Chapter 563: The undercover plan  

The sculpting method of the forehead bone ornament is similar to the Enslavement Bone. Yan Mo disassembled it several times in the Soul Sea and knew how to destroy it.

The chief told Yan Mo that the new Master was calling him. If he couldn't get there immediately, his head would be very painful.

Yan Mo opened his eyes to let him not worry. He immediately isolated the soul power left by Hu-Lian in the forehead ornament, but did not erase it. Then he put the forehead ornament into the space.

The sculpting idea of this forehead ornament is very good, among which it is very desirable to use soul force to form connection at a long distance. The most important thing is that the primary crystal on this forehead ornament can absorb the surrounding energy to supplement itself after consumption.

As far as he knows, some Bone Sculptors, including the eastern continent, have not specialized in collecting and charging the used up yuan-crystals. In this respect, he didn't learn from bone objects, which proves that the bone object is not omnipotent either. There are many reasons for this.

Maybe it's because this kind of charging method was just developed just before the last major war explosion, so it was not included in the bone inheritance in time. It's also possible that some people hid it in their privacy and don't want to give this kind of charging method to other Bone Sculptors - if Hu-Lian is involved in this research, he will definitely do it.


Results Bone Inheritance didn't receive this kind of charging method. Instead, the later intelligent creatures in the eastern continent picked up or explored the bone objects of the Bone Sculpting people, and then developed a method to charge the yuan-crystals.

As for whether the Horn-people in the western continent know about this charging method, because the contact time is really not long, Yan Mo has no way to know.

"What do you want to do?" the young sapling in the Soul Sea suddenly asked him.

Yan Mo smiled, “I want to combine the Enslavement Bone and the forehead ornament to see if I can make a self-charging soul contact device of bone objects version."

“Good idea." The young sapling affirmed him, and the topic changed: "One soul of the Bone Inheritance you wear wanted to talk to you."

Yan Mo raises his eyebrows. No wonder the young sapling will take the initiative to talk to him. It's for the soul in the bone. Now Bone Inheritance can't affect him completely. Young sapling is very domineering. After completely integrating with him, he completely disconnected Bone Inheritance from him. However, Yan Mo has been used to wearing Bone Inheritance, so he didn't take it off his shoulder.


"Wait a minute. I'll get this thing settled first." This is the advantage of breaking contact with Bone Inheritance. The other party can no longer connect with him at any time regardless of his will.

The young sapling made two treacherous smiled and went to be a preacher to the other side.

This way, the Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers lost the shackles of the forehead ornament, and he took a big breath of relief. His eyes were still a little nostalgic. Although the forehead ornament controlled it, it also had a certain protective effect on the wearer, and it also magnified the soul power, making the sense of deterrence even worse.

Yan Mo saw his reluctant eyes and smiled a little. He found a bone bracelet from the space and handed it to him. "This is a body protecting bone bracelet, suitable for all levels and categories of yuan-crystals. If you have 9th rank yuan-crystals, it can withstand the full blow of a 10th rank warrior at most. Unfortunately, because of the material, if there is a 10th rank warrior attacking you, it is likely to be damaged after one hit. As for the attack of warriors of other levels, according to the level of yuan-crystal you are equipped with, the time you can resist is also different, which needs your own testing."

Yan Xiaole was a little envious, and the whole body sent out the idea of “I want it too".

Yan Mo received the signal, smiled, raises his hand to touch Yan Xiaole's skull and said to him with soul power: “I will make a bone object specially for you, whatever kind of bone object you want, you can think of it from now on, think about it, think about it, tell me."


Yan Xiaole made a "click" laugh, my father is so nice!

The Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers, stared with astounded eyes, a useless forehead ornament has been replaced by a protective bone bracelet that can resist the attack of a 10th rank warrior. This It's worthy of being the brother of our Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers! It's caring!

"Hissing! Brother, you'll be my brother later!” The chief's thick tail kept slapping the ground, so he would be happy. At this time, he completely ignored the problem of yuan-crystal.

Yan Mo thought that the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers were full of treasure, and he gave them a 8th rank yuan crystal coins as a gift. He also taught them how to install them. The way to install the yuan-crystals is very simple, that is, the claws of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers can do it easily.

"You should wear this Bone Bracelet first. I'll figure out how to charge the yuan-crystal automatically later. I'll replace it with a new one."

"Hissing! Good brother!” The chief was so moved.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Yan Mo asked if they could give him some of the large amount of descaling stored as waste materials.

Without saying anything, the chief turned and led him to the warehouse. "Collecting our scales and bones is the original master's explanation, but he never came back, and the new master didn't ask us. Over the years, the first warehouse has been full. Later, we had the dephosphorization and death of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers, and all of them were transferred to the underground caves outside. Now many of them are full. If you want, take it!”

“Bones too?" Yan Mo heard that there were so many scales, and he could take them at will, which made him dizzy.

Hu-Lian, thank you very much. You've done another great thing for the future!

"Of course." It doesn't matter, because their masters are the Bone Sculpting People, the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers became those who attach different importance to the dead bones of the same race. In their eyes, their bones and scales are just two kinds of property. And Yan Mo's attention to it will only make them feel honored, not insulted.

Five minutes later, Yan Mo saw a warehouse full of scales and skeletons of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers.

The warehouse is huge, much larger than the one Yan Xiaole used to be in.

It's also amazing that, after such a long time, the bones and the body remains of any creature have either turned into flying ash or become fossils.

But the scales and skeletons of the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers gradually changed after contacting with the polluted sand for a long time. Maybe they are able to resist the decomposition ability of decomposing bacteria themselves, and staying with polluted sand for a long time makes their ability more powerful.

The chief's words also proved this point, it said this here were once too many, fortunately, most of the previous ones have turned into ashes, and they have been netted out for us, but I don't know when it started, our scales and skeletons will not turn into ashes after a while and this went on up to now, which just accumulates more and more. This is the first one, the newer one and the latest one are all in the cave. "

Yan Mo guessed that the cave it said was the huge underground cave that had passed through before entering the bottom of the spacecraft.

"Just here. How much can I take?"

"How much do you want?"

"Well, a lot."

The chief was very amicable. As soon as his thick tail slapped the ground, "You can take as much as you can!"

So the warehouse was emptied.

The Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers: It's worthy of being the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers priest. It's amazing!

The Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers is very proud that he has contacted such a talented for his tribe. But it never mentioned taking Yan Mo to other storage caves. Although these things are the garbage they don't want, the priest brothers just said that they can exchange scales and skeletons for what they need in the future, so it's better to keep some as inventory to sell later, hiss!

After that, Yan Mo and the Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers transferred the rest of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers into the desert together, and there was no one left at the bottom.

The clan leader wanted to send some warriors to follow Yan Mo. Yan Mo said he doesn't need it for the time being. He can move better alone.

From the bottom to the fifth floor, there is a special channel for the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers. Yan Mo and Yan Xiaole climb up that channel.

Patrolmen were already visible near the entrance.

These patrolmen are not human beings. They are all big bugs.

Yan Mo carefully looked at it and simulates the image of the Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers in the Soul Sea. He doesn't want to be the same inside, as long as the appearance looked like it, it doesn't take a long time.

Later, Yan Mo, who became the chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers, took out his forehead ornament from the space and put it on, and climbed out of the passage.

Ah, it’s not good to pretend to be Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers. He had to walk on all fours. He is not used to it!

Yan Xiaole was obedient and nestled in the passageway, but soon after Yan Mo left, he stared at those insect warriors outside and quickly reaches with his hand.

The last bug at the end of the team dragged him into the passage.

But because of his speed, there was not a single insect in the team who managed to through the passage.

When Yan Xiaole caught the insect, the first thing he does is to tear off its antennae, wings and other parts related to the vocal organ.

Insect: Die quickly!

Let me talk about on the other end.

When he knew that the UFO was the key left by himself, Miao Xiang was ecstatic.

But he also asked, “I saw the deformed Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers go in. Where is he now? Is he still alive?”

Flying saucer, "He may have been killed or captured by the invading enemy."

Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan at that time were talking and cultivating the soul of bone warrior. Because the UFO is seizing the last energy with the Ink Murder, it had no time to notice or be distracted. It later came into contact with a dark chamber of the ship during the tumbling, opened it and fell into it.

After that, it absorbed the energy of the ship, transferred the central intelligence to one antennae, concentrates most of the energy to other parts, and finally breaks the antennae and ejects them, with that he managed to get rid of the energy absorption of the Ink Murder broken blade. Which ended their fight in a draw.

When it changed its body, it decides to give up the weak and look for the strong like Miao Xiang who can bring more benefits to it.

Miao Xiang is relieved as long as there is no second creature competing with him for control of the dungeon.

"Someone has infiltrated the underground city?" Miao Xiang thought it would be better to deal with a deformed Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearer. Unexpectedly, the underground city that he knew was extremely solid and had never been broken through by anyone was broken through. Who is it? Would it be Yuan Zhan?

The UFO replied, "Yes, there is only one person at present."

Nine out of ten that's the Jiu Yuan chief. He's really getting more and more powerful! Miao Xiang's heart contracted.

"Well, I agree with your terms. Neither the primary crystal nor the material is a problem. No one will be able to enter the 6th floor without your permission. I can also promise you. Now you take me to the 11th floor!”

First agreed, and then exterminate them one by one to solve the problem. The dungeon is his, and he will not give the right to rule to anyone or anything, nor can God!

The UFO agreed. It didn't say that its enemy might still be on the 11th floor. It only asked Miao Xiang to bring more people, because the enemy had infiltrated the underground city.

It didn't want to let others know too many secrets of the underground city, but at this time, with Miao Xiang it had no choice.

Just then, the chief of Yan Mo brand Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers was led in. Miao Xiang was cold at the sight of him: "How can I come?"

Yan Mo A: "Hiss! Hiss! Hiss

Obviously, other people are hissing, but when it came to Miao Xiang's mind, it will automatically become something he can understand: Find the enemy, find him, but if we cannot find him, so it's too late.

Miao Xiang immediately asked, "What's the enemy like? Are there several? Is it male or female? Is it young or middle-aged? Did you hear their names?”

"Hissing! Only one was found. The other side was too fast. We didn't see it clearly. "

“You’re useless!" Miao Xiang deliberately ridiculed Yan Mo A: “I asked you to get through the 11th floor, did you get through?"

Yan Mo's armor lowered its head and looked frightened and ashamed.

"Hum! A bunch of trash! I know I can't rely on you!” Miao Xiang no longer paid attention to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo minimizes his sense of existence and listened to Miao Xiang's orders to gather people.

The small flying saucer circled around him, but in order to save energy, it did not scan him. They also have monsters, abilities and instruments that can transform and change their appearance, so scanning is the basic function of such intelligent machines. However, little UFO did not expect that there was also a metamorphosis monster here, and it was still only a metamorphosis monster without any racial and linguistic barriers.

After gathering some necessary personnel, Miao Xiang followed the UFO and led the team to the 11th floor. At the same time, he asked, “Is there any huge space in the 11th floor, and there is a huge skeleton in it?"

The flying saucer gave out a bright light, illuminating the dark passage, "Yes." It's where it escaped before.

“Great!" Miao Xiang clenched.

Yan Mo: What nonsense! Xiaole is already mine! But...

Chuan Shajia Yan Mo opened his mouth and smiled strangely.

In the dark passage, Yan Xiaole received the soul power connection from Yan Mo, who he regards as his father. He immediately left the insect warrior who is half dead and half alive, and turned around and run to the bottom.

Between the ground floor and the 11th floor, Yuan Zhan left a very hidden entrance and exit, which was just used for going up.

“By the way, did you just say that you could provide me with some weapons?" Miao Xiang asked the UFO.

Yan Mo also raised his ears.

"To get weapons, I need enough energy." The flying saucer gave Miao Xiang a good picture of the future. “Believe me, with these weapons, no one on this planet can be your enemy except the real God."

Miao Xiang trembled with excitement and promised: “I will find the materials and yuan-crystals you need as fast as I can."

Yan Mo: It seems that the ship's intelligence has to be re-educated. Not to mention that the heart of non-human beings must be different, only the other party is the program. Before he has no way to change his program, this intelligence will only serve its original owner. Will it have good intentions for local creatures? It's impossible to think about it!

On the 11th floor, the UFO opened the door of the open warehouse and used a little energy to light the warehouse.

In the warehouse, a huge bone warrior was sitting quietly in the corner.

It's a pity for UFO that the two sides can't fight now because the enemy is not there.

Miao Xiang almost jumped up. "Still there! Fortunately, it's still there. I knew that I could not fail like this. God Pan’a, if I could become the king of the world, I would swear to regard you as the only true God!”

The small flying saucer flew around complacently. Pan'a is the surname of his Master's Clan. Pan'a is it, and so it is Pan'a God, although it has always been associated with D.U.O.B.I., the messenger of God, who claims to be the Horn-people.

Miao Xiang took a 9th rank yuan-crystal with a baby's fist size from the storage bone objects. In order to better control the bone warrior, the yuan-crystals on the bone warrior have no automatic charging function and can only be replaced by the Master.

It was so long ago

"Where's its yuan-crystal?" Miao Xiang's voice became a little sharp, and then he thought of a possibility. "Damn the Jiu Yuan chief, he must have found out that he can't take such a huge bone warrior, so he picked up its yuan-crystal!"

Miao Xiang angrily climbed up the chest of the bone warrior and presses yuan-crystal up.

His subordinates did not dare to make any noise. His royal highness was getting worse and worse. The most terrible thing was that sometimes he was good and sometimes bad.

As for everything in the basement, including the talking and flying tentacle disc and the huge bone warrior in front of them, no matter how surprised they were, they could not understand it.

The small flying saucer still remembered the power of this semi-god bone warrior, a humanoid weapon equivalent to their top machine armor, which can be controlled by the soul power in this world, that is, the soul power.

Miao Xiang suddenly screamed angrily again, "Why doesn't it move!" What was my soul power? Why not at all?

When he had to think about to withdraw again, the blow was almost double. Miao Xiang is shouting to calm down in his heart, but his anger still came from his heart involuntarily.

Chill! Chill! Maybe it has been only a long time that the soul power dissipated from the bone warrior naturally.

Nature can dissipates a ghost?! Miao Xiang can't calm down at all. He remembered clearly that as long as there was energy, the soul power he left could not disappear. Then there is only one reason why the soul power that should not be dissipated had dissipated, that is, there was no energy to maintain the existence of soul power.

As long as he thought that it may be the Jiu Yuan chief who took yuan-crystal away, it will completely dissipate the original hard soul power, and Miao Xiang would hate to kill!

Miao Xiang doesn't want to think about it at all. Maybe it has been too long. There is a possibility that the yuan-crystal in the bone warrior has been completely consumed.

"Can't you control it?" the UFO asked

"Who said I can't?" as long as the bone warrior doesn't have complete self-consciousness in a long time, he can regain control of it.

Miao Xiang continued to climb up, and he put his hand on the third eye of the bone warrior.

"Don't let his soul power touch you!" Yan Mo doesn't know how powerful the mysterious soul is, but it is stronger than the soul of Yan Xiaole.

Yan Xiaole suddenly raised his hand and waved Miao Xiang down.

Miao Xiang landed down and looked suspiciously at Yan Xiaole.

Yan Xiaole stood up.

It's very tall when it sat, especially when it stood up. It's just overwhelmingly tall.

You can only look up at it.

"Click." Yan Xiaole didn't like being so much taller than his fathers. He quickly reduced his body size until he was about the same height as Yuan Zhan.

Even so, there are many people who have to look up to him.

"You have your own consciousness?" Miao Xiang asked suspiciously.

Yan Xiaole, "Click Click."

"You don't understand? Can you understand what I'm talking about?” Miao Xiang asked tentatively.

"Click Click."

The confusion on Miao Xiang's face didn't fade, but the vigilance in his eyes removed a little, “It's just original consciousness, it's really troublesome."

Miao Xiang tried to communicate with Yan Xiaole. He tried several times to put his soul power into Yan Xiaole's consciousness, but he was blocked by a strange barrier.

Yan Mo a hummed in his heart: If you want to invade my family's Xiaole mind, it depends on whether I agree or not!

Miao Xiang failed several times, was angry and impatient, and couldn't help but Scream: “Aaah, ah-!"

His subordinates were more silent. Many of them felt that their Royal Highness had two souls. Otherwise, which teenage girl could make such a voice and imposing manner? But one body and two souls, this kind of thing is too inconceivable, they dare not speak at all, even in private discussion.

"You should take my orders! Do you understand, you fool!” Miao Xiang was furious at Yan Xiaole, who was not able to add a word.

Yan Xiaole clicked twice, strode, walked to Miao Xiang's side, and lowered his head.

Miao Xiang: What do you mean?

Yan Xiaole: I'm saying that I will be obedient. Please accept me as soon as possible. Otherwise, how can I be the awesome undercover agent like the one my father said?

Miao Xiang looked at Yan Xiaole and tentatively said, "Kneel down!"

No one has yet taught Yan Xiaole that to kneel is like an insult. He knelt down neatly on one knee with vague memories of the past life.

Yan Mo's face blackened: You bastrd! Dare to let my Xiaole kneel for you!

Miao Xiang finally got a smile on his face, "Stand up."

Yan Xiaole stood up.

In order to further test Yan Xiaole's obedience, Miao Xiang casually pointed to a bug warrior who followed him and ordered: "Tear it up!"

Yan Xiaole didn't hesitate to walk over and grab the insect warrior to play.

The insect warrior: please don't pinch my wings!

Miao Xiang's face was delicate. The bone warrior has his own primitive consciousness. Although he still listens to his orders, the degree of achievement is a little discount to him. He wanted to use it like this first. When he get through the difficulties in front of him, we can re-sculpt soul power and destroy its original consciousness.

Miao Xiang forces the unpleasant and bad premonitions to the back of his mind.

Later, Yan Xiaole threw away the insect, and ran to play with the Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers. Miao Xiang didn't care much.

Miao Xiang, who got the semi-god bone warrior, paid attention to the UFO again. "Weapon! I want weapons now. Our enemy is very strong, and the bone warrior has a little problem because it has been placed for too long. We can't rely on it all. "

“I need enough energy to open the warehouse where the weapons are stored," he said

That's the last group of weapons it managed to retain and the most powerful group. Before it get enough energy to operate the whole spacecraft for a long time, it will never use the remaining energy to open the door.

Because once it does, it will no longer be able to control the people who get weapons like Miao Xiang without getting new energy.

"If you can't provide weapons now. What's the point of my cooperation with you?"

The UFO is much calmer than him, "You've got the bone warrior. If I hadn't opened the access door, you wouldn't have gotten it at all. "

Miao Xiang: "Well, it's mine, and it can't play its full power in this way. What else can you do besides provide weapons?”

With the semi-god bone warrior, Miao Xiang's base protection has become sufficient. He even thought that if the UFO could not give him more help, he would take its heart and bone warrior to leave the underground city secretly. No matter where he goes, he is not afraid to use it as cannon fodder.

It doesn't know if his partner is going to escape, but the UFO stopped and told him his plan: "You can bring the enemy into the dungeon, I will be responsible for trapping them, and you and your people are responsible for breaking the other person."

Miao Xiang, “Among you there are those who can enter the underground city freely, so how can we trap them?"

Little flying UFO, "You don't know how to break them apart? There is only one person who can enter the underground city freely. I will try to lead him away. You can solve the problem of others, and finally lead that person into the desert. There is a polluted sand that can decompose all energy. Whoever entered the underground city will only die. "

Miao Xiang is debating fiercely in his heart. If the flying saucer can distract Yuan Zhan, others are even fierce, but he has a semi-god bone warrior, so it's hard to be on the losing end. When he used the semi-god bone warrior to remove Yuan Zhan's claws and teeth, and then gathered all the strength to deal with one of them, he won not only the victory, but also the victory.

But is this disc really reliable?

Once again, the UFO gave Miao Xiang a reassurance, “As long as you can bring all the enemies into the dungeon, I will have a way to trap them."

"What can you do?" Miao Xiang said with distrust in his eyes.

Small flying saucer, "There are many areas on the bottom floor where polluted sand can be stored. We can force people into the bottom floor. I will open the hull again and introduce more polluted sand to submerge them. Then you let the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers under your control attack them in the sand, and you and your people solve the problem of escaping, so that at least half of them can be killed. "

Yan Mo: it's really his grandma's poison! If I had rebelled against the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers, this desert and dungeon would have been a death zone for any creature.

Miao Xiang pondered for three seconds and stared at the UFO and said, “I need the weapon you said. I know you have a way to get it. If you don't want the dungeon to fall into the hands of others, you can only cooperate with me!”

The flying saucer calculated that the young female in front of her is not an easy person to control. It even felt a little familiar shadow on the girl, but now it can't pick out any more partners. It can only cooperate with her temporarily.

After that, I'm going to be the only one who can control the spaceship. Let's solve the immediate problem first. UFO and Miao Xiang think of it at the same time.

Finally, the two sides decided that the UFO would follow the Chief of Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers to the ground floor for arrangement, and Miao Xiang would send someone to lure the Jiu Yuan people into the underground city through the safe passage.

UFO didn't refuse such an arrangement. In order to save energy, it turned off all the monitoring and lighting of the spacecraft, and it also wanted to know the situation at the bottom. After all, there are some important secrets hidden in the warehouse at the bottom.

At that time, the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers would live in the ground floor, which is still its proposal to Hu-Lian. Because many areas of the ground floor were severely damaged when it landed. Although it repaired some parts in the later stage, there were still some holes in some places. It hoped that the Chuan Shajias-the Sand Wearers could protect the secrets of the ground floor.

And the weapons Miao Xiang wanted are hidden at the bottom.

The matter was settled and the two sides separated again.

Yan Mo and UFO went to the bottom together, and Yan Xiaole went up with Miao Xiang.
