Chapter 224

Chu Yu saw Su Xiaoqi come back to the classroom with a blank look on her face.

She was chatting with the student next to her, her smile a little more enthusiastic.

"I have plenty of pens like this one, next time I'll give you a box of them."

As soon as Xiaoqi sat down, Miele bumped her arm: "What did the head teacher want you for? Did he talk about you?"

"I'll tell you when we get back." Xiaoqi didn't want to talk about it in class, besides, the class had already started. She still listened carefully even though it was just an introductory course on Marxism, not a major subject. Xiaoqi really liked the teacher Mao Xihong. Listening to her lessons was really eye-opening and educational, so she always listened extra attentively.

Xiaoqi was still a little confused about the English speech contest.


She wasn't a particularly outgoing or confident person, so when she saw people chatting away passionately on stage, she thought they were really impressive. Xiaoqi felt this was a great opportunity to improve herself, but what would she give a speech about?

She felt quite restricted and didn't know what to say. She worried she might get very nervous on stage. There would first be a contest at school this Friday, and only the winner could go on to compete at Qingmeng University after the National Day holiday.

Brother Lin Min was at Qingmeng University. Whenever Xiaoqi and her roommates talked about Qingmeng University, they felt it was very different, like a completely different world from Enhua University, the gulf between mediocre and excellent students probably.

In elementary and middle school, good and bad students still went to the same school, but they gradually got streamed. In high school they went to different schools based on their middle school exam results. Then they got streamed again into different universities based on their gaokao scores, preferences and luck.

Xiaoqi daydreamed for a while before focusing back on the teacher when class started.

She finally made it through class and didn't go straight back to the dorm with her roommates. Instead, they went to the student street for a meal, since they easily got tired of the cafeteria food.


Girls this age have big appetites. They went to the restaurant where Yunshu's parents treated them. The food there was very good. Xiaoqi said her tutoring wage had gone up, so she would treat them, to celebrate a bit.

Hearing that the head teacher had called Xiaoqi for the English speech contest rather than the campus forum thing, Miele got excited again, immediately distracted.

"What day is the contest? We'll all go cheer you on!"

Xiaoqi had just received the competition schedule from the head teacher. The timing was pretty tight. "The school contest is this Friday afternoon. If I get through, the contest at Qingmeng University is after the National Day holiday."

"Perfect, then we can all go to Qingmeng University together, as your cheer squad."

"That would be so nice!" Weio said in her sweet voice.


"Yunshu, shall we go together? I've wanted to visit Qingmeng University for a while. We can go and cheer Xiaoqi on."

Xiaoqi smiled. Her roommates all acted like she was sure to win. Now she wanted to say Weio's catchphrase: "That would be so nice!"

Miele's thoughts jumped around. "What should we wear?"

Xiaoqi: ...

Girls' priorities seemed to eternally be clothes first, everything else second.

"You should probably focus on Friday's speech first. You have to get first place to go to Qingmeng." Xiaoqi said helplessly.

Her roommates giggled. Even Yunshu teased Xiaoqi, "We believe in you." They were really impressed seeing Xiaoqi communicate so well with the foreign teacher.

After eating, they went back to the dorm since they had no afternoon classes.

After her nap, Xiaoqi went to Xinqu. She first checked in at the driving school, and bought a moderately priced pack of cigarettes to ingratiate herself with the coach, feeling a little awkward about it.

Fortunately it was when the coach took her to see her locker, so he happily took the cigarettes, saying "No need to be so polite, if you study hard you'll get your license soon."

Xiaoqi didn't know how to respond, just smiling shyly.

Maybe because the afternoon was hot, there weren't too many people.

Or it was Xiaoqi's psychological feeling. After giving the cigarettes, the coach's attitude seemed better. She only waited 10 minutes before she could practice driving.

The coach explained the function of everything. Xiaoqi had never driven before, but her memory was very good now. She basically remembered everything the coach said just once.

She listened carefully, familiarizing herself with the car. Half an hour quickly passed, and it was time to let the next student drive. Perhaps because of the effect of the cigarettes, the coach let her get in the driver's seat and experience it a bit.

Xiaoqi was still nervous, but she was steady and could control the car. She actually started the engine, slowly but still driving. It was a novel feeling, very different, she was excited with a big smile.

At that moment in the dorm, the roommates hadn't gone out.

Regarding the school forum thing, although Xiaoqi didn't talk about it, they were still concerned.

They planned to do something. Miele had gone to post by herself yesterday, and was immediately flamed as soon as she posted. Today they decided to go together as roommates.

Miele also enlisted help from the senior Chen Jianfei from the photography club she knew. She asked him to help find the IP address of the person who posted the photos on the campus forum.

And Yunshu, instead of reading novels as usual when she got back, also logged into the campus forum. She was responsible for posting the photos and videos of Jin Zaiyan and Grace from the party group. There were videos of them making kimchi together, Xiaoqi cooking, the food she made...

Posting videos on the forum was a bit tricky, but easy for Yunshu.

Weio was responsible for finding foreign teacher Jin Zaiyan's resume and posting it, specially noting her gender as female.

The girls took action separately.

The math senior Chen Jianfei wasn't great at it himself, but asked other experts, and got the IP addresses. One was from a black internet cafe on the student street, seemingly useless. The other was from their Huashan dorm building, likely their next door neighbors.

It was easier to lookup IPs on campus, but not very precise.

The senior sent the info to Miele. Miele was furious, not knowing who it was, but the random rumors in class earlier must have been spread by a classmate, certainly another girl since there were less than 20 girls in their class. Who was so nasty?

As the roommates posted more content, the highly upvoted flaming post finally started to reverse. Different voices appeared instead of unanimous scolding.

There were clear close up photos and videos.

The so-called Korean foreign teacher who toyed with freshmen turned out to be female.

And the Suixing girl who took the initiative to offer herself only went to make kimchi?

The Suixing girl's cooking skills looked great, I want to eat that!

The forum slowly went off topic again.

Endlessly discussing whether kimchi tastes good or not, whether Koreans really eat kimchi with every meal.

Some also said the Korean female foreign teacher was quite pretty upon closer look, a bit like an actress who crossdressed to make it in the entertainment industry in a TV drama.

And the Suixing girl's English was so good, speaking so fast with great intonation. She sounded totally like a foreigner.

Great singing, great writing, and strong English, a genuine study goddess!

Probably realizing they had been easily fooled, the keyboard warriors now praised her the most enthusiastically...

Xiaoqi drove slowly and steadily, passing sunshine and tree shade, beaming with joy. Driving was really fun.
