Chapter 150

Wei Cheng's change was too big.

Chen Mier was so excited that she immediately asked Xiao Qi to help her with her makeup.

Even Gu Yunshu, who was usually aloof, uncharacteristically spoke up, "I want to try it too."

Chen Mier has nice facial features - big eyes, a tall nose, small lips. Her face shape is good too, an oval face. She's just a little darker complexioned. Chen Mier's face seems like the kind that wouldn't have as dramatic a change as Wei Cheng's when she puts on makeup. Her features are already quite suitable and good-looking.

However, an ordinary person's face still has some issues with details. Chen Mier's eyes are big with double eyelids, but they don't have the liveliness that Wei Cheng's eyes have. They just feel big without being lively.

Because her skin is generally darker, she gives off the feeling of "Oh, this girl looks quite good, but she still has that small town vibe. Her features are good-looking, but unsophisticated, not stylish."


Xiao Qi still carefully applied her base makeup first. To make darker skin appear lighter doesn't mean just applying lighter-colored foundation. Based on feel, Xiao Qi chose a shade that matched Chen Mier's skin tone and applied her foundation. She had just done a facial mask and usually took care of her skin too, so makeup application was easy.

She has a great face shape, so as long as the foundation is evenly applied, it'll be fine. Xiao Qi felt that she should look into relevant books later and not just know the surface without understanding the reasoning behind it.

After applying the foundation, her whole face became more three-dimensional, smooth and tender, without getting much lighter, but looking much cleaner.

Next was eye makeup. Xiao Qi also trimmed Chen Mier's eyebrows. She must have gotten them trimmed before, but new growth had come out recently, because with her big eyes, Xiao Qi didn't trim them to be too thin. She kept her original brow shape for the most part, just clearing up the messy hairs. There was a scar on the tail of her left eyebrow, probably from falling when she was little. So her left brow was shorter by a bit.

After tidying up her brows, Xiao Qi lightly filled in the tail with brow powder, not using black brow pencil like the one Chen Mier used herself to fill them in, which looked abrupt when seen as a whole. Her original brows were quite nice-looking and didn't need that kind of emphasis. Using natural brown to add a little tail was good enough.

Then it was eye makeup. Xiao Qi made Chen Mier's eyeliner a little thinner, just a thin line, because her double eyelids were very obvious. Just that little flick made her eyes look much more lively. She added a tiny bit of light blue eye shadow, very faint.


As for lashes, hers were already quite thick and dense, just not very long. Just brushing them lightly was good enough.

Next was lips. Chen Mier's personality was lively and outgoing, her skin a little dark. Xiao Qi chose a matte peach pink shade for her, which paired with her skin tone well, looked bright but not too heavy, and suited her youthful beautiful girl look today. When Xiao Qi said she was done, Chen Mier looked in the mirror and cheered loudly.

Xiao Qi felt it was fine. Chen Mier's makeup transformation wasn't as dramatic as Wei Cheng's. At most, she was like a camera with no beauty filter turning into one with beauty mode on. She looked more delicate and refined.

But to Chen Mier herself, she was very satisfied no matter how she looked at herself, feeling like she was the most dazzling little beauty. She almost couldn't wait to go out now.

Lastly was Gu Yunshu. Gu Yunshu was the little princess in her family, having been brought by her mom to attend various functions and gotten her makeup done before, but she actually felt that the famous makeup artists her mom hired weren't as good as her roommate.

She usually wasn't very interested in makeup, but now was very much looking forward to it.


Watching her roommate Wei Cheng transform from a rough, somewhat unsophisticated girl with a ponytail into a stylish, trendy girl, she felt it was simply magical.

And after Chen Mier's makeup, she immediately became more stylish and refined all of a sudden. Her makeup wasn't very heavy either, but she looked much more fresh and had more of an air about her.

"My skin is a little thin and prone to irritation," Gu Yunshu said obediently after sitting down.

She used A Bluer Sea because she'd heard it was good for sensitive, irritation-prone skin.

Xiao Qi touched her cheek. Indeed her skin was very tender, feeling like it would break from the lightest touch.

Gu Yunshu's skin was quite fair, transparently white with a rosy glow underneath. She probably had the best skin protection out of the three. Although it had tanned slightly from military training, it was still much whiter than Wei Cheng and Chen Mier's complexions.

But Xiao Qi's was even whiter.

Gu Yunshu's skin was flawless. Her lips were also quite nice-looking. Her biggest issue was having slightly wide-set eyes. The distance between her brows was wide too. It made her look a little silly all the time. And because her eyes were wide-set, her nose looked very flat too, making her whole face look oddly flat.

Since she said her skin was sensitive and prone to irritation, Xiao Qi didn't use Chen Mier's makeup products, just Gu Yunshu's own oil control powder foundation with SPF.

She applied a thin layer of foundation.

Xiao Qi worked on her eyebrows first. She discovered that with nicely groomed eyebrows, the whole face looked much cleaner.

Gu Yunshu's brows had some stray hairs. The shape itself was quite nice, broad, so Xiao Qi trimmed them to be just a little thinner. It made her look less spirited and less silly, less boyish. And because her eyes were too wide-set, Xiao Qi adjusted the inner ends of her brows appropriately, using brow pencil to extend them slightly inward.

This made both brows appear slightly closer together, but didn't look too overdone. Just extending them by a tiny bit. Anything too exaggerated might make her whole face look out of proportion.

With the brows done, Xiao Qi still needed to do some eye makeup to make adjustments. Just pulling the brows together wasn't enough. It still looked off. Gu Yunshu's eyes themselves were quite attractive, just wide-set. Xiao Qi extended the eyeliner on the inner corners of her eyes, enhancing the contour of the inner corners so both eyes would also appear closer together. Then she addressed the flat nose issue and added some shading to give it more dimension.

She put on a little eye shadow, deeper on both outer corners and lighter in the middle. This would visually shorten the distance between her eyes too. After Xiao Qi's adjustments, Gu Yunshu no longer looked silly at all, instantly becoming more spirited and lively.

Choosing lip color was easy. Xiao Qi picked a bright true red since her fair skin was the perfect backdrop for it, but applied it thinly since the makeup look wasn't meant to be too heavy.

When Xiao Qi said she was done, Gu Yunshu looked in the mirror and was also very surprised. She looked great; very satisfied.

If her mom saw her now, she'd probably chatter on about it for a whole day.

She'd always felt her face was ordinary and dull, flat and plain. She wasn't very competitive or outstanding because of that, but she would never have imagined that with Xiao Qi's makeup, the transformation would be so dramatic. She now looked like the most dazzling girl at a formal dinner party, exquisitely beautiful. Gu Yunshu didn't even know how to compliment herself anymore.

You're most familiar with changes in your own appearance, so even little changes can be very surprising.

The three of them looked themselves over from top to bottom in front of the mirror, quite pleased.

They'd all gotten their makeup done while Xiao Qi hadn't put any on herself. Chen Mier asked her to do her makeup too, but Xiao Qi shook her head. "Look at the time. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to catch the bus back."

"Fine, Xiao Qi still looks pretty without makeup anyway." Chen Mier was anxious to go out and gave in first.

The four roommates left their dorm like an army procession with their bags on back.

They were taking the coach bus. Although Gu Yunshu usually had a private car, she wasn't that particular after getting to campus either. The four of them were a team after all, and the bus only cost 7 yuan into town, very economical.

If she called a private car without letting her roommates chip in, it would have been awkward.

Chen Mier walked like she had wind at her heels, feeling exceptionally beautiful.

Wei Cheng was tall but usually slouched when walking. Today she was even walking proudly with head held high, very confident.

Gu Yunshu always had good poise. She didn't actually lack self-esteem, but she was low-key normally and not very noticeable. Yet today she stood out exceptionally.

The dorm mates were obviously all in great moods.

Xiao Qi was feeling pretty good too, seemingly able to glimpse her own developmental process just from seeing such obvious changes in others, as she steadily improved.

At this moment she once again heard the familiar mechanical voice in her ear: “Host helped roommates with makeup, raising their confidence and bringing them positive energy. Rewarding host Marxist basic principles and theoretical overview expertise.”

Xiao Qi: ......
