Chapter 117

Therefore, He Zhiran directly chose to read "Wild History".

At this moment, the two of them had already entered a state of immersed reading, earnestly flipping through the books in their hands.

When Mo Jiuye saw the place where he died after being exiled, he took a sharp breath and looked deeply at He Zhiran.

"Is it because of these books that you can foresee some things in advance?"

Now, apart from her identity as a time traveler, Mo Jiuye had almost learned all of her secrets.

Therefore, He Zhiran had no intention of hiding anything.


"Yes, it's true. I can foresee some things because of these books.

You saw the items I purchased on my phone, and those peculiar things should all come from the future."

"The future?" Mo Jiuye was not unfamiliar with this term, but he felt that everything was beyond his realm of understanding.

He Zhiran shrugged and continued, "When I first obtained this space, I was also curious about why there were such peculiar things here.

After a long period of research and analysis, I determined that this space is indeed a creation of the future."

As she said that, she took the book from Mo Jiuye's hand and pointed to a corner of the cover.


"Look here, the publication date of this book is 2020, and we are currently in the year 303, with more than a thousand years in between."

Mo Jiuye pondered for a moment.

"Are you saying that this book was written by people from the future?"

"Not entirely. I guess that people from the future compiled these records together," explained He Zhiran.

With that, Mo Jiuye completely understood.

He pointed to the section in the book where he died in exile and asked the question in his heart.


"According to the book, I should be a dead person right now, but I am still alive in this world. This must be related to you, right?" He Zhiran did not deny this.

"The book indeed records that after your exile, you died shortly after leaving the capital. However, the cause of death remains a mystery.

I speculate that you were summoned to the palace by the emperor late at night and severely injured after receiving a hundred beatings. This could be one possible cause of death, and the other is that those who wanted to take your life sent someone to assassinate you."

Mo Jiuye nodded. "Indeed, with your warning and the cushion you gave me for protection, I couldn't bear fifty beatings, let alone a hundred, especially without any preparation.

In that situation, anyone who wanted to take my life would have found it as easy as turning their hand."

Mo Jiuye was not afraid of death; he had long been prepared to sacrifice himself for his country.

However, he didn't want to die in such an obscure manner.

Now that he could live well, it was all thanks to He Zhiran.

Gratitude unspoken, Mo Jiuye deeply engraved all of this in his heart. In the future, he would strive to make her the happiest woman in the world and wholeheartedly protect her.

The two of them continued to bury themselves in their books. Mo Jiuye quickly skimmed through the content of his posthumous life, paying special attention to the situations of important figures.

Only then did Mo Jiuye realize why He Zhiran didn't accept the silver ticket given by Fei Nanyu.

Originally, Fei Nanyu turned out to be the future emperor, and he achieved remarkable political accomplishments, earning him the title of an emperor for all ages.

This was something that Mo Jiuye could never have imagined.

Including Nan Qi, who became the next emperor of the Da Shun Dynasty, he met an early demise due to his lust for women.

And Nan Rui, he was only briefly mentioned in the historical records.

The previous content was fine, almost identical to Nan Rui's current situation, without mentioning any ambitions he had.

Moreover, Nan Rui's death occurred shortly after Nan Qi ascended the throne.

At this moment, he was incredibly shocked, even sharing the same thoughts as He Zhiran.

That is, if he didn't die, it meant that this history had changed, but he didn't know how it would develop in the future.

If he got involved, would he be able to stir up this situation?

These were just thoughts in Mo Jiuye's mind, after all, with his current identity, he couldn't do anything.

He Zhiran finally found a record about Nan Rui in the "Wild History."

She quickly called Mo Jiuye over and they watched it together.

Mo Jiuye didn't recognize simplified characters, so He Zhiran read it to him.

"The book says that Nan Rui hid his talents for several years and secretly built his own power. However, because he didn't dare to be too bold, his influence was not very extensive. Later, when Nan Qi and Nan Heng competed with each other, he finally revealed his true colors.

The only time Nan Qi and Nan Heng joined forces was to eliminate Nan Rui."

Mo Jiuye took a deep breath. Based on the records in this book, combined with what He Zhiyuan said, he could already conclude that Nan Rui was not as simple as he appeared.

And when he was able to instruct He Zhiyuan to seize grain and supplies, it was partly to deepen the conflict between Nan Qi and Nan Heng, and also with the intention of getting rid of Nan Rui.

After all, everyone knew about his close relationship with Nan Qi.

Nan Heng was most wary of Nan Qi because he had Mo Jiuye, an invincible ally.

"In that case, we have to watch out for Nan Rui too."

He Zhiran shrugged, it seemed like solving Nan Heng's matter had just led to the need to be on guard against Nan Rui.

Luckily, Emperor Shunwu only had these three sons. If there were more, they would really have a hard time dealing with them.

"Do you have any good strategies now?"

Mo Jiuye sneered, "Nan Rui is wary of me for the same reason as Nan Heng. They are both worried that I will have a chance for a comeback and continue to assist Nan Qi.

Now, it depends on when he decides to take action against me. If he can wait until Fei Nanyu spreads the news of the rupture between me and Nan Qi, then he probably would stop trying to assassinate me to avoid trouble.

Otherwise, if he has already sent someone, we need to be prepared in the next few days."

He Zhiran agreed wholeheartedly with Mo Jiuye's words.

"For the next period of time, we should be more vigilant."

Saying that, He Zhiran took out her phone using telekinesis.

She directly opened the Taobao app and planned to select some self-defense tools for the women in their family.

The first thing that appears on Taobao is an information box, displaying the sales situation and income of the store.

He Zhiran glanced at it casually and saw that her income had increased by 700,000. With a clear understanding, she closed the information box.

Inside Taobao, she searched for women's self-defense items, and the most common ones were mini stun guns and anti-wolf sprays.

The mini stun gun looked compact and practical, so she decisively purchased one.

In front of Mo Jiuye, she opened the packaging and aimed the top of the mini stun gun at the table, pressing the switch.

A buzzing sound was heard.

Mo Jiuye asked, "What is this?"
