Chapter 68   - His Moon


Vince opens the car door and helps Hailey get out of the vehicle.

"Thank you."

Vince took her hand and led her toward the elevator.

It was Saturday, but several of his employees, mostly his architects and engineers, are in the company to finish designing their projects or making reports and strategic plans of their assigned tasks. And since Vince scheduled a meeting today, the executives are also present in the company.

Not long, the elevator stops at the top floor office. Vince supported Hailey by stepping out of the lift.


And she thinks Vince is overdoing it when there are no other people on the lift and the top floor is quiet. It means they don't need to act. But Vince doesn't want to let go of her hand.

"Good noon, boss! Hello, Miss Hailey!" Bowing at them, Tim greeted them full of enthusiasm. Seated behind his desk, working on something, he instantly sat up the moment he saw them.

"Hi, Tim! It's noon! Have you had lunch?"

"Yes, Miss Hailey, I am done eating," Tim replied. 'Thanks to you and the boss' has to reschedule the meeting to the afternoon. As compensation, he bought us a delicious meal!' However, he didn't share his thoughts. "And so, I am on my break. While I am on my vacation, I was working on my extra task, Miss!"

Tim is proud to say this in front of his boss. Indeed, he wants him to be impressed by him. 'It's for my bonus this month!'

"You are so hardworking, Tim! Well, the boss should reward you." Hailey said it loudly, even if Vince was standing next to her.


"Yes, Miss! I look forward to my bonus this month!"

Hailey giggled. It amuses her to see how determined Tim is to impress his boss. She glanced at Vince, who frowned at his assistant.

"He will receive his bonus if his presentation is impressive," Vince stated flatly.

"Oh..." Hailey still wanted to chat with Tim, but Vince resumed walking, pulling her hand. She had no choice but to follow him inside his office.

Tim left, stunned. He still wanted to continue joking around with his boss. 'He is such a killjoy!'

But he figures out that his assignment is a secret, and the boss doesn't want to discuss it in front of his girlfriend. 'Well, that's valid!'


But he noticed one thing. When he saw their arrival, the 'holding hands' instantly got his attention. And his boss has this smile on his face. Something is going on for real, is what Tim concluded.

"Heh! Fake girlfriend, huh? But he is holding Miss Hailey's hand when there are no other people here but me!" Tim snaps his finger and an evil smirk tears across his lips.

Inside the office, Hailey sweeps her gaze and appreciates the interior design. She need not guess that this room was Vince's idea.

Hailey walked toward the floor-ceiling window and looked at the entire city that was caught by her sight.

"Your office is exquisite!" Hailey praises; she turned around, but she slammed on Vince's chest. He is standing behind her, and his face is serious. 'Is he mad? What happened to him now?'

Hailey takes a step backward. But again, it trapped her by the window. But it confused her why Vince's mood suddenly changed.

She closed her eyes when Vince leaned over. However, he only whispered in her ear and did not kiss her.

"You have forgotten something."

"Huh? About what?" She opens her eyes and looks at him. Honestly, she doesn't know why Vince is mad now.

"I told you I get jealous every time you smiled enormously in front of other men."

Hailey's jaw dropped on the floor. She processed her head for a moment as if what she heard is correct. 'What he says? It's a joke, right?'

She recalled the last time in the fish market. She thought Vince was only joking at that time. It turns out he's serious.

"I... I am only talking with Tim." Does he think I am flirting with his assistant?

Hailey hides her shock at the same time as a disappointment. She may be warm in conversing with other men, but it only means she trusts them, and she sees a good man.

Living in Metro City, she only has a few friends, and most are female. But back in Australia, she had an army of men everyone called The Queen's Knight.

And in Tim's case, he knew their secret about the agreement. So, she is comfortable joking around with him. But then, Vince doesn't like it because he is jealous.

Why would he feel that way? He doesn't care about Eva having another man. But for her, Vince is vocal about his jealousy.

Do they have a mutual feeling? Is Vince like her?

Hailey had these thoughts while Vince remained leaning on her; their bodies are too close to each other!

"I think I have to warn my assistant not to act familiar around you."

'What is his problem?' She could not believe that Vince is actually a jealous man!

"Vince, Tim is your assistant. He knew our secrets. That is why I am friendly toward him. I don't know anyone here, so I need to trust Tim aside from you. I am no closer to any of your trusted friends either than Tim," she explained.

Hailey is fine without a lot of friends here in Metro City. But if she didn't assert an explanation. She is worried about what punishment Vince will give to Tim.

Vince, on the other hand, contemplated what Hailey said to him. It is reasonable. And like what she told him last night, she trusted him, and that's more than enough to melt his heart.

Besides, why would he get jealous of his assistant? He is one thousand times better and handsomer than Tim. With this thought, a smile curved on Vince's lips, which made Hailey feel relieved.

It seems like she has to say sweet stuff for Vince to calm down and stop acting childish.

"Come with me."

Vince took Hailey's hand and pulled her away from the window. It confused her where they are going.

Vince halted in front of a wall. He did something, and the wall opens.

"Come in," said Vince with a smile.

Hailey looked at Vince, and she could see the delight in them, at the same time proud in his eyes. The room was more likely a secret room where he kept his precious creation inside.

"Wow! This room is incredible!" Hailey praised. Her gaze swept at the entire room.

When you enter the door, facing it is a coffee table and a long chaise. Then, it filled the entire room with tables of different sizes.

Hailey checked out every table and studied the Floor Plans Vince designed. And one of these floor plans is the Metro City Garden.

"Oh, the mall is expanding?" she queried Vince.

"Yeah. The Board of Investors has a vision of it."

"Great! Any targeted year?" Hailey asked further. Her eyes remain on the table.

"They demanded me to make the floor plans sooner, but I might pass it to one of my best architects."

"I see." Hailey chooses not to ask further. She moved to other tables, and she halted at one of them, the Crescent Penthouse, the one they live at. "By the way, I am very curious up to now. How do you come up with the name?"

Vince chuckled before he replied. He approached Hailey and joined her side. "Is the name sounding female?"

"Kind of, but it was intriguing." Hailey looks at Vince with curious eyes. And she anticipates hearing the answer from his mouth, although she already read it in the article. But she felt it emphasized little and mostly left off that part.

"Hm?" Vince remains to stare at Hailey as he ponders. How to explain it to her? Would she believe it? "Well, the moon always inspires me and probably affects my mood."

"Hah! It sounds valid." Hailey laughs for a moment. She then turned around and faced Vince. "I love it."

A loving smile curled up in his mouth as he extended his arms and held Hailey inside.

"She is giving me light in my darkest hours," Vince whispered.

"Hmm..." Hailey found the word sweet. "I like how you relate things in your creativity."

"I'll take that as a compliment from you." And you have no idea. He mumbled to himself inwardly as he tightened his embrace.

Who is his moon? Of course, there is only one woman who inspires him all these years. And finally, he got a hold of her now.

Vince lowered his head and about to kiss Hailey when someone knocked on his secret room. And since there's only one person on this floor other than them, they did not need to guess who it is.

"I'll open the door," he told Hailey. Irritation has written on his face.

Blushing, she nodded and smiled. "Okay!"
