Chapter 285   - Our Castle

The men cheered upon seeing him, then one person rushed to his side and threw her arms around him.


"Hello, Princess." Andre hugged Hailee back. He raised his right arm to stroke her now long hair while his other arm gripped tight to her back. "I'm glad you look well, now."

When he heard about what happened, he made a FaceTime with Hailee three days after being admitted to the hospital. By that time, she looked a lot paler.

And then he learned she was pregnant.

It shocked him. But Hailee's smile was priceless. He could see how happy she was while she's telling him this. Soon, she will become a mother, and there are possibilities she is conceiving a twin.


Now that Andre was here, Vincent immediately rose from the diner sofa and stood before Andre. He extended his arm and introduced himself politely, "Vincent Shen."

There are only two men he would respect extra politely among Hailee's family. One is her dad, and the second is her uncle Andre. The rest of her knights. It would depend on if they were all nice to him.

Anyway, he'll not begin a fight, not cause to make her disappointed in him for maintaining a dispute among her knights.

Lowering his gaze to Vincent's hand, Andre lifted his arm after five seconds, then shook Vincent's palm.

"Andre Hillson…. We've already been introduced before."

"Yes. But you left immediately. We didn't have a chance to have a pleasant talk."


"Ah, right…" Andre smiled awkwardly.

Of course. That night, he was furious, looking out for Bryan to beat him up, and then he accompanied Hailee to go back to Dubai after having at least a short time together after a year he didn't see her.

Hailee pulled Andre to join their table. Food is served, lunch becomes even merrier.

As Andre was there, the knights were behaving by treating Vince indifferently. The guy had a good conversation with Vincent, making Hailee happy to see they got along well.

And because she was ecstatic by Andre's arrival, she didn't notice right away that Hansen and Janise were missing in the room.

Hailee concluded that maybe the two of them went to have a private talk, so she shrugged her shoulders and enjoyed her dessert.


The chef uses natural sweeteners, so it was okay for her to eat more portions of the cake.

When it was three in the afternoon, and the other boys had to go back to the company for a meeting, Hailee returned to her unit to rest.

She was woken up by the need to go to the restroom. She was leaning on Vince's sturdy chest, arms circling around his waist. Her breathing is tranquil; he dare not move but remain to stare at her calm face for two hours.

Since there is an official dinner for the Shen and Davies family, Vince bathes Hailee and helps her pick out a dress. Every time she chose a backless or a low V-neck cut, Vince frowned and shook his head.

In the end, she chose a high neck and long sleeve pair with a fitted skirt. Just then, Vince smiled and was satisfied. He reminded her it was cold at night. She might have caught a cold.

His concern touched Hailee. He's becoming a more doting husband.

Vince helped to pony-tailed her hair. She showed him a video tutorial on tying her hair using a rubber band and two hairpins hook on the sides. She could not help smiling enormously while watching their reflection in the mirror.

"Is it tight enough?"

Vince asked her after he gathered all the hair strands in his palm. After she nodded, he picked up the rubber band, then copied how the video did it.

Hailee gaped at Vince lovingly. She knew he would be a great dad to their daughters and a wonderful teacher to their sons.

A gentleman like him should produce a dozen of their children to multiply and spread in this world. She doesn't mind being pregnant with his offspring many times.

"Thank you." She kissed Vince on the lips after he tied her hair. The admiration in her eyes glints with proudness. "I am the luckiest girl in the world."

"So am I… I have the most amazing woman here by my side."

With what Vince had said, warmth crept toward her chest, then exploded inside her heart. She embraces him tight and breathes with his natural scent.

"I love you, hubby."

"I love you too, Wifey. You are the light that always shines in my life."

"If you haven't known yet. You are my strength I want to rely on."

Vince sealed her lips with a kiss after their sweet words for each other. Hailee parted to him to see his face.

"I have something to show before we head to Dream City Castle."

Vince drove Hailee's Rolls-Royce Cullinan SUV. They headed to the North-west district, the Dreamville Residency, for the most prominent families who wish to live here.

Currently, ten mansions are almost finished. Soon, more manors are going to be constructed. All the owners of these houses are known celebrities and billionaires who are the Davies family's good friends.

Hailee instructed Vince where to go. He drove toward a hill mountain. The road was already cemented, and so they have a smooth drive going up.

"Park over there, hubby."

She pointed out a tree near the cliff on this hill. Vince pulls over, and he helps Hailee get out of the car. Even though she's still seven weeks pregnant, he panicked and worried if she would feel uncomfortable.

Hand in hand, they walk toward the cliff. The view from there is breathtaking. They could see the entire city from there, and even the Dream City Castle erected North.

"Originally, dad and I made a careful selection of which part of the city we will build the mansions. And here are the perfect locations." Hailee began narrating. "I saw the model type of the mansion you wanted to build for your future family, and so… Mr. Shen, I give you this piece of land to build that mansion. I am willing to bore a dozen of your children, and so, you make sure to build a huge one."


Listening to Hailee, he processed her words first, as if what he heard was correct. He could see that the land was ready to build a house any time.

Vincent travels his eyes to the vastness of the area.

Vince fixed his eyes on Hailee's face. He searched her face and that radiating smile he saw. He asked, "Are you really giving me this land?"

"Yup! It's my wedding gift to you."

It rendered him speechless for half a minute. He caresses her face, staring at her with a tenderness in his eyes. He'd realized that he did nothing much for her, but she does many things for him.

Even now, she's giving him endless gifts, which he returns none yet.

She completes him… She also gave him children. And then, she's the reason his family is all together now. No fighting, but working as a team. They were actually happier now than before she came into their life.

She is really the moonlight that shines during their stormy nights. She glowed and continued twinkling above. His family was too blessed to have her; it is not because of her powerful background but because of her heart made of gold.

She never hates his parents; instead, she keeps showing her warmth and thoughtfulness about his family. She never acts superior to his family but humbleness.

Who're in-laws wouldn't be fond of her? Even his mom could melt her strong-willed heart. He is certain that even if his mom and Hailee had no strong connection fifteen years ago, they would still have a good relationship one day, as long as his mom opens her heart to the woman he loved to grow old with.

Panic exhibited in Hailee's eyes when she saw the beads of tears fall on Vince's cheeks.

"Thank you." He muttered with a hoarse voice. Vince nudged her forehead with his. She reaches out his face and wipes the tears that wet his eyes. He went on,

"You are so wonderful! There are no words I could say of how blissful I was that God gave me you."

Vince took both of her hands and kissed them while muttering about his plans for their first family home here in Dream City.

"I would not build a mansion but a castle where there are two dozen bedrooms for our children and family when they visit us. I will put a maze garden in the front yard, then a vast swimming pool with slides for the kids. And oh, I will build a greenhouse for you, where you can take a rest during the days you bore our dozen children. I would be so worried about you. And so, you can walk around your blossoming garden as your daily exercise. Definitely, I will also build another building where we can do some sports and gym exercise. A tennis court, perhaps? There will be a large theater hall, tearoom, and playroom for the little kids… I will make sure that our grandchildren would love to visit us often and spend time with us."

Hailee bit her lip as tears welled up in her eyes. When she saw Vince tear up, she struggled to push back her tears. Now, she let them soak her cheeks, listening to Vince making plans for their future big family.

Having a glimpse of their beautiful future made her heart smile.

There is nothing she wishes in this life to grow old with this man embracing her tightly while they both cried.

They said marriage should be a give and take. Both couples offer each other, so both can take and receive a beautiful gift such as love.

With love in between them, they can do many things and become a great team. Being a great team comes with a beautiful partner in life.

That is why she could not wait to start a life with Vince.

"I love you, forever, Mrs. Hailee Davies Shen..."
