Chapter 41:Wish To Meet Her Family

Hailey followed Mrs. Flores inside her unit. It was spacious. The penthouse is only one floor and two-bedroom, enough space for the kitchen next to the living room.

And in the middle of her garden is a small fountain surrounded by both imported and local plants that bloom breathtakingly. Mrs. Flores also has hanging plants around the ceiling of her penthouse.

And on the terrace, in which Vince makes sure it was spacious enough to place a small garden for the tenants, it has a coffee table and two sofas where Mrs. Flores spent her time reading her books or having tea with her friends that also lived in the same building.

"Would you stay for tea?" Mrs. Flores asked Hailey after she placed the shopping bags on the counter.

"Ah, we might turn down your invitation, ma'am. I would love to, but Vincent has work to finish." Hailey politely declined the old lady's offer.

"That's what I'm talking about. He has a lot of work to do, but he gives time to accompany you shopping. Not to mention, it's not a supermarket but a public fish market."


Hailey smiled at how the old lady seemed thrilled while stating it. The old lady must have a beautiful love story, and she actually referred to her husband's thoughtfulness of going shopping in a fish market. She commented, "I could see that your late husband used to accompany you shopping."

"Oh, yes! He always picked me up from the school I work as a teacher, and together we will go to a public market and buy everything we need to make dinner!"

"That was wonderful, ma'am. Instead of going out for dinner or takeout, you give time to make meals for your family. No wonder your son spends time visiting you even for a short time. I'm sure just to share a meal with you."

"I am glad, yes. It made me miss the times when they were little and my husband still alive." Mrs. Flores swept her eyes to the wall, where she filled them with photos of her family. Sadness exhibits in her eyes, but it also shone pride in them. It only shows she had many wonderful memories with her family.

Mrs. Flores claps her hands and says, "Well then! I took too much of your time while your boyfriend was waiting outside. Thank you for helping me."

"Your welcome, ma'am." Hailey smiled at the old lady. She was always close to aged women because she always remembers her late grandmother Meredith.


Mrs. Flores escorted Hailey to the door. She thanked Vince for sparing time to accompany her back to her unit.

"If you find any problem in your unit, Mrs. Flores. Please, reach out to the Building Maintenance office, ma'am."

"Oh, I will! Thank you for making our lives comfortable, Mr. Shen."

"It's my pleasure, ma'am," Vince replied politely before he and Hailey walked toward the elevator.

"Have a wonderful night for the both of you!"

"Good night, Mrs. Flores!" Hailey waved at the lady before she stepped inside the elevator.


Talking to older ladies brings gladness to her heart. She was fond of them because they were equipped with good values and became wiser from all they learned in life throughout the years they overcome all the circumstances laid in their path.

Well, not everyone acting their age, though. She also came across those arrogant old women who think highly of themselves. But she always has faith in humanity. There are good people out there, and she felt blessed to find people she treasures now.

Vince didn't leave his eyes staring at Hailey. He noticed how it brightened up her face after their brief encounter with Mrs. Flores. He thinks Hailey had a soft spot for older women. Something he admired about her.

Now being alone in the elevator, Vince casually looks in her direction. She could feel his burning gaze on her face, which made her blush again.

Hailey let out a breath when they arrived at the top floor. Vince's penthouse has a spacious lounge the moment you step out of the elevator.

The door is located in the right corner, which next to it is a rectangular floor-ceiling window that gives more light to the lounge aside from the chandelier in the middle of the ceiling and lamps hung on the walls.

It was completely peaceful up here from the noises below the building and traffic in the neighboring streets.

Hailey quietly follows Vince inside his penthouse. She watched him place the ice bucket on the sink and wash his hands after.

"Where should I place these fish?" he asked. Vince knew where to put them, but he wanted to make sure he would place them correctly as Hailey organized his refrigerator very well.

"About that, you don't have to worry. Let me do it. You can start your work now."

"Alright! Then, I'm going upstairs now."

"Okay… I'll make a light snack for us!"

"Sounds great!"

Both of them seem to have other things in mind they wanted to share, but both of them are having second thoughts.

Vince smiled before he turned around and walked toward the staircase. He glanced at Hailey. He wanted to talk with her about something, but his work is waiting already.

While Hailey put the fish in the fridge, Vince went to his bedroom and took a quick shower. He put on another business suit and went to his study; opening his laptop.

Later on, Hailey headed to the study. In her hand is a tray she placed a bowl of seaweed salad with unripe tomatoes and cucumber. Hailey used an Apple cider, and she added black pepper and sesame seeds to the salad. On another plate are lettuce and a small bowl of mayonnaise she mixes with banana ketchup and three tablespoons of apple cider, she sprinkles a little black pepper powder.

Hailey halted in front of the door. She noticed Vince left it open, and she guessed he intended to leave it this way.

Using her right foot, Hailey pushes the door, and she finds Vince having a FaceTime meeting at the moment with his foreign investors.

She entered the study with careful steps not to make any sound and walked toward the coffee table and placed the tray.

Vince could see how Hailey was very precise in her movement. It is one thing that impresses him. Something he ponders, whether Hailey was just obedient after he included in their agreement.

He quoted that he doesn't like noises, especially during the time he will work at night. Now he somewhat regrets that. He realized he actually sounded rude.

But he could see that Hailey has a great personality and sensitivity. She could handle things and played it well.

And when it comes to his work, she is always careful not to bother him. He could see that she was brought up wonderfully. Her family must also be wonderful people, which is why he is keen to meet them one day.
