Chapter 105   - Wants Vince's Baby

After a few hours of flight, their plane landed at C City Domestic Airport. Hailey got up and took her small luggage from the plane compartment. She then followed the other passengers, exiting from the plane.

Hailey was about to step out when one of the flight attendants approached her.

"Excuse me, ma'am? Are you Miss Hailey Hillson?"

Creasing her forehead, Haley replied. "Yes, I am."

"Someone is here to escort you for your flight toward Palm Island, Miss Hillson." said the male flight attendant.

"I see. Great!"


"This way, Miss…" the male flight attendant took her luggage and led the way.

Hailey followed him. She casually glanced at Bruce, who stood behind, silently observing her.

"Miss Hailey Hillson, your jet is waiting now. Please, this way..."

Hailey silently followed the guy to a cart. She knows that the other passengers were looking in her direction, curious why she was treated special among them.

"Who's she? Why they treated her well. Is she some big shot?"

"Shush! She is President Vincent Shen's girlfriend!"


"Really? Is that her? Wow! She's pretty!"

"I know. The high society single ladies hate her so much."

"Ah, I get what you are saying."

Hailey heard the talk, her eyebrow rose, and she held herself not to snort. These people think everything is because of the Shen. But she has her influence to receive this kind of privilege.

The women were now close to the door; Hailey stepped inside the car that had been waiting for her arrival.

"Good morning, Miss Hailey. Miss Daisy is waiting." Greeted by the man in front of the steering wheel.


"Mr. Bart! I'm glad to see you. So, what is this picking up just right the moment my plane landed?"

"It was arranged by Congressman Vazquez, Miss."

"I see. Thank him for me, Mr. Bart," said Hailey.

"I will, Miss Hailey." Mr. Bart drove the car, and minutes later, they arrived at the hangar where a private jet was waiting for her. "Have an enjoyable flight, Miss."

Hailey nodded and thanked the middle-aged -man. She climbed the stairs and sat on the long couch. The plane is immediately taking off once she settles in.

They are now leaving C City Airport, and the vastness of the ocean welcomed them. She looked outside the window and took a photo of the view below.

After that, she sent the photo to someone with a caption, "Wishing you were here."

The person replied, "I wished I was there."

Hailey smiled. She could not believe that it's just these five words from Vince; her heart skipped a beat. No doubt. She is madly in love with him.

Throughout the flight, she and Vince exchange messages.

The flight took only a half-hour, and they landed on a private island. A car is waiting that brought her to the main villa of this resort.

"Hailey!" A pregnant woman is waving at her at the top of the patio. She was beautiful in a blue maternity dress. Her long hair was tied in a bun and a headband on her forehead. "Ah, I missed you, girl!"

"Daisy, hi! I missed you too!" The two of them hugged each other. Then Hailey parted and stared at Daisy's bump. "Wow! Is your due already?"

"Yes! Time so fast! I couldn't believe it either!" Daisy answered.

Hailey can see how blooming Daisy was. It looks like she was happy to be a mom soon.

Daisy brought her to a courtyard near the blue sea where breakfast is waiting for them.

Hailey couldn't contain peering down at the table filled with different delicacies. Rice cake, pancakes, there is also a mango cake, grilled fish, and many fruits and vegetable salads. "Wow. Everything looks delicious!"

"Dig in!" said Daisy, who pulled a chair and took a seat. She craves these foods, the reason she asks their chefs to prepare this much.

Hailey and Daisy are merrily chatting over breakfast. They recalled the day they met.

Daisy Vasquez Cole studied filming in Paris a few years back. Her father is the C Province's Representative, Congressman Mark Vasquez.

But Hailey's friend is Keith Cole. Daisy got jealous with the thought that Hailey is Keith's girlfriend, but Keith is Geoffrey's classmate at Oxford University because Hailey knew Keith and became one of her knights.

To make the story short, Daisy's jealousy made Keith realize she likes him. And since they were childhood friends, Keith also had a crush on her for a long time. Once they cleared out the misunderstanding, a beautiful love story began.

And then Hailey and Daisy become good friends and remain in touch.

"You look so pretty being a preggy." Hailey praises Daisy, who immediately smiled enormously.

"Thanks! Well, Keith does spoil me! And I can't wait to meet this guy." Daisy lowered her gaze to her baby bump and gently caressed her belly.

Hailey could see how Daisy's eyes twinkled the way she peered at her belly. Now she couldn't help to imagine herself being pregnant as well.

'Wait, what?' Is she dreaming now to have a child? But it looks like a wonderful feeling to be a mom.

She couldn't understand, but it excites her. Deep down in her heart, a desire began blooming within her. She wishes to get pregnant too.

And recalling the nights she and Vince make love, her heart fluttered with delight.

Hailey fell into thoughts. She began realizing that she was becoming greedy. Now she also wanted Vince's baby.

With this thought, Hailey's cheeks were blushing pink, and Daisy noticed it.

"What's wrong, Hail?"


"Your cheeks are red," said Daisy.

"Oh! It must be the weather. P Country is officially summering soon, right?" she hides her blushing pink with the mug in her hand. She holds it with both hands, leisurely sipping on her coffee.

"Ah, yes. It will be. Keith was too busy preparing for the peak season. He renovated and added more villas in the resorts on the neighboring island."

"I see. He would be here later?"

"Yes. Keith will be home before dinner time. He wanted us to have dinner together, so he came home on time."

"Oh, wow. That was sweet of Keith." Hailey pursed her lips into a sweet smile. She was happy for her friends. And she can't be jealous because Vince is the same too. They are having meals together even if that time, they were on the act.

"So, how was Vince's divorce?"

Hailey smiled awkwardly at Daisy. But Daisy knew her story. "Eva is hiding from Vince."

"Dammit! That girl is sick! But why didn't Vincent eagerly search for her?"

"What I know, Vincent trying so… but he is now working for me. I want him to focus on the project," she explained.

"Not! They must divorce as soon as possible! Eva is never good for Vincent."

"Hey, relax. Remember, you are pregnant," she reminds Daisy.

Daisy and Eva were High School classmates back in Metro City. She knew Eva very well and the rest of the family Lan like Zenaida.

"I'm pleased when you face-slapped, Zenaida!" Daisy laughs, to which Hailey giggled.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Australia… Vince's private plane had just landed.
