Chapter 582: Harassment again  

It's said that the Water God Tian Wu was also rescued. Many of the Moer Gan people came to worship Tian Wu with their families in spite of the snow and cold.

When he saw that Tian Wu's head was two heads short, the Moer Gan people wailed more heartily than someone who had broken his leg and arm!

They kept swearing at the Horn-people.

Some of the older men took off their clothes and wanted to jump into the lake to offer sacrifices.

Tian Wu is also short of energy. She will eat those people with his mouth open.

Yan Mo put down his face, shook his hands and threw the man who jumped into the lake onto the shore.


"The Jiu Yuan is not allowed to eat people! No matter who it is!”

The Moer Gan people said they were willing to sacrifice to Tian Wu.

Tian Wu also yelled at Yan Mo and thought he was nosy.

Yan Mo laughed angrily. "Do you want your two heads back?"

"Hey? Can you grow them back?” Tian Wu stopped crying at once, swam to Yan Mo, and looked at him innocently and flatteringly.

Obviously, he has no shame, but he's also thrilled to be stared at by many eyes. Yan Mo said nothing, "Yes, but I have to pay a lot of energy. And because of the Ancestor God's request, I only save the people recognized by him, if not the people of Jiu Yuan, they must exchange equally to the treatment."


The fully talked about Ancestor God: If you were standing in front of me! Believe it or not, I'll kill you!

The little bulb in Tian Wu's head snapped and asked anxiously, “I don't have anything to exchange with you. Can you make my head grow back as long as I join the Jiu Yuan?"

"You want to join the Jiu Yuan?" Yan Mo said in a slow voice.

The MoerGan people all look at Tian Wu. They can't understand Tian Wu's words, but they can analyze the meaning from one or two of Yan Mo's words.

Will their Water God join the Jiu Yuan?

Well, it seems... Not bad?


Qi Yuan looked solemn and calm. He supported any decision of the Water God. Now the MoerGan has no the priest. Qi Shui priest died so suddenly, and his disciples are gone. No one knows how to sacrifice the Water God and how to communicate with the Water God. The MoerGan is already dead.

If the priest of the Jiu Yuan can resume his duty of communicating with the Water God and offering sacrifices to the Water God, what's the difference between their name of the MoerGan and that of the Jiu Yuan?

Qi Yuan whispered his opinions to people nearby.

His intimate friends and people nearby spread his words, but many people thought it was reasonable. Before that, they felt a lot of uneasiness and loss when they fled to the Jiu Yuan, but if the Water God came here, they would not be afraid of anything!

It's just like when they changed the priest and a chief. Their gods have not changed.

And join the Jiu Yuan. In addition to the Water God, the Ancestor God will bless them. How nice!

Tian Wu is more direct. She is a God rather than a high-level energy intelligent animal. There is only one principle to be obeyed: Who gives milk is Mother!

The Moer Gan’s Chief betrayed him, and the priest died. She seemed to be free, but she was used to living with human beings, mating with human beings, and left for a while.

Although joining the Jiu Yuan, we will share the waters with the Mer-people in the future, but those Mer-people smell really good. Maybe in the future, she can secretly eat one or two?

With the temptations of the Mer-people and a long head, Tian Wu's voice made a wavy line: "Yes ~ ~"

Yan Mo has a lot of rules to make with Tian Wu, but now it's not the right time, "You really want to join the Jiu Yuan, so swear with your soul."


"Read to me: I, Tian Wu, under the supervision of the gods, swear by my soul to join the Jiu Yuan from today, swear not to hurt the people of the Jiu Yuan, swear not to betray the Jiu Yuan, and abide by all the rules of the Jiu Yuan..."

Half an hour later, Tian Wu's two severed heads grew up again in public.

Yan Mo's prestige has been raised again after this miracle, let alone now.

There will be a huge operation in the dark, and the whole camp of the Jiu Yuan is preparing for it.

Even the nearly five thousand slaves who had just been rescued, as long as they were in good health, were doing what they could.

Ying Shi of the Black Water tribe was not polite either. Seeing that they sincerely wanted to help, they decided to assign tasks to them.

The new slaves were afraid that they were seen as useless. Most of them were very happy when they saw something to do.

Several key figures disappeared from the camp, including the Water God Tian Wu, who had just been rescued, and 800 Mer-warriors, who had been supporting from the river.

On the other hand, after two raids, the Horn-people camp has greatly improved its defense. Even if the snow is still heavy and they can freeze to death when going out for a while at night, they still send more patrolmen.

The upper class of the Horn-people deliberately suppressed the fact that all the slaves in the slave camp ran away. Few of the slave warriors knew about it.

Many slave warriors had to run out to guard the door at night when the temperature was nearly 30 degrees below zero. The Horn-people had to agree to let them light the fire to keep warm, but the fire in the fire seemed to freeze in the wind and snow. Only when they were very close could they barely feel a bit of heat.

The snow on the fire pit hasn't melted for half a day. I don't know how long they have to wait for it to boil. They can only hope to heat it up a little.

"When will this day pass?" the guard's slave warriors were too cold to fight. They could only cling to the fire.

"Yes, at this time in the past years, even slaves have entered caves or stocked villages. How can people go out at this time? Those cursed by the Water God... "

"Shut up! You don't want...”

The slave warriors wanted to make a look that they didn't care, but their voice was still lowered a lot. "What are you afraid of? Those Horn-people have entered the house. They can't hear what we are talking about because of the heavy snow. Those bone warriors don't understand!”

In the snow stood rows of bone warriors, motionless, gradually covered by the snow. But the slave warriors knew that at the command of the Horn-people, these bone warriors would immediately revive and play a very ferocious fighting force.

"Don't talk about it. Just bear it. You can change people in a while." The first slave warrior to speak and mutter.

“In fact, tonight is a good day to escape..." The slave warrior who spoke to the Horn-people looked up at the red sky. Because of the snow, it was not dark tonight, but because of the heavy snow, his sight was still blocked.

“Escape? Where can you escape?” A slave warrior sneered." our chief and his family are in the slave camp. Our Great Witch is locked in the dungeon. The chief and the Great Witch also have the Enslavement Bone. Do you want us to give up escaping with them?”

The other slaves, with their pain on their faces, swore in a low voice.

The Horn-people have more ways to control them than that. If one member of a team escapes, not only his relatives will suffer, but the rest of the team will be punished. If a team escapes, it's bad luck for the camp.

In this way, warriors who don't want to involve others into punishment can only bear to continue to be the slave warriors, and those who don't care about other people's life and death are closely watched by the same team and camp.

Unless everyone makes an appointment to escape, otherwise

“Oh, until we die, or until the Horn-people and the Jiu Yuan fail completely."

“No matter which victory side win, we will die!"

All the slave warriors stopped talking, and grief and despair spread among the people.

At this time, no one saw the wooden door of the mud house behind the fire opened a crack and quickly closed.

Qian Xi hugged himself tightly and huddled in the haystack. It was too cold at night. He even got all the things he could wear and wrap, but he was still cold.

Sleeping beside him, Cai He of the Moer Gan people who pushed towards him, as if trying to warm him with his body.

Once, he fought with this guy. The chief Qi Hao of the MoerGan used to take Cai Shi and Cai He and other people in their territory to rob people. Who knows that the slave trade of the Moer Gan is very popular, but the Moer Gan is rich in slave trade, and their surrounding small tribes have suffered a lot.

Qian Xi once swore that he would never let go of any one of the Moer Gan. If he saw one, he would kill!

But now he and the Moer Gan people worked as slave warriors for the Horn-people, and even slept in a grassy nest at night with their hateful enemies.

It's funny that he is afraid of the cold. As the second son of the Bianxi tribe, he doesn't morph. In winter, the other Bianxi tribe, including his younger brothers and sisters, can become a beast with thick fur to resist the wind and cold. Only he and a few people in his family can only rely on the fur and fire of other animals to resist.

What's funnier is that they are all the potential inheritors of the Great Witch, so they are not only in a low position in the family, but also under greater protection.

For this reason, he was put on the Enslavement Bone. Instead of being thrown as a slave or a material, they asked him to lead part of the Bianxi tribesmen to become a slave warrior for the Horn-people. Other tribesmen saw that he was controlled by the Enslavement Bone. They all gave up resistance and dared not escape. They were afraid that he would be punished and hurt.

The only thing to be thankful for is that they were not the whole population of the Bianxi tribe. More than half of them have escaped.

At the beginning, the Horn-people attacked, and his father fled to the Jiu Yuan with some people, while the witch took them to another way. There are two ways divide for warriors. The main purpose is to preserve their strength as much as possible and avoid being caught all together.

He didn't know if his father's group of tribesmen had escaped. He only knew that the one he and the witch had was soon caught.

Qian Xi once thought of suicide, but as long as he thought that the Great Witch was still suffering in the dungeon, he could not die irresponsibly. Besides, if he is dead, will his tribesmen escape smoothly?

Cai He behind him is was crowding on his side again.

Qian Xi felt a little warm behind him and sinks into sleep again.

"Wake up."

"Who is it?" Qian Xi woke up, turned over and sat up.

"Those who come to save you, so don't move."

Qian Xi didn't believe it. It was dark in the room. He could only stare at the darkness with his eyes wide open.

One hand reached his neck, and Qian Xi, who felt the warm hand wanted to dodge.

"You want to wear this enslavement bone all the time?"

Qian Xi doesn't move. No matter who is coming, if he can really get rid of the Enslavement Bone for him, he is willing to gamble.

I don't know what that hand did on the Enslavement Bone. After a while, the hand moved back. “From now on, the Enslavement Bone can't control you, but in order not to disturb the Horn-people, I can't help you completely remove it for the time being. Wait till we get to leave here."

"Who are you?" Qian Xi subconsciously raised his hand and touched the Enslavement Bone on his neck. He didn't believe it. It was so simple?

“Jiu Yuan’s priest, Mo.”

“It's you!” Qian Xi exclaimed. Even if he soon stopped speaking, the voice spread.

Strangely, several people who lived in the same room with him didn't respond as if they hadn't heard his scream.

Are they still sleeping?

Qian Xi is not very optimistic. He touched the Enslavement Bone again, then reached for the void - where is the man? At the same time, he whispered: “It's so cold and snowy outside. Even if we remove the Enslavement Bone, we can't escape. Even if we do, we can't escape."

"Don't worry, you don't need to work so hard. You just need to do a few small things and leave the rest to me. As long as you don't get into trouble, I can save you all.” The reassuring soft voice is so convincing that it can't help believing him.

"What do you want me to do?" Qian Xi has begun to believe in this voice.

Qian Xi slept so sweetly that he felt that he had a very good dream.

In the dream, a young man who called himself "The Jiu Yuan's priest" helped him release the Enslavement Bone.

He was willing to ask the other side to help him save the witch, and the other side agreed.

"Qian Xi?"

Qian Xi opened his eyes.

Cai He looked at him strangely.

Qian Xi sat up and found that the sky was already light. He unconsciously touched the Enslavement Bone on his neck and found no abnormality.

But last night's dream was so real that he even remembered the time agreed by the Jiu Yuan's priest to escape.

Cai He looked at him and stopped talking.

The rest of the room got up again and again. Everyone got up with a strange expression.

In the end, it was like when you look at me and I look at you, you seem to want to say something, and you are all worried.

Qian Xi slowly looked at all the people in the room with the faint light through the crack of the door. Suddenly, his heart moved and said, “I had a dream last night..."

Everyone else was in a good mood.

Cai He made a gesture. At this time, no matter what kind of resentment the people in the house had, they all put it down temporarily. All the people gathered around Qian Xi and CaiHe.

“I had a dream last night, too. How about you?"

Everyone nodded.

Cai He lowered his voice, “Let's verify what dreams we have each had."

Twelve men gathered together and whispered their dreams.

With each dream revealed, the smile on the faces of all the people can no longer be suppressed.

"Shh." Qian Xi raised his finger, “It seems that we all have the same dream. If the dream is true, then most of our tribesmen have been sent to the Jiu Yuan at this time, and our worries have been reduced by more than half. The other side said that he would be responsible for rescuing the important people of all ethnic groups in the dungeon. So now there's a question left. Do you want to gather our people before the time in your dreams?”

"Those bone warriors..." Some people have concerns.

“It's the best opportunity," Cai He said decidedly! “Those warriors with horns are afraid of the cold, they will not come out easily in the house. We take advantage of the snow and wind to solve the bone warriors outside. I know where the weakness of the bone warriors is. As long as we cut off the yuan-crystal on them, they will not move. Then deal with the Horn-people. The Horn-people think that with the Enslavement Bone controlling us, we dare not rebel against them. We are not wary of us. We should have a great chance to start against them before more people realize it. "

Qian Xi looked around and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to do it?"

Cai He said, “But before that, we need to verify. What if our enslavement bone hasn't been released?"

"How to test and deliberately provoke them to punish us?"

"That's it! Simple, but direct. If the threat of the Enslavement Bone to us has really been eliminated, I will pretend to be one or two who fight, and I'm sorry that the Horn-people can't see it. "

Yan Mo used his willpower to increase his speed in the Horn-people camp. He did find some warehouses, and also conveniently stole some things, such as food, fur, red salt and bone reserves.

But he didn't find any bone objects warehouse, none!

It seems that the powerful weapon should be stored in bone objects and carried by Nita and other senior officials.

Yan Mo didn't disturb the Horn-people, let alone capture their high-ups. He just packed all the food, salt and heating materials that could be found in the new city and the old city, as well as the warrior camp, into the space.

At dawn, the light is better than at night, which makes the world brighter.

The blizzard had stopped in the middle of his turn, but because of the demand of Yan Mo, the just stopped blizzard was blowing again, almost no one noticed that the blizzard had stopped for a moment.
