Chapter 57: Justin Point 2  


Yuri was amazed at Jaehwang’s cooking skills. He didn’t need to use a measuring cup or spoon, he just put the garlic in and everything was perfect.

He moved like a professional chef who had been cooking all his life.


He cut the onions and carrots and mixed them in with a few seasonings. His hand movements were fast yet delicate and precise.

“Can I try next time? Since we have a little time it can just simmer for a little. If we add more in then the taste and smell will be too much. Adding olives would be great though.”



Yuri as she watched his smooth hand movements.

The monster meat was cooked to perfection like a beef sirloin. Yuri wasn’t actually sure but, the skin of the monster meat seemed to be the most expensive part of it. It was already high priced but she didn’t know if it was anything more like on a gourmet level.

It was very sensitive when so you could only cook it for so long but Jaehwang still handled it very well.

He sprinkled some seasonings over the meat and placed it in an airtight container.

“It needs a bit of time for the seasonings to permeate so while it’s doing that we should distribute the plates. .”


“Huh? Oh, okay.”

Yuri was completely distracted by the sight of him cooking as if she was under a spell that didn’t break until he spoke. She prepared a giant sot (a traditional Korean caldron made of cast iron). and placed it on the table. She then placed the meat on low fire and set the table.

-I’m anticipating this.

-Me too.

Few hours had passed and the platoon members had gathered one by one to share their meal.

“Wow…. this is….”


HyunJoon ate a piece of the monster meat and wore doubtful look on his face as he savored it and it wasn’t long before he bursts in tears. It wasn’t an over exaggerated joke, he was actually crying.

Even though his eyes were filled with tears, he continued to gulp down his meal as if it was liquid. This was his first eating a monster meat this good.

“Why are you crying?… It is really good? I think you’re overreacting a little bit…”

He said as he looked over at HyunJoon. Seongyeon then took a big piece of meat and put it in his mouth and said…


His eyes were filled with delight. He concentrated on its flavor and looked a bit confused when he noticed that it had an irresistible salty sweet taste. He then felt scared at the thought that they won’t eat anything like it for a while but he ignored those thoughts and started to eat faster.


They all watched Seongyeon’s reaction as he ate one piece after another. His eyes then grew bigger as he continued to devour his meal. Jaehwang made their food using ten kilograms of meat because they had a big steamer that he could use but he didn’t expect the meat to run out that fast. The combat ratio and the meal plans were left untouched, they all knew that the monster meat tastes garbage so no one dared to touch it.

“Wow, this is…”

Joonghwi shook his head and looked at the steamer as well as his empty plate in front of him.

The last thing that was left to eat was rice and soup.

It had a really fatal taste. It was so delicious that anyone would eat it even if they knew it was poisonous since it just looks like a normal seasoned meat at first glance. It looked like something that anyone would find in the market.

However, the moment they tasted it, it was like nothing they’ve ever tasted before. There was nothing that they could compare it to. It was something special. Everything about it was perfect.

“You have a cooking skill?”



Jaehwang answered as he continued to eat..

“What is it that you can’t do?”

Jaehwang had been showing new talents every single day. That was the only one he had shown to them as of yet but they wouldn’t be surprised if he had more in store. He was a very good cook. They’ve never known anyone with cooking talents like that, everyone thought that having him on their team was like a luxury.

“I’ve finished everything but I’m still hungry…”

He said after he took a deep breath. He was clearly full but he felt like he wanted more. The antinomic feeling confused him and not only that but, besides Jaehwang, everyone else was feeling the same way.

“Jaehwang, I need some advice.”

Joonghwi wanted to ask the same thing. He wanted to know something. He didn’t want to eat anything remotely terrible ever again. If he never knew anything like that then he could live without knowing but the moment its taste reached his taste buds, he never wanted to eat anything else. It was a really big deal.

Joonghwi looked at Jaehwang with a serious expression that he never looked at him with before.

Joonghwi failed to assign the cooking position to Jaehwang, he tried to ask him in the best way possible but he still refused.

If he took full charge of the cooking position then his cooking skills would increase but he didn’t care about any that.

The cooking position was an unexpected thing to request. If he had become the cook then his training would be interrupted. The spirit said that she didn’t want to eat so she never came out as well. It was barely even his turn to cook but Joonghwi was trying to convince him to. He failed to convince him and he was saddened because of it.

“I’m number one in nagging.”

“I want to protect the things at home.”

“Looks like your face will stay in good shape even after one hundred years.”

“Very handsome, amazing abilities and a good cook. You’re personality just need a bit of work. Haha…”

He said, looking at Jaehwang in admiration but he just sat there with a blank stare. After spending all that time with the platoon members they were finally able to enter Justin point.

“Were here!”

The military bus parked on the concrete structure and the platoon members looked around at the sight before them.

“Woah… it’s amazing…”

“Boss, aren’t you going to look?”

“Huh… Of course.”

Even Joonghwi was amazed. Before the parking ramp of base 716 was just concrete but after all of the dust from the dirt floated away there was board and it was still nicely made. There was only one military bus there but there were many people.

It looked to be about 20 meters high and two meters thick and started to double. Each factor of the antiaircraft weapons spread out like a net. It was something that they would use to protect themselves from monsters.

The interior on the inside at the back was entirely made up of electronic items and even though it was so big, stopping the military bus on the parking ramp was a hard task even though that was their only problem. Every military bus provided individual stop ramps. That used to be an unimaginable amenity.

It seemed like nothing but it was a big deal. It was considered a necessity for every hunter especially in a place like this.

Everyone was filled with excitement and then he remembered a conversation he had with the platoon members a few days earlier.

“Everyone remembers what we’re here for, right?”

“Yes, to track the movements of our three members in Justin point.”


Peji, Jonguk, and Mingyu said cheering with their fists in the air.

He would ask them more but the raid dividend cost for most of them was written off. It wasn’t just 300 million but there was a 6.5 percent interest rate. In the army, the equipment didn’t come out with dissemination and they had to repair everything themselves to save money. Some nation’s policy was a rate of 6.5 so they just dealt with it. However, they oppose a supporter and just use the opinion of the minority.

Nevertheless, the inside interior was rotten and the society carelessly treated the problem.

The Gagseog army troops had low levels in the beginning so they weren’t able to catch a high tier monster and because of that, they only wandered on the grounds and after five years they couldn’t even pay it all back. Although if they were killed during a raid then that amount would luckily be exempted.

Their goal was to get to Justin point and get expensive supplies from base 716 so they had no time to joke around. There were lots of expensive monsters in the area that they could catch and make money from.

But it wouldn’t be just that easy.

“Okay… I’ll say this one last time. We have to go and meet up with platoon one at base 716 and become Justin point’s 8th platoon. Keep that affiliate change in mind and don’t get confused… there’s another request but our affiliate won’t change. As I said about Justin point, it looks the same as our state. It’s not like it used to be, there’s a ton of strong hunters here. But remember to behave and be cautious…”

“Yes, sir!”

“Leader, our places are over there, right?”

Peji asked Joonghwi who was lost in thought. He answered and handed him a paper with something written on it. He checked it and shook his head.

“Ah… I see. Out seats are… 12-5… on that side.”

They finished parking the military bus and got off. There were dozens of people wearing work suits ahead of the parking ramp. The platoon members then got off of the bus and Joonghwi then walked up to a guy in a suit who looked to be the representative.

“Park JangJoon, You’re the boss?”

“Ah, yes. I am Park JangJoon.”

“Hello. Your eight platoon member military bus will be taken care of by Ru & Su. the engineering equipment team 2 leader; Kim Guang Hao.”

“Good luck.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.”

Guang Hao was very polite to them. He was a keen hunter. They had another wanted hunter causing their hunters trouble so they fired him and reorganized the team. The new 8 members and the platoon leader’s first impression was great and he seemed like a good person. Those kinds of people would usually be rude.

“Well, let’s start organizing.”

“Yes. but what should we do with the monster corpse?”

“First, we’ll divide the monster in the bus and work out a business contract with Justin point to sort out the payment and then we’ll contract the platoon leader. If anyone has any questions then they could just ask me.”

“Got it.”

“Yes.let’s now begin our work.”

They talked with the equipment team leader Guan Hao and began the military bus check.

“Let’s see… first let’s try a moving signal.”


They were then taking their first steps into a new place. Everyone was nervous as they followed along behind Joonghwi.

Although, the moving signal check was finished. It was completely different than the moving signal in the Korean army. It just checked their hunter license and transfer documents and that was all. After that, it looked nothing like the army. There were being guided by beautiful female soldiers around the hotel-like building.

“Hey, this is like that place that was here before, it was a place that was used for poor refugees!”

They offered personal supplies and they were as big as a one-room apartment. Even those who lived there in the past had only lived there with no more than 2 other people but it was different than before, it was cleaner and the interior was much better.

Jaehwang was walking right behind Joonghwi who looked around the neat place.

“Okay, we’ve done a lot today, let’s all take some time to enjoy ourselves.”


All of the platoon members then scattered away into different rooms. Joonghwi then took a deep breath and walked into his room. He didn’t feel like taking a nap and so he neatly arranged the new blanket on his bed.

Back in the Korean army, a few people had to use cots until they became too old. They were all going to sleep and get ready for more work the next day but there was something wrong…

Justin Point 2, The end
