Chapter Ch558 - Business Opportunity Knocks on the Door

Yan Tianhen suddenly became dissatisfied. “What do you mean, ‘I ignore my proper duties’? I am an alchemist to begin with, and alchemists sell medicinal pills. This cannot be more normal. Besides, my reputation has always been good.”

“The distinguished second heir of the Qianyuan Dynasty is doing business in the streets and is even using his own identity as a guarantee. Haven’t you ever thought about how those people will laugh at you behind your back?”

Gu Ruyu hated that Yan Tianhen, this lump of unrefined iron, couldn’t become steel faster. He practically broke his heart worrying about Yan Tianhen.

Yan Tianhen pursed his lips. “But I have no money.”

Gu Ruyu said. “Until you can accept commissions and earn contribution points, I will raise you instead.”

Yan Tianhen was slightly stunned, then smiled. “What’s the matter recently? Everyone says they want to raise me. Do you all believe that I cannot live well without being raised?”


Gu Ruyu’s eyes became stern. “Who else has said such a thing?”

“Huarong Sword Immortal.”

Gu Ruyu, “...” What is happening?

“I didn’t want his contribution points then, and I won’t take yours now. Taking some advantage of others is enough; if there is no restraint, it would be too much.”

Yan Tianhen took a deep breath and no longer talked about this topic in depth. Instead, he blinked and wittily suggested, “Since you won’t allow me to use my reputation as a guarantee, what about your reputation as the Eldest Young Master of the Gu family? I recently found that your reputation seems to be slightly better, and your credibility is also higher.”

The blue veins on Gu Ruyu’s forehead jumped a few times. He moved his lips. Finally, he couldn’t bear it anymore and asked, “Are you so determined to sell pills?”


Yan Tianhen nodded. “Under normal circumstances, this is the case, and there is another reason for me to do this. I have created some original pill formulas and need someone to test it for me.”

Gu Ruyu looked at Yan Tianhen and spoke a moment later, “Do as you see fit.”

Moments later, the original two-person booth became three people trying to sell pills.

Of course, Gu Ruyu was still worried about face. He didn’t completely free himself like Yan Tianhen and Qi Feiqing. He just said a few good words for Yan Tianhen’s medicinal pills when the passing senior martial brothers and sisters asked about the situation.

Almost all of the medicinal pills sold by Yan Tianhen were special miracle pills for beauty and cosmetics. They had little effect when eaten for a short time, and the price also wasn’t cheap. Just a single Jade Bones Vitalizing Skin Pill required five contribution points, which was equivalent to buying five sets of spiritual herbs used in refining the Replenish Qi Pill.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


For the new students of the same grade level, the price was too expensive, so there was naturally no market for these pills. Thus, Yan Tianhen chose to start with senior martial brothers and sisters. There were many people watching from the sidelines, but very few actually bought anything.

Kkb tbegr ijafg, Tjc Kljctfc tjv bcis rbiv bcf ybaaif bo qliir, jcv atf lcmbwf kjr 50 mbcaglyealbc qblcar. Ktf yesfg kjr atf vjeutafg bo bcf bo Tjc Itbcutej’r oglfcvr ktb bcis ybeuta la bea bo oglfcvrtlq.

Ycf vjs qjrrfv, jcv mbecaifrr qfbqif ijeutfv ja Tjc Kljctfc, rjslcu atja tf kjr ktlwrlmji jcv vlvc’a xcbk atf ageat jybea atf lccfg kbgxlcur bo atf rfma. Zjcs qfbqif kfgf kjlalcu ab rff Tjc Kljctfc wjxf j ijeutlcu rabmx bo tlwrfio, ktlif batfgr kfgf yfaalcu ab rff ktfc tf kbeiv cb ibcufg yf jyif ab tbiv bc jcv mibrf atf rtbq. Mbg atgff vjsr lc j gbk, atfgf kjr cb yerlcfrr ab vb obg atf cfza akb vjsr fzmfqa joafg atf bqfclcu bc atf olgra vjs.

Qi Feiqing couldn’t stand it anymore. He shook his fan. “It’s hard to do business ah. It’s even harder to do the medicinal pill business. Say, you might as well lower the price of the pills slightly — I clearly saw that some senior martial sisters wanted to buy, but you just had to set the price so high, with no room for any haggling at all, so they left.” Yan Tianhen said resolutely, “I won’t. These medicinal pills already cost so much to start with. I also expended a lot of energy to refine them. If they’ll be sold cheaply, then it’s better not to sell them at all. Besides, even this price is a preferential price because our shop just opened. After a while, it will increase in price.”

Qi Feiqing wailed, “I’m afraid we won’t be able to hold up until then.”

Gu Ruyu silently took out his leaf card and slapped it on the table. “I have money.”

Yan Tianhen’s eyes lit up.

Qi Feiqing, “....”

Qi Feiqing grieved bitterly, “You can’t spoil him like this, it will make him even more unbridled.”

Gu Ruyu swept Qi Feiqing a glance. “Didn’t you get excited at the beginning?”

Qi Feiqing regretted it very much. “I shouldn’t have listened to his sweet lies back then.”

Yan Tianhen said, “Don’t be like this.”

Just then, a man dressed in blue came up this way. There was a palm-sized lump on his cheek, which looked black and also protruded outward. It looked sinister and frightening.

This young man was also a minor celebrity in Myriad Dao Academy. His name was Shi Yi, and he was the number one sword cultivator in all four courtyards fourteen years ago.

It was said that when he was in his prime, he had many admirers, but during a mission in an evil spirit array, he was poisoned, which not only crippled half of his cultivation, but it also completely destroyed half of his face. Since then, he had never contacted his former friends again, and gradually, most of his admirers retreated.

Shi Yi originally wanted to leave Myriad Dao Academy, but the Dean of the East Courtyard convinced him to stay.

Wan Miantang gave him a job looking after the demonic beasts kept by the sect, so that he would still have a place to live inside Myriad Dao Academy. Shi Yi took up this demonic beast keeper job and was in charge of all the independent demonic beasts in the entire East Courtyard.

It’s just that after that, Shi Yi rarely left the demonic beast park. He stayed inside it every day and never went out. Since then, very few people were able to see him.

However, even if he had come to the academy for only two months, still, Yan Tianhen had more or less heard the name of elder martial brother Shi Yi from other people. When the majority of people mentioned him, they all felt sorry for him and thought that it was a great pity such a talented person had fallen to such a degree. It was truly heartbreaking.

However, there were also just as many people who held a kind of revulsion towards Shi Yi, even while feeling sorry for him — it was said that the reason why he got this appearance in the evil spirit array was because he first tried to kill his younger martial brother, Faxiu Diyi, but he was unlucky enough to be bitten by a poisonous snake at a critical moment, and became like this.

When it came to Faxiu Diyi, many people looked smitten and lovestruck. Unfortunately, Faxiu Diyi was an elder martial brother from the previous generation of disciples. He had been away for many years to do all kinds of arduous missions, and rarely appeared in the sect anymore.

He always came and went in a hurry, and it seemed that he was always on the road of training and gaining experience. So far, among the youngest two generations of disciples, Faxiu Diyi was still just a legend.

Now, Shi Yi actually left the demonic beast park and went to the business street in person.

Wherever Shi Yi went, many people avoided him and moved away, and many others stared at his face.

His face was already too swollen to be seen. His entire left face was bulging up, and even one eye had become squeezed into a thin line, which looked very scary.

Yan Tianhen knew from first glance that this person’s poison was very severe, and it was already a miracle that he could survive until now, or else he used a special method to preserve his life.

Shi Yi probably got used to other people’s stares. He went straight to Yan Tianhen’s long table, and his eyes swept over Gu, Qi, and Yan. He asked, “Which one of you is Yan Tianhen?”

His voice was also hoarse, but it wasn’t unpleasant to the ears. Yan Tianhen replied, “I am.”

Shi Yi’s eyes finally fell on Yan Tianhen. “I heard that you can create your own pill formulas, is that true?” Yan Tianhen nodded. “To a certain extent, yes.”

Shi Yi asked, “Is there a way to remove the toxins in my body?”

Yan Tianhen thought for a moment. “I don’t know anything about what kinds of toxins are in your body. Even if I refine pills, I still need to prescribe the right medicine for the illness. Besides, I’m afraid the toxins in Elder Martial Brother’s have already accumulated for a long time. If you want to eradicate it from the roots, I’m afraid it’ll take some time and effort.”

Shi Yi answered, “The toxin is snake venom, but I don’t know what kind of snake venom it is. Didn’t you say that the Jade Bones Vitalizing Skin Pills you sold earlier could make one’s skin better?”

Yan Tianhen couldn’t help but smile wryly. “It can indeed make the skin better, and to a certain extent, it can detoxify the poisons accumulated in the body and clean up the impurities in the muscles and veins, but I’m not sure that this medicinal pill can cure the poisonous lump on Elder Martial Brother’s face.”

Shi Yi was suddenly disappointed, and this disappointment piled up at a speed visible to the naked eye on the side of his face that could still barely be seen.

Yan Tianhen’s heart softened, and he blurted out, “It’s not like it’s incurable. It’s just that the kind of medicinal pill that needs to be refined will take some time.”

When Shi Yi heard this, his eyes brightened slightly. “What medicinal pill?”

Yan Tianhen blinked and touched his chin. “I once refined a poison pill called Silver Frost Poison Pill. This pill looks like it’s covered in a layer of frost, and it can make people roll around in pain. Its efficacy is extremely strong; most people cannot endure it. But to call it a poison pill would also be a little inaccurate. It can actually be regarded as a kind of antidote pill as well, and it is very effective for removing snake venom. Moreover, it is effective against most kinds of snake venom.”

Shi Yi had never heard of the Silver Frost Poison Pill before, so he asked, “Which powerful alchemist created the Silver Frost Poison Pill?”

Yan Tianhen smiled shyly. “My dad groped about for the formula himself, but after my dad refined it, he only tried it on demonic beasts and didn’t have a chance to use it on people. I don’t know if there will be any side effects.”

Gu Ruyu was simply shocked. He couldn’t help but say, “Ah Hen, you should consider this carefully. You should take it easy for this kind of medicinal pill that you have no guarantee over.”

“It depends on whether you dare to use it or not. There are tens of thousands of different kinds of snake venom. If you truly want to remove the specific snake venom with the right medicine targeting it, you must first know what kind of snake it is. However, if you knew that, you would’ve removed the poison already.”

Things were easy to resolve once you knew what was causing it. The scary part was not even knowing what kind of poison it was.

Shi Yi stared at Yan Tianhen with his slightly frightening eyes for a moment. “Do you know how to refine this kind of medicinal pill?

Yan Tianhen said, “Naturally, I do. Although I haven’t practiced, I can refine it if I want to. It’s just that the spiritual plants are not easy to find. But you can rest assured that all of these spiritual plants can be found in the academy.”

Shi Yi clenched his fist. “I’ll bet on this pill.”

Although Yan Tianhen was surprised and felt that this Shi Yi was really very big-hearted, he was still very happy. “Okay, as my first official customer, I naturally have to wholeheartedly resolve the difficulties for you and will even give you a discount.”

Shi Yi asked, “How much is it?”

Yan Tianhen stretched out a finger.

Shi Yi asked, “One thousand?”

Yan Tianhen shook his head. “Ten thousand.”

Shi Yi was stunned. “That’s too expensive. I can’t take out so much money.”

Yan Tianhen said with great distress, “But this is already the cheapest price. It takes half the price just to gather all the ingredients needed to refine the Silver Frost Poison Pill. The most important spiritual herb in the Silver Frost Poison Pill is a Level 6 spiritual plant, which can’t be found easily. Coupled with my hard work and follow-up expenses, you definitely won’t suffer losses at this price.”

Shi Yi was still hesitant.

Yan Tianhen continued, “Moreover, you have to think like this. Since I want to run a medicinal pill business for a long time, if the first shot fails and an accident happens here, then naturally no one will dare to trust me again, so I will be extremely attentive to your matter.”

Shi Yi felt that what Yan Tianhen said was very reasonable, so he quickly wavered.

Qi Feiqing added a final push, “There will be no such shop anymore after you leave this village. How many alchemists today can refine poison pills? Besides, this pill formula is also a unique recipe. You definitely won’t be able to find a second alchemist who can refine pills especially for detoxifying snake venom, and pills that will attack poison using poison.”

Gu Ruyu thought that these two people were quite good at duping people. At least, it was easy for people to be tempted when hearing them.
