Chapter 29:Howie Gu's Idiocy

Howie Gu moved his eyes toward Ken Gutierrez, glaring sharply. It annoys him that his friends did nothing to help him.

Vincent Shen is alone. If the nine of them beat him, Howie could imagine that the guy turned into a pulp now.

Howie sat up, his one hand reached for his sides, while the other one on his throat. He coughs a few times to breathe properly, rubbing his rib cage. He needed an x-ray to make sure nothing had broken. Having the thought, he yelled at the manager, who does nothing but remained standing by the door.

"Why don't you call for a doctor!"

Edgar Reid did not reply. He only stared at Howie with displeasure.

As of this moment, President Shen will put him on his list of people who disappoints him.


Edgar Reid thought to himself.

When reports came to his office about a scene in the Reception lobby, he already anticipated that something would happen before the day ends. And his prediction was correct.

Vincent Shen made a move. But what he didn't expect, Vincent came himself to deal with Howie Gu.

"What kind of manager are you!?"

One more time, Howie yelled at Edgar Reid. The manager remains unmoved. He blinked to look at Howie Gu indifferently.

He stated, "Mr. Gu, I thought you read the policies of the resorts. Being a member of this Club Resort, you have a responsibility to follow the guidelines. Offending someone from VIPs nor any guests violates your membership."


"What the heck of policies is that!? Are you telling me I am stupid? I never heard of such a thing!"

Edgar Reid twitched the corner of his mouth. Customers always right! It was what he believes in.

Well, sometimes people wear their honors on their heads, not in their hearts. Their pride becomes arrogance that they forget to use their brain.

Edgar Reid comes across countless people in the past. And thank goodness, there's someone like President Shen who can make them kneel on their knee and reflect.

But Howie Gu remains arrogant. He is lucky President Shen didn't beat him until he turned into a pulp. But probably he did it when that woman didn't arrive.

Vincent Shen is a reserved person. But once provoked, it was the end of the world.


Edgar Reid fixed his gaze down to Howie Gu, who remained seated on the floor. His friends didn't even bother to help him get up and sat on the couch.

Anyway, he wouldn't have to be surprised. Each of them has no desire to associate and be part of Vincent Shen's anger.

And it was true. All of them who attended Howie's exclusive party knew these policies Manager Reid brought out. Also, they know whose guests they have to avoid offending. But damn. Howie dug a pit for his ass to beat up. They could not believe he has the guts to humiliate Vincent's girlfriends.

"What? Why is no one answering me!" Howie Gu, screamed one more time. It pissed him at how everyone only ignored him. "I will call my father, and I will make sure to close this resort!"

Most of the people in that hall only rolled their eyes, didn't feel threatened when Howie reached for his phone and started dialing.

"Dammit! I just purchased this phone!" he cussed, staring helplessly at the limited edition new phone model of a particular leading mobile phone company in the world.

Howie kept his phone inside on his back pocket, and it must have cracked it when he fell on the floor.

Howie waited impatiently that his father would answer his call. Howie cussed once again when his call only forwarded to a voicemail. He tried to make a call three times, but his father only ignored him.

"Dammit! What is he doing!?"

Ken Gutierrez was staring at Howie with amazement. This guy is absolutely not using his head. "Hey, Howie. Your dad must be in the middle of the Senate session. Have you forgotten that he is the majority leader? He must be leading the senate session right now!"

Howie fell in his thought for a moment. He did forget about it, but he has pride, and there's no way he would admit his stupidity.

"So what? I am his son! How can he run a country if he won't prioritize his son!? He must take care of his family first!"

Everyone in that room gape at Howie with a funny expression on their faces, including the service crew; their mouths fell open.

Ken, on the other hand, thought it was just a joke. He asked, "Are you seriously saying that?" 'This idiot! Where is his brain?'

What kind of reason does he have? Everyone wanted to laugh at him, but they remained silent. Howie wasn't like on the verge of severe wounds that he is dying. The trouble he was in is because of his stupidity. Now he wants to involve his father's name in his idiocy.

The service crew was disappointed to witness this scene. He is one of those sons who wanted to use the power of their family to be superior. It was funny how Senator Gu didn't discipline his son to behave in public.

Later, he felt that everyone just made him look like an idiot. Howie yelled at them. "Everyone, out! I don't want to see you again!"

Howie's friends shared glances at each other. It was the females who left the room, leaving behind their boyfriend. Manager Edgar Reid also left the room and ignored Howie's tantrum.

If he were Vincent Shen, he would beat him until Senator Gu would not recognize his face.

But how ironic. Vincent did not even use his hand. He only used his right foot to deal with him. Maybe what Howie Gu needed was a knock on his head to come to his senses. Walking down the hallway, it was Manager Edgar Reid thought.

Meanwhile, left in the room, Ken Gutierrez and five other men remained. Their reason, they want to gossip further. They would like to go, but they were more interested in what will happen to Howie Gu now.

On the sofa, Howie was typing on his phone and sent a message to his father.

"Dad! Please send me an ambulance right now! I want to go to the hospital and have a check-up! Vincent Shen beat me up, but no one even helped me! Everyone here in M Club Resort is useless!"

After a minute, Howie receives a call from his father. A huge grin playing on his mouth to drop it closed after he heard his father's scolding.

"Idiot! What did you do!?"

Howie at first confused why his father questioned him instead of feeling worried at him.

"Did you offend him!?"

Howie got irritated. All he heard today is questioning him if he offended Vincent Shen. What with that guy!? Their family is almost equal in terms of wealth and political instance!

"How if I did? Why do I have a feeling that your sympathy is in him instead of me?"

"Idiot! He is the last person you should provoke! What did you do?"

"That is not important. If you don't help me, then it's just a waste of time to talk to you."

As he heard this, blue veins popping out at Senator Philip Gu's forehead. 'What a bastard son!' he cursed inwardly.

"How dare you talk to me like that now after sending me a message whining like a girl!"

"And why are you more concerned about Vincent Shen than your son!?"

"Shut up! Go home now, and let's talk!"

The other line gone, Howie cussed. It looks like his father would not side with him but reproach him instead!

'What with Vincent Shen that even his father seems afraid of him?' Howie mused, he had to raise a protest why his father only ignored him.
