so good! Please give me a price to let me give up.]

[It is endorsed by her, clearly not cheap.]

[I know this, the prices I know are all listed, the shirt is 8100, the pants 7100, the utility coat 18800... These are normal prices, she's wearing the same style limited edition, only sold as a set.]

[What coat?]

[She's not wearing it right, no one said the set must be worn as a set.]

[Uh... isn't it the black one Qin Wei is wearing, with that inverted triangle logo... quite noticeable...]

[You're right...]


[Great! My wife doesn't have her own clothes? Has to wear my clothes.]

[You call them your wife and husband? Put on your own clothes first!]

[CP fans think it's possible again...]
