Chapter 79   - She's The Only Girl

"Who are you talking about?" Fred asked his wife. He doesn't want to assume that he knew who Hilda implies because there are two women in Vincent's life at present. However, one can't call as his woman when they never live as a couple.

Hilda twitches her mouth as she scowls at her husband. She could not admit it, but she doesn't want to say that other girl's name.

Fred tilted his head to the side and looked at his wife downward. Hilda understood what Fred was trying to convey to her, but she only returned a glare.

"I'm talking about those two women!" Hilda snapped at her husband.

Vincent witnessed how his parents are tossing blatant stares at each other even they tried not to be obvious. But it didn't hide their silent conversation through their eyes in front of him, who was keenly watching them.

"Mom, if you are talking about Hailey, whether I would take her to Australia? Yes, I will. But she wanted to complete her lessons for this school year." Honestly, it was only his guess because he hasn't discussed it with Hailey yet, nor she knew he needed her to accompany him to Australia. If Hailey joins him in Australia, then he would be so glad. "—besides, mom. Hailey is from Australia. Her family was there."


Hilda was like stumbling on the floor upon listening to Vincent mentioning that girl's family. It was like Vincent seemed planning to meet them!

Hilda clenches her fists. Afterward, she heaves a long sigh to calm herself down. She realized she should not let herself have these crazy thoughts. Otherwise, it would stress her completely.

She may only overthink what isn't happening yet or, perhaps, would never happen.

That girl is only a mistress. Can she dare tell her family? Unless that girl's family is tolerating her ugly behavior of having a relationship with a married man because they can milk money from Vincent.

Some people are like that. They would not discipline their children and care less to teach them what is right and wrong. Having an affair and a liar human being are the two things she hated most in this life. She condemns all these kinds of people, along with their family, who allow this kind of shameful behavior.

"Okay. Which city is it?" Hilda asks casually. There is no emotion exhibited in her eyes but a somber expression on her face. She ascertains that Vincent would not notice the roughness in her tone.


"Sydney, mom," Vince replied.

"And you will work at?" Hilda queried furthermore.

"It will be in Northeast Australia, mom." Vince had a sense that his mom has something to tell him, but she seems taken aback.

"I see." Hilda sipped on her tea. Now she is out of questions to ask Vincent further. No. She still has a hundred questions running inside her head, but she could not gather the courage to voice them out all.

Moreover, if she stresses out her words, Vincent would thoroughly think of her as a villain. But how could she encourage Vincent to stop his foolishness if she wouldn't speak out? Ah! She felt like her head is throbbing.

She is certain that the girl hid something. She had a strong intuition, and she is never wrong about it. How if that woman is not a decent person but only fooled him?


Hilda, we're planning to search for evidence that that girl is truly an Escort working at an international agency. And the worst truth she could ever think of is that girl working with someone to sabotage Shen's projects.

The more Vincent rise to the top, the more people envied him.

Hilda is contemplating while she was staring at her tea. She has been thinking.

She doesn't want her son's downfall because of that girl. She did all her best to lead Vincent's life on the right path. She is strict with her son. But she doesn't want Vincent to be like other kids who are unsuccessful because they are easy-go-lucky during their younger years that only care for the nightlife and women.

Now, she is very proud of the success that Vincent is achieving. But she didn't know which part she was wrong, and Vincent's marriage was not successful.

"Mom, can you accompany dad on his trips?" Vincent requests a long silence.

Hilda, who was lost in her thoughts, came back to her senses. She lifted her gaze and looked at her son.

She didn't answer immediately. Honestly, she could sense that Vincent just wanted her to stay away from his girlfriend.

'My son is getting rid of me because he cares more about his girlfriend? Ridiculous!' Now it frustrates her to think it over, which she could also recall the words that came from Vincent's mouth.

He loves that woman.

And she doesn't know if she could accept this fact. Of course, she was never happy that Vincent had an affair. It was an embarrassing situation to her that she didn't raise Vincent properly.

What wrong did she do? Hilda could not stop herself pondering over this matter. It infuriates her to concede how failure she is.

"Vincent, when could you end this?" she asked afterward. Hilda admitted that her question is not directly to her point, but she is confident that Vincent understands it. He is a genius. He never disappoints them except for his affair that brought shame to their family and name.

"Mom, you must understand that I would never leave her."

"You can find a better woman," Hilda asserted.

"I don't need anyone else, mom. Even if that other woman you were talking about is the perfect one. But mom, honestly, that better woman is already with me." Vince says it with his whole heart.

Hilda would love to throw a fret listening to her son. It only means that she could not change his mind whatever she did to separate them apart.

"So, are you divorcing Eva, huh?" Hilda blurt out this question with bitterness. Of course, she is against it. So there's nothing for her to be happy.

Vincent glanced at his father. Today, he heard this question from both of his parents. He felt ironic at the moment he could not help chuckling and shook his head.

Meanwhile, Hilda didn't know what was on her son's mind. She only assumed that Vincent is mocking her now.

Hilda frowned. It infuriates her to see how Vincent only ridicules her question. Her son has become disrespectful toward her, and that is because of that girl!

"Vincent, have you forgotten who I am? You don't respect me now!" Hilda's voice rose. She only tried to stay calm in front of her son. But now, she wouldn't hold herself any longer. Vincent has changed so much since he met that woman!

On the other hand, Vincent was confused why his mom suddenly raised her voice. Not only that, her face is riled all of a sudden.

"Mom, what's wrong? What did I do?" Is he misinterpreting something? His mother's personality always baffled him.

Fred is also feeling conflicted. He already warned Hilda to speak calmly toward Vincent. Instead, what she acted at the moment would lead to an argument. Gladly, he has confidence in his son. He knew that Vincent wouldn't argue with his mom. He never will.

However, Fred immediately realized that he was wrong. Vincent's expression has become solemn. His jaw tightens and darkens his face, and his lips were tightly closed in a thin line. He avoided meeting his mother's eyes, but it didn't hide how his eyes glowered with irritation.

"Vincent Shen! Ever since that girl came into our life, you've become impolite to me!" Hilda's face was like bitten red from anger. She never imagines that Vincent would become impudent.

"Mom, I don't understand why you are so angry at me. I get it. You are against my affair. But mom, you never heard me complain but followed whatever you want me to do." This time, Vincent confronts his mom. He looked at her straight in the eyes as he went on, "I work so hard to meet your expectation. I exceed my capability so that I can make you proud. Moreover, you heard no complaint from me when you arranged my marriage and chose a wife on my behalf."

Vincent paused as emotion flooded his head. He breathed in and released the air furiously. "I never wanted this marriage from the very beginning, but I don't want to complicate things for you. So, I still did it for your sake, mom. But mom… for the first time, I want to do one thing for myself. No. It was what I wanted even before you arranged my marriage to someone else. And now that she's here... "

Hilda held her breath. It's the first time Vincent raises his voice toward her. Not only that, his words are like thunder in her ears. What is Vincent saying now?

It confused her when Vincent stood on his feet. Now she freaks out that Vincent is leaving. However, her lips are tightly closed, and her tongue could not form any words.


"Mom, my mind would not change. And so, in the future, if you want to continue to disagree with my decisions, my answer is the same. I will divorce Eva, and there's no way I will let Hailey go," Vincent started and walked away after.

But Vincent halted halfway. He made a sidelong glance and said, "If you want to understand why Eva and I didn't live as a couple, she is the only one who could explain it and tell you the truth."

He added, "I will say it only once, mom. There's no other girl I want to spend the rest of my life with but Hailey."

After uttering these words, Vincent walked toward the main door without waiting for his mother to counter his speech. He left without saying goodbye to his dad and Carl, who remains quiet in his chair.

Hilda was about to open her mouth, but Fred sent a warning stare like telling her, 'think about it first.'

Hilda presses her mouth with fury. Everyone indeed thinks she is the Villain here! And what was Vincent meant about asking Eva? Maybe she needs to visit the Lan family.
