Chapter 61   - Class Reunion: Sweet Dance (Four)

"There you are!" Hazel finally found Hailey.?"Did you just come back? I heard you help out the kitchen?"

"Yeah! So, I could resume my waitress job!"

"What are you saying? Let's go! We have to change your clothes."

"Huh? What's wrong with my uniform?"

"That's enough playing waitress or chef, Miss Hillson! It's time to rock the party!" Hazel grabbed Hailey's hand and led her toward the Electronic bus to send them to the main building.

"Where are we going?" Hailey asked as she played, confused.?She's been noticing that Hazel is acting strange since yesterday.


"We are only waiting for Liza and Nadia," said Hazel.

"Oh. I hope Nadia is alright now."

"What happened?" They were seated at the UV bus waiting for the two girls.

"She seeks revenge on my behalf.?It turns out she's the embarrassed one."

"Wait a minute! Is Zenaida the witch involved in this?" Hazel guess.?"Dammit! Where is that old hag, and I will teach her a lesson!"

"That's enough. From now on, she will have a second thought crossing my way.?So, I'm hoping she won't provoke me anymore."


"Oh! Is a drama just happening, and I missed it?" asked Hazel.?Her eyes widened, seeing Hailey nodded.?"Ugh! I want to witness it! You should call a backup!"

"That's not necessary." Hailey laughs, watching Hazel throwing a tantrum, frowning.?She smiled and reached for Hazel's hand.?"You don't need to get involved in my issues with Zenaida."

"But Hail..." Hazel didn't finish her words when Nadia and Liza climbed on the Electronic bus. "Nadia! Are you okay? I didn't know that old hag bullied you!"

"I'm alright. Hailey takes revenge on my behalf.?Although, it's my fault for going into a war not fully armed."

"Still! I?hated that woman!"

"Alright! We don't need to ruin our night because of Zenaida." Hailey has to stand in between.?She is grateful that these girls would fight for?her.?But she would never want them to get harm because of?her.?As the oldest, she has to appease?them.?To forget this matter, she changes the?subject.?"So... Where are you guys taking?me?"


"You will know soon!"

The topic changes, and the three girls are more immersed in carrying out their plan of dressing up Hailey.?They arrived at the main resort and dragged her toward the suite that belongs to?Vince.

"What are we doing here?" Hailey had the anticipation, reading the girl's?actions.?First, they head straight into the?room.?Second, Hazel had the key card?already.?Only one thing it means, Vince is behind?this!?'What are they planning?'

Hailey was astounded seeing three evening dresses worn by a mannequin inside the suite.?She queried, "What is the meaning of?this?"

"Come on! You should choose one of these dresses to wear tonight!" Liza encouraged?Hailey.?She began undressing her, unbuttoning her waitress uniform."

"Wait a minute! Is this Vince's plan??Or?"

"Obviously, your Majesty... Yes, of course!?The boss wants you to stand by his side!?He wanted you to be his date tonight, but you just refused him."

"And he asked for your help? That is my understanding of what I see now."

Hazel, Nadia, and Liza giggles.?Indeed, Vince contacted Hazel yesterday morning to inform her that he rented out a store for Hailey to have her fittings.?But as she refused, he needed help to make things secret, and the rest is a long story to be in detail.

Now here they are! Everything was all ready!?What only matters is for Hailey to show up at the party wearing one of these dresses.

"Hail, give me your uniform! I still need to work on my grades!" Nadia pleaded with Hailey.

At this moment, she felt like she had no choice because she wanted to help Nadia.

"Okay. But I need to take a quick shower first," she told them.

"Yes!" Nadia, Hazel, and Liza said at once.?They sigh with relief after Hailey entered the bathroom.

Hailey didn't stay longer in the bathroom.?Liza dried her hair while Hazel helped her apply makeup on her face.

Nadia took this opportunity to wash her hair that was drenched with red wine.?She wandered her eyes to the entire bathroom.?Wealthy people do know how to spend their money.?She thought to herself.

Outside, Hailey is almost ready.?She chooses a dress that is the same as her skin tone, the cream-colored that shows every curve of her body and generous to display her chest.?And the dress has a long slit on the left side, showing her long-legged.

Since her dress is backless, Hailey leaves her hair rested on her back after Liza iron it.

"Thank you, girls!" Hailey was grateful that she met these three angels here in P Country.

She is uncertain of where they plan to work after college.?Hazel's family has its own business, so a job is already waiting for her while Liza's parents work in famous hotels, and both are managers.?So then, all that needed her help was Nadia.?Her mother struggled to work somewhere in the Middle East to support her college and her younger brother in Junior High.

She is already preparing Nadia's documents to receive a sponsorship from Dream City Foundation.?Once Nadia graduated and had a recommendation after an internship, and is willing to work with her in Australia; she will assign her as one of the instructors to train her service crews.

However, right now, she could not tell Nadia about it yet.?But probably, soon, she would finally confess to them who she is.

Back in the venue, the Class Reunion proceeds by giving tributes to those who help make this year's alumni successful. At the moment, Vincent called on stage to make a speech. He thanked everyone who attended tonight's gathering. He also acknowledged the sponsors one by one. And when he was almost done, his eyes caught the beautiful woman entering the reception.

Vince took a deep breath. The woman who slowly walked on the red carpet made him breathless.?Few of the alumni noticed that he seemed distracted all of a sudden.?They followed his gaze when he stopped blinking and settled his eyes in one direction.

At the entrance, they saw Hailey Hillson walking toward the table reserved for the AB Department.?Everyone could not take their eyes away from looking at her.

And at the moment, Hailey would like for the clock to stop.?Now that every pair of eyes was staring in her direction, it made her anxious.?She could not believe that Hazel left her in the middle of the entrance.?That girl disappears out of thin air!

She struggled to find her way in which direction she must go.?Her eyes traveled, and she saw Lloyd Khan waving at her, and Hazel was there already!?I'm going to pinch this lady!?Hailey thought inwardly.

She was on her way to the table when Vince started making a statement that made her chest beating loudly.

"And lastly, I would like to thank the person who saves us all tonight.?To make this gathering more special, the Alumni Association invited this famous chef that is currently visiting our country to prepare our food tonight.?However, she had to bring her daughter to the hospital.?Gladly, her former student, is now a student at N University.?And she highly recommends her!?And tonight... On behalf of the Alumni Association and N University Administration.?We want to give our gratitude to Miss Hailey Hillson!?Round of applause, please."

After Vince made this acknowledgment, he walks toward Mrs. Gomez and gets the bouquet they prepared for Chef Tessa.

Vince came down from the stage and walked toward Hailey.?Meanwhile, she wished for the ground to open and eat her.?She is never used to this kind of appreciation as all her life, she is hiding from her nobility status.?She never gets involved in her father's popularity in the business world.?And if her company needs to attend such gatherings, she has the boys to send over.

And tonight, she didn't see it coming that Vince would do such a thing.?As much, she wanted to stay low.?But what a coincidence. The chef they invited is her former teacher, and what a coincidence such an emergency happens.

Everything in her life at the moment is full of coincidences.?Life is indeed full of surprises.?She mused.

Hailey set aside her thoughts when Vince is now standing in front of her.?She looks up and meets his eyes.?He was looking at her lovingly, which made her cheeks blushed.

She wished it was real. And she wished this was also a dream.?That only two people were enjoying this magical moment.

"Hi! It's for you..." Vince handed the flowers. He also leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheeks.

"Thank you." She smiled at Vince, blushing, and prayed that he would not hear how her heart is beating wildly.

Hailey recalled the incident this morning when Vince kissed her cheek even they were not on the act.?Thinking it over, it causes her cheeks to flush red.

And witnessing this sweet moment... Mrs. Gomez makes an announcement.?"Ladies and Gentlemen, to proceed with the program, I am inviting Mr. Shen and Miss Hillson to come in the middle of the dance floor to lead our traditional Sweet Dance!"

Clapping their hands, it filled the venue with cheer and applause. Vince places his right arm into his chest and leans slightly.

"Can I have the honor of this dance, Miss Hillson?"

Hailey's eyes spark with delight.?She thinks Vince had become more handsome in her eyes.?Bowing like a knight, thrilled crept toward her chest.

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Shen." Hailey places her hand into Vince's waiting palm.?He guided her into the middle of the reception.?Vince places his left hand on her waist while his right palm still holds her left hand.

Their body swayed at the first beat of the song.?The famous singers whom they invited to perform tonight are singing the famous song that is Hailey's favorite song.?She wished this night would never end...


Moon so bright, the night so fine

Keep your heart here with mine

Life's a dream. We are dreaming

Race the moon, catch the wind

Ride the night to the end

Seize the day, stand up for the light

I want to spend my lifetime loving you

If that is all in life I ever do

Heroes rise, heroes fall

Rise again, win it all

In your heart, can't you feel the glory?

Through our joy, through our pain

We can move worlds again

Take my hand, dance with me, dance with me..."
