Chapter 34  : Adoration Fever“Beep! You’ve triggered the achievement task [Adoration Fever].”“Task requires you to manually hit the ‘like’ button one million times.”“Upon completion, you will receive title [Adoration Fever] (Validation +5)”The task was divided into three phases.Task phase 1: Requires 10,000 manual ‘likes’; Reward: Achievement score +10, validation +1.Task phase 2: Requires 100,000 manual ‘likes’; Reward: Achievement score +100, validation +1.Task phase 3: Requires 1,000,000 manual ‘likes’; Reward: Achievement score +1000, validation +1.There was no equipment listed below it.Meng Fan read the relevant details of the new trigger task, not knowing what to say at the moment.This was triggered for real!What kind of a being is Wu Tong?Speaking to her could trigger a task, even giving a thumbs up on her WeChat moments could trigger one.

When he ‘liked’ other people’s statuses he wouldn’t… Thinking carefully about it, Meng Fan was stunned.Had he not ‘liked’ any posts after he’d been reborn?It seemed like it!After his rebirth, he’d instantly triggered the [A Good Person] task that leads him on a confession fever, following that he’d triggered the running and drawing, as well as streaming tasks.

These days have been too full of events, giving him much less time to browse WeiBo than before.

Even if he did have time to browse, he’d always been in a hurry, so he had no time to give his friends’ statuses ‘likes’ as he had before.But in any case, Meng Fan had added Wu Tong to his list of noble persons to his close friends’ contact list, making her more accessible and easier to talk to.As for this [Adoration Fever] task, Meng Fan had already seen enough strange things from the [A Good Person] task and [Wealth Distribution Cherub].

At most, he’d just complain about it for a while, then get back on track.Validation.Although he’s been very lowkey since he was a child, Meng Fan was not lacking in this attribute.

Before the age of ten, he’d been tossed around by his seven sisters, so that wherever he went, there were at least two next to him, making it difficult not to draw attention.

After he turned ten, the sights and stares that accompanied his lumpy capacity also made him stand out, so even now, Meng Fan and his heavyset figure were hard to ignore no matter where he went.Meng Fan didn’t want to be famous, so he didn’t have much desire for this attribute.


However, he did long for the points that came with it.You could get a thousand or so points from just tapping a few likes.

This was going to be much easier than previous tasks.

Even if the amount is higher, it was only a slight effort away.Meng Fan opened up his WeChat moments again and began spamming likes.Seeing the numbers soar in his ‘mind’, Meng Fan was in a great mood.The entire way to the studio, Meng Fan deduced that one person’s statuses can be liked an infinite number of times, but he also confirmed that it was ineffective to like again after unliking… Okay, this was a useless attempt, even if it was effective, unliking then liking posts over and over again would not improve efficiency.Nearly four hundred friends should be nearly enough, right?It’s time to release the spam account holders from his blocked list!His left hand scrolled, his right hand tapped like.

This process was almost too efficient.He arrived at the studio and saw it wasn’t opened yet.

He had arrived early, simply sitting off to the side and continued giving ‘likes’.One hundred.Two hundred.Three hundred.Four hundred.When he was at his four hundred and twentieth like—the studio administrator arrived.“You’re here already?”After seeing Meng Fan, the studio administrator’s face broke into a smile, gesturing to the breakfast in her hand.

“Did you eat breakfast?”“I did?”“Did you really? Breakfast is important for young people like you, almost as important as having to trash talk Er Qing every day!”Still smiling, she opened the door.


Upon seeing Meng Fan handily opened the window to let some air in, she became even more pleased with him, pouring a cup of water and handing it to him.“Thank you!”Meng Fan went to his old spot and sat down, taking out his drawing paper and other tools.

Once they were properly arranged, he still wasn’t in the mood to draw, so he continued to browse his phone and give out ‘likes’.“In the hundreds now… Only f**king five hundred!”After his emotions resided, Meng Fan realized the task was not as simple as it seemed.He had calculated that even if his hand speed was above average, counting the scroll time, he could give about two likes every second, and even that was tiring.Giving a like in simple terms takes only a second of a second to do, however, you can’t click more than once in a second.

You have to find it, you have to scroll, and then hover over the symbol in the lower right corner of the image with a “heart” or some other figure before you can click it.Supposedly, the process of ‘liking’ was only a momentary task, but the previous procedures that lead up to it could not be done in the blink of an eye.Even with his added hand speed, it was hard to click more than two in one second.If that was so, averaging 80 clicks in a minute could be considered good.No, no, no.There was still reading time to account for.First of all, you can’t help but look at the content before you liked it.Secondly, if he liked something without reading it first, there would be trouble.

Suppose it was a sad post, what would they think if you liked their status?!Therefore, the actual operation would be lucky to get 60 likes within an hour.60 a minute, 3600 in an hour.

If he wanted to complete task phase one, he’d have to scroll and like for three hours without interruption!Meng Fan could draw for three consecutive hours, but to like statuses for three hours… The more he thought about it the more terrifying it seemed, terrifying being the keyword—not to mention the psychological burden it came with.Gotta improve efficiency.Gotta reduce the psychological burden.Switch up the battlefield!Meng Fan exited WeChat and opened WeiBo.The like button on WeChat is hidden and requires you to hover before you can click, however, the WeiBo button is directly displayed and can be clicked in an instant.WeChat is a social platform for acquaintances and WeiBo is a social platform for strangers.

Compared to the latter, the emotional cost of the ‘likes’ is considerably less, and the people who spill their sad stories on WeiBo probably do not care about others’ reactions.Another point is that WeiBo can be infinitely refreshed for new content, but WeChat cannot.After some more intensive analysis, Meng Fan found that his speed really had improved, easily liking 100 posts in a minute, much more quickly than his WeChat progress.However, it only lasted a few minutes before his efficiency was reduced, falling to even lower than his previous speed on WeChat moments.Not because his hand was sore, but because he couldn’t help but look at the contents of these WeiBo posts.


The bloggers that Meng Fan followed on Weibo were way more interesting than his circle of friends, he couldn’t bear to miss any content they posted!That’s really something to laugh at!Forcing himself to ignore the content, Meng Fan had felt guilty towards his friends on WeChat, but Weibo, he felt bad for himself.In the time he effectively managed to ignore the posts, within an hour, his progress had increased to almost 3000 likes.No matter how much he calculated, he would see facts eventually.When he wanted to resume browsing, his phone ran out of power.He searched around, realizing he forgot his charger.He looked left and right, then decided to ask the administrator if he could borrow one.He could charge for a while, and draw for a bit to clear his mind.When the administrator heard Meng Fan needed a charger, she immediately pulled out her own and gave it to him, asking: “Do you think my trash-talking is awesome?”As she spoke, she handed her phone over to Meng Fan.Meng Fan took a look at the live comments blazing across the screen.

As for the content… looking at the amiable administrator, he couldn’t guess her firepower to be this strong.

He couldn’t help but stick up his thumb.

“That’s bold!”Wait!Meng Fan saw the progress bar go up by 1 in his ‘mind’.Could it be… This [Adoration Fever] counted manual ‘likes’ as well, outside of social media?“The four words ‘advise you to be kinder’ are too good!”Meng Fan wanted to confirm his theory, adding another sentence, not forgetting to include another thumbs up.

As he spoke it, the numbers went up again.Not only did it work in reality, but it also worked on the same person for different ‘situations’!“Really, I think so too.” The administrator smiled happily.Meng Fan couldn’t help it, and gave her another thumbs-up, without talking.

The result… Still increased!Could it be because the lady’s state of mind a second ago was different from now, so it worked again?It seemed to be the case.

The state of mind of the people on his WeChat moments are fixed, but the state of mind of a person who was alive in front of him could be changing at any time and place.If this was really the case… Then this task would be easy.It was much easier to point his thumb up at strangers than it was to find content on his phone.Based on Meng Fan’s hand speed, he could give ten likes in a second without trouble!Wait no, Meng Fan remembered he had given other people thumbs up after he’d been reborn.Did it have to be triggered on social media? Or, did the system itself not consider the stupidity of this possibility when it was setting up the task and scripted it according to the literal meaning of ‘like’?“Who cares, the system is dead, but people are alive, the key is how they are used! I’m a motherf*cking genius!”Without hesitation, Meng Fan turned his hand and gave himself a thumbs up.His progress did not grow.
