Chapter 51   - She's Still Naive

Excitement crept into Vincent's chest that he could not hold himself to slammed his hand on the table.

He read every word written in the letter that was sent by the Chief Operating Officer named Geoffrey Wilson.

In the letter, the COO includes a note to contact him if he has inquiries. Geoffrey Wilson is also the Head of the Planning Team Department. It means, he is the one he will work closely with in the future.

Visiting Dream City to survey the entire place to had ideas and prepare a presentation, Vince is confident to win a project. Anything, as long as the Shen Group has the opportunity to contribute work to the city.

"This is it, Tim! Set a meeting with our Senior Engineers and Architects this afternoon. I have important things to discuss with them and I will select whom I will bring over to Australia."

"Got it, boss!" Tim responded with enthusiasm while typing notes on his TAB. His boss's delight is contagious, and so he is in a good mood as well.


"Tell the board I'll be there after an important call overseas. "

"Okay, boss!" Tim turned around and left the room.

Vince reached for the telephone and made a call for Australia. He patiently waited until the other line answers his call.

Meanwhile, Geoffrey was on his mobile phone, talking to his boss.

"Hail, can you wait for a sec? I have to answer another call."

"Sure! Go ahead. It must be important." Hailey knew that when a call is directly toward Geoffrey's office, it will be regarding Dream City.


Geoffrey picks the phone receiver and greets the caller. "Hello? Davies Group Planning Department."

"Good morning, Mr. Wilson. This is Vincent Shen of Shen Group. I read your email. Thank you for a quick response to my proposal."

"Ah, President Shen! Yes, I am pleased to inform you that we offer your company a project here in Dream City. No further delay, we should discuss the schedule of your visit."

"Any time, any day, Mr. Wilson."

"That's great! I am thinking about next week. My boss is coming home by then. It was a perfect time for you to meet her and discuss the project she will assign you," said Geoffrey on the other line.

Vince, on the other hand, was surprised. It seems too fast that his proposal approves in a snap of a finger. He just submitted it yesterday, and now he received a positive response.


"Mr. Wilson, are you saying that I won a bidding without showing my presentation?"

"That is not necessary, Mr. Shen. My boss approved your proposal, and she was impressed by your previous projects in your country."

"I see. Then I will take that as good news?" Vince would like to assure he heard it correct.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shen. I look forward to working with you."

"The honor is mine, Mr. Wilson! I look forward to meeting your boss and helping her build Dream City."

Vince and Geoffrey exchange a few more words before they end the call.

Vince could still not believe it. The news dazzled him until now. Of course, he is. SHEN GROUP has several competitors around the world.

He often heard that the DAVIES GROUP CEO is very particular to all designs submitted to her. Giant firms only got rejected, which these companies are known to their name and reputation for decades.

And so, Vince had a little bit anxious if Shen Group has a chance to work Dream City.

But then, he won a project without shedding sweat like crawling his way to get their attention. Although that was half true, he is confident to prove he could build a city into the modern world that is Eco friendly.

It sounds ironic. But he shares the same vision and mission of this CEO to build an ecosystem city. He likes the idea of planting more trees.

Unfortunately, he has no chance to join a school movement of preserving mountains from dying by illegal logging, back in his college days. That time around, he started his training to run their company when he is twenty years old.

And after his AB degree, he took Architecture to join the Planning team, and now he earns the position of being the CEO and President of SHEN GROUP.

He molded his skills in these passing five years so that, the Shen Group will be recognized internationally. He made careful planning how to transform Metro City that it won't harm the lower class citizens, but promote a healthy environment by planting trees and building more forest parks around the city.

A man-made forest and lake. That is something surprising for neighboring countries how the P Country transforms in a short time.

It's not an easy battle. He needs to win the Shen Group investors and gain foreign partners and climb the steep stairs to earn his success today.

And Vincent Shen didn't know. What he did in Metro City impressed Hailey.


Last night, Geoffrey emailed Hailey the list of companies that submitted a proposal. And yes, Vince is one of them.

Of course, it was Hailey's main objective why she traveled to P Country, and that is to offer SHEN GROUP a project.

Vincent Shen's works in Metro City are what Hailey desired for Dream City. And now that Vince applied to be a part of Dream City builders. She won't delay, but approved his proposal without the initial presentation she required for every builder's company that wished to win a project from her.

"Hail, am I reading correctly?" Geoffrey queries over their WhatsApp chat.

"Yes. It is correct. I want you to schedule the SHEN GROUP tour in Dream City."

"Okay. I will sort out things tonight to accommodate our newly hired firm. Without H Group and LN Group, we will be more delayed to launch, Hail."

"I know. That is why we need SHEN GROUP to speed our construction to at least finish sixty to seventy percent of the city."

"You seem very confident with the SHEN GROUP performance?"

"Yes, I am! I did research, of course. Wait... I will email you the files I sort out. These are the SHEN GROUP projects in these passing years."

Hailey shared the link to the PowerPoint she created. Geoffrey watches it, and he could say it impresses him.

"All right, Hail. I will email SHEN GROUP first thing tomorrow."

"Great! Thank you for the hard work, Geoffrey. I don't know what am I going to do without you and everyone."

"Does this include Bryan?"

"He is an original Team Member, so yes. Geoffrey, I am aware that you still hated him, but I want to be free from Bryan. The more I will think about how he broke my heart, the more I couldn't find my happiness."

"So, you are saying that you are moving on now and ready for a new relationship?"

Geoffrey waited for Hailey to reply. He guesses that Hailey carefully thought about his question.

It seems like Hailey has finally grown up after Bryan cheated on her. Of course, he is one who spoiled Hailey a lot.

She grew up dependent on them. But lately, he noticed these big changes. So maybe Hailey now learns to be careful if ever she would love someone.

It looks like Hailey didn't need someone who could tame her down and control her reckless behavior. She just needs to be brokenhearted.

"Okay, Hail. You need not answer that. Just know that you can count on me always. I will stay by your side even after Dream City is completed. Whatever you plan to do after? Don't forget to sign me up!"

Geoffrey didn't wait for Hailey's response, he sent this message. And Hailey pushes a warm smile.

She knew that Geoffrey is a reliable man. Any woman is so lucky to have him as a boyfriend and a husband.

"When Dream City is about to finish, you should start looking for a girlfriend. No. You should settle down. Life is precious. You should share it with someone special."

Geoffrey dropped his jaw reading this message from Hailey. He laughed bitterly and pitied himself.

'This girl has gone mature. But a part of her remains naive.' Geoffrey helplessly leaned on his chair. 'Well, you are forever in Friendzone, bro.'

"Well, I'm not looking for a girlfriend yet. But who knows, yeah. Maybe the one will arrive one day." Although he is saying this, his heart knew who he desired.

Geoffrey and Hailey chatted further until they bid good night.

Hailey turned off her laptop and placed down her phone. She stretches her arms and breathes in. She was happy that Vince finally sent a proposal.

"Welcome to DAVIES GROUP, Vincent Shen."

And to celebrate, she will reward his hard work with coffee and berries pies.

Hailey went inside the penthouse and brewed coffee for Vince. She also preheats the pies and brings them over to the study.
