Chapter 118   - Is She Mad?

Since the room suddenly fell into an awkward silence, Jacob coughs and clears his throat.

"Mr. Shen, so far, I was impressed with all of your designs throughout the world. I have talked to my daughter, and as she describes to me, she loved the transformation you did in Metro City. She is highly optimistic in working with you."

Jacob added, "You can approach me for further discussion regarding all of your projects here in Dream City. I would love to hear more of your vision."

Vincent sighs with relief. Gladly, he was able to impress the chairman and his daughter. It was all that mattered in this meeting.

"Thank you, Chairman Davies. It's a pleasure to work with you, sir."

Jacob pursed his lips, not to broader his smile. But the truth is, he was happy that someone reprimands the men! He is actually in the mood to make fun of them, but he has to act appropriately in front of the Shen Group CEO.


"Geoffrey, I want everyone in my office. Now!"

Geoffrey froze. It shocked him to hear Hailey's firm tone from the other line. Ever since before, he never heard Hailey talk fiercely at any of them. Even those times she confronted Bryan, she didn't raise her voice but cry helplessly.

It seems that something has changed with her after all, thought Geoffrey. He glanced at the other men, who also heard her request, and now everyone was stunned.

They excused themselves from the meeting and rushed to the door.

Tim glanced at his boss. They both are confused about what is going on. If not for James to approach Vince and whisper something to him, he would start to worry that his presentation has failed.

"Don't worry, man. The boss is calling us. It must be to discuss with something." She never did this before! James added to his head.


Vince nodded and watched the men's receding back.

At the CEO's office, the men knock on the door before they step inside. They saw Hailey leaned on her desk, her back facing them.

"Hail... You want to relay a message for Mr. Shen?"

Hailey turned around; her arms crossed above her chest, which surprised them to see how displeased she is.

'Is she mad? But why?' They thought inwardly at once.

"What was that?" asked Hailey with a firm tone. She looked disappointed.


Then men rendered speechlessly—an indescribable emotion flooded their heads staring at her beautiful but annoyed face. For the first time, they received scolding from the lady boss.

Although it confused them if what wrong they did that causes her anger, no one dared to speak but listen to her chiding.

"I already give my approval!" Hailey slammed her hand on the table. "And I already said that I am done running an investigation regarding the Shen Group! They meet my expectation of what development I want for Dream City!"

"Hail, we just wanted to know more of Mr. Shen's capability." Geoffrey attempts to explain, but he closed his mouth when Hailey frowned.

She narrowed her gaze as her expression darkened. At that moment, they realized that the Hailey they knew their whole life had changed.

She stared at the men one by one. Afterward, she opens a drawer and takes out a silver folder from a drawer, then drops it on her desk that creates a loud noise.

"This is a separate contract I made myself for the Shen Group. I put all of his projects there. Make him sign it and handed him the hundred billion dollars I funded for the East District," said Hailey with a sneer.

No one from the boys commented or disagreed with her decision. Leo walked forward and took the folder to review it. Furthermore, Hailey signed it already, which is rare. She does only if the documents were for those who knew her in person.

Leo's mouth opens but closes it again. He has a question, but he could not dare. He was still in a daze, witnessing Hailey's anger. But she is only acted as their true boss

Her authority is the voice in this company. No one could question that.

The men came back to the Conference Hall with the contract Hailey made herself.

Jacob gestures at James to come forward. "What happens, James?"

The guy parted his lips with an awkward smile. He answered, "The boss scolded us all."

Jacob nodded and waved his hand, dismissing James. He glanced at the men who were discussing with low voices in the corner.

'Huh! Serves you right!' It made him happy that his daughter finally became mature! Now she learned how to dominates the men as the real boss of her company! And not because they spoiled her.

In his mind, he was poking fun at them.

Geoffrey approached Vince and invited him to a private room inside the Conference Hall.

Geoffrey, Leo, and Trevor showed the new contract and discussed it.

Vincent rendered speechless listening to the three men. It dazes him to look at the part where it mentioned how much the Shen Group got for the East District Construction.

In the separate contract, it explains what projects he has to design and construct after. And it amazes him to be trusted like this.

His desire to meet the female boss grew even greater. He wanted to meet her to thank her personally.

"What do you think, Mr. Shen?" asked Leo.

Vince blinked then pursed his lips. What can he say? It was absolutely incredible!

Where could you find an opportunity like this? There's none in the world!


"Honestly, I was okay with the first contract. And this? It's even better!"

"Then, we will finalize the contract, and let us set a perfect day for the signing and..." Geoffrey paused when he heard Hailey spoke from the other line.

"I want now, Geoffrey," Hailey insisted.

"Um... Okay. Well, as you can see... Our boss hopes that you could sign this contract today. She already signs it. If you want to review further, we are just outside."

Vince nodded at the three men. Once they are gone, Tim rushes to his side.

"Boss! I thought we would have a problem. It was the contrary!"

Vince concurred, "You are right, Tim. I was even confused why the treatment? I mean? Read this amount they are giving us. Not to mention they wanted me to sign it right now."

Tim leaned on the table and almost passed out after he saw the numbers.
