Chapter 55   - Banned From Metro City Garden

Waiting several minutes, their food has finally arrived. Upon having the sight of the food, Hazel and Nadia forget how annoyed they are at the third table that pesters them since in the parking lot.

The girls continue chattering over the food, Hailey casually typing on her phone while stuffing her mouth. Geoffrey is inquiring about the project she would like to assign for the SHEN GROUP.

However, she could not make a phone call to discuss it at the moment. She replied to Geoffrey that they would talk about it later in the evening over FaceTime.

And she was about to put away her phone when it rang and Vince's name flashing on the screen.

"Oh. The boss is missing you!" Hazel teases Hailey after she peeks on her phone and sees the name flash on the screen.

"Go on! We will pretend to hear nothing." Nadia echoed, followed by her giggles.


Hailey opens her mouth with awe. Shifting her gaze from the three girls who are puttering silly smiles at her, she asks with confusion. "What? And why is that?"

"It means sweet talk!" Liza chimed in, who were also thrilled to witness her love life.

Hailey rendered speechlessly. It amazed her how these teenagers knew more stuff than her!

"Hello?" She finally swipes the green button and answers the call. Rapidly, her heart flutters upon hearing Vince's soothing voice.

"Hi! Have you had lunch already?" Vince queried while he glances at the time on his wristwatch. It says almost one in the afternoon.

Using her sweetest voice, Hailey replied to Vince, "Yes! We're in the middle of having lunch."


"That's great! But I was calling up at the wrong time." Said Vince apologetically, which made Hailey purse a sweet smile. She doesn't mind if Vince calls her any time in the day.

Meanwhile, listening to her, Hailey glared at the three girls who are looking at her dreamily. She giggled and shook her head. And with what she did, it didn't escape from Vince's hearings. He thinks it was cute, and he could picture Hailey blushes and had that facial expression she was often showing to him every time she sounded like this.

While Hailey is talking with Vince, Hazel muttered to her. "You should tell the boss that someone stole your slot in the parking lot."

"What was that?" asked Vince. Hazel was blabbing about something, and he didn't like it. "What happens?"

"It's not that biggie." Hailey would like to withhold it. But it's too late for her to deny when Manager Denise escorted three bulk men from Metro City Garden Security and a man that Hailey recognized as the General Manager of this mall. The group is walking toward the middle of the restaurant.

Everyone is looking in their direction, curious why the mall security is visiting the restaurant at this busy hour.


"Good noon, sir. My name is Ricky Lim, General Manager of this mall. I have a question. Are you the owner of the black Lamborghini park in Level 3 Slot number S01?"

"It was mine. What's the matter?" The guy is arrogantly answering Ricky Lim.

The General Manager is dumbfounded, being replied rudely when he is inquiring politely. Ricky pursed his mouth to control his annoyance. He notified, "Please, remove your car. Or a tow will drag it out."

"Are you threatening me now?" The guy shifted his gaze between Ricky and the three mall securities. It did not show he is afraid of them, but he sneered at them instead. "Do you have to bring three security guards to scare me? What kind of treatment is this?"

"Please, sir. All I wanted to happen is for you to move your car and park in another slot. That spot is reserved for the SHEN GROUP and Shen family."

"Really? And why is that?" The guy questioned Ricky, but it was his company that answered his query.

"They are the ones who build this mall, Mig."

However, the guy only raises a brow and laughs. "So what? My family is also an investor in this Mall. Why don't we have our parking slot? Why did the firm, who is only a builder, reserved a slot for them?"

It pissed Ricky to listen to this guy but had to keep control of his tolerance. "Sir, the Shen Group runs monthly inspections of the entire mall to ensure the safety of the establishment and hotel. Besides, the Shen had frequent business with us as they are one of the major investors of this mall."

Ricky said it bluntly, enough to shut the guy's mouth. His girlfriend, who is just an aspiring new actress, feels the coercion thrown at their table by other guests. She could hear the words from the surrounding table, and it's not good news.

"That was embarrassing! Who has the guts to compete against the SHEN?" Commented by someone from the other table.

"And it happens if someone's presence!" Chimed in by another woman from the table next to them.

"Right! President Vincent Shen's girlfriend is here!" And they glanced at Hailey's table, admiring her pretty face and the dress she is wearing. They are always jealous of how she always looks elegant and gorgeous.

In the meantime, the guy and the starlet began realizing that they were in a hot pot. Also, now that it mentioned Vincent's girlfriend. Ricky takes the opportunity to continue his statement.

"Ahem. And your next offense, sir. President Shen notified us that his girlfriend and her friends would come to the mall to shop. He informed us to let them park in the reserved park belonging to Shen company. And the commotion you created in the parking lot is not tolerable behavior. Now please leave the mall. We are banning you and your company from coming back."

"What? I have nothing to do with this! I accompany him for lunch! Likewise, I have a car show on Sunday! You can't ban me! I already signed a contract!" The starlet model named Divine stressed out after Ricky dropped the bomb. Her popularity has just begun, and she can't afford to have a scandal like this. Banning her means she is now blacklisted in Metro City Garden to do any project such as International Fashion Show or any events that need her talents. "Mig, this is your fault!"

"Shut up! Who's the one nagging me to dine in here? This is your fault!"

Everyone was dumbfounded watching the couple who are now quarreling. Ricky grew irritated listening to them. He gestures his hand at the three securities and gives orders. "Escort them outside. Remember their faces. They are no longer welcome in this Mall."

"Please, this has nothing to do with me! You can't blacklist me! Mr. Lim!"

"Serves you, right, bisshh!" Hazel ridiculed Divine. She could not stay only to watch this drama. She comes forward to mock the couple. "You should know who you offend or else? You'll be banned forever!"

Actually, Hazel's words are meant for Divine and for every guest dining in that restaurant.

Divine and her arrogant boyfriend were dragged out from the restaurant and escorted to the parking lot to make sure they left.

Meanwhile, now that the matter was taken care of. Ricky Lim walked toward Hailey's table. He bowed and apologized. "I'm sorry about that, Miss Hailey. It won't happen again."

"You don't have to apologize, Manager Lim. But I am glad you've noticed right away." Hailey replied with a warm smile. "Vince is on the other line. He wanted to talk to you."

Suddenly, Ricky gets worried that Vincent is upset about what happened. He was to blame if worse had happened in the parking lot.

Ricky only talked to Vince for a brief moment. He gave back the phone to Hailey and apologized once again before he left the restaurant.

"Now that's karma!" Nadia muttered pleasingly.
