Chapter 484 Author Q & A   - Part 3

Did the Team let Nick live after he killed Nathan?

Yes, mainly because you'll remember that there was a team arriving just as Zev and Sasha left? They had learne about the infiltration and were planning to enter Thana, thinking Nick had been kidnapped. When he ran into them, Nick convinced everyone that Zev was the one who killed Nathan and that he had held Nick at gunpoint and made him take them to the Gateaway.

Those in power mostly believed him, but were never certain. And with Zev gone permanently, Nick decided it was time for Plan B. He disappeared (he'd always held aside money and resources in case he needed to disappear.) He's in his own personal version of the witness protection program…

Will the experiments end with Nathan dead and Zev/Zan/Sasha gone?

Yes, and no. The Sanctuary remains, and scientific research continues. They've turned away from Chimera and are looking at genetically modified food, etc, now instead. But they haven't forgotten about the Chimera.

The unfortunate truth about ambitious human beings is that even when their own decisions lead to their downfall, they tend to soon lose the impact of it and start turning back to old ways. I don't believe this is the last you've seen of this kind of research. But none of it is happening right now.


Did you always know you were going to take the Chimera to Anima?

No! I always knew that the two worlds were linked (see the answer to the first question.) But I thought it was going to be a behind the scenes thing—something I'd talk about in this kind of event, how they were linked. There's a whole lore/history around this that I created, but it's too long to write out. I plan to answer this question in detail during the live event. So if you're interested, you can listen to the recording of that. Look up my youtube channel (you can find it on or just search "Author Aimee" on YT directly.)

Can Chimera and Anima live in peace? Or will there be conflict? (Especially between Sasha and Elreth)

They can. The question is whether they will… Just kidding. There will be many tensions and adjustments and efforts that will have to be made. But both groups have it in them to embrace each other without losing themselves. I guess we'll have to wait and see… Is Zan really human? Zan doesn't shift. But he is what I would call, "Human plus." There's definitely some of his father's wolf in him. So even if he can't take wolf-form, he's not going to grow up to be a normal guy.

Will the female who were sterilized be "healed" by Anima?

It will depend on why they were sterile. Some were sterile because of botched surgeries, or even hysterectomies, different things that injured their bodies. Those can't be healed. But the ones who were simply unable to conceive, some of them may heal with time and a healthy environment…


Who was the "Dark Alpha" who rose? Zev? Or Sasha?

Zev. He was in the darkest place before he got her back and took her to Thana (you got to see some of that towards the end.) This was his journey to find the way to the Creator and peace and love.

Can you list your favorite moments in Alpha like you did for Queen of Beasts? Sure! But it's important to remember: Webnovels aren't just a single book the way your paperback romance on your shelf is a book. They're actually a series of books under one title and cover. Rise of the Dark Alpha is over 550,000 words—which means if it was in paperback it would be at least three large, thick volumes. So I'm probably going to forget some important stuff. But when I think back over the course of the story, these are the moments that hit me the hardest:

. In the first couple chapters, the first time Zev and Sasha are actually together, hiding under the stairs on the side of the street… that's a big one for me, even though it's only brief in the book. I am in both their heads for that moment and it's huge for both of them.

. Yhet and the honey-pot jokes. Still make me giggle when I think about them to this day.

. The moment Sasha became Alpha. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing (talking to my husband about the book) when that idea came to me and it was one of those EUREKA moments that I knew were going to make the book so much better.


. The Solitude. If I could only read one portion of this story over and over again, it would be that one. Bringing those two together fully was such an incredible joy for them both. I wish y'all could be in their heads and hearts like I am.

. The moment Zev realized Sasha was going to go to the human world. Even though it was so hard on him, in my head, that's such a massive moment and I don't think the book really does justice to what he went through when he realized she was going and the others had to make sure he didn't go after her.

. This isn't in the story so much, but… the introduction of Ernie and the whole process of watching readers go from posting on my social media that I was a jerk for creating a walking nightmare, to the first time they started calling for Ernie to please come and eat Nick… that was a real writer-fistpump moment for me.

. Sasha getting the females organized and willing to get on the bus. I love her fearlessness in that moment and her determination. She's going to save these women whether they realize it or not. 8. Zev and Sasha sneaking off to the hot pools after she's come back to Thana. For both of them, the sheer relief of being together and alone and reuniting was just beautiful for me.

. The moment Lhars realized that Kyelle was coming for him—kissing him. That was probably my favorite moment to write in the book (aside from the Solitude for Zev and Sasha.) I'd been envisioning that moment for weeks and hating how long it took to get there. And I was so, so happy for Lhars. (Oddly, I also super-enjoyed the moment when Lhars was headed to be reunited with her and Zev got in the way. Even though it's a tense moment, I just adore those scenes where one of the males is so single-minded about getting to his female and the others have to try and keep him calm. I don't know why that's such a draw for me, but it is.)

. I wish I could have shown you Sasha going through the gateway on the way back to Thana and walking through that whole test and discovery to figure out how to get the females out of the sanctuary and finding Anima. It wasn't possible to do without giving too much away, but I love her courage in that process.

. Sasha and Zev in the other hot pools (okay, okay, so I have thing for water. Shoot me.) when they're trying to stay out of human hands. Before Horton shows up.

. Sasha seeing Zev hold Zan for the first time is about the most attractive and touching thing I can envision from the whole book. It happens so fast. I wish you could really be in her head and feel that moment.

. I wish I could have shown you in more detail how Zev's heart shifted/healed when he realized that the Creator loved him and had been helping him all along. There was so much going on in the book, it didn't really work to stop the moment and give him that epiphany moment. But I had to think it through—what the catalysts would be and how he would piece it together. I wish you'd gotten that in more detail.

. The moment when Zev steps out of the gateway and into Anima (before they've met anyone) because I can FEEL his tension there—his fear that this is the last hurdle and is he going to fall at the final fence? It's humming with tension for me.

I know I've forgotten some good ones, and I could list dozens of little moments that I just love, though they might not be as meaningful to you. But if I've forgotten some, 15. WHEN ELRETH INTRODUCES HERSELF AND SAYS, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Seriously, though, that little scene came to me back in March and it gave me goosebumps. I was SO EXCITED when I realized it was the perfect ending, and it brought all my favorite people together. I could barely contain myself. My son asked why I was dancing around the kitchen. And later when I told my husband, he didn't get AT ALL why this was so cool and I was just like SHUT UP PARTY POOPER. Lol.

I know I've forgotten some good ones, and I could list dozens of little moments that I just love, though they might not be as meaningful to you. But if I've forgotten some, comment on this chapter and tell me yours! Seriously, it's so rewarding for me to hear from readers about the scenes and moments that stick with them well after the page. So feel free to share!


I kind-of, sort-of already have. I'm going to give you a few short chapters after this… I would LOVE to hear what you think and whether you'd want me to pursue it any further. Regardless, I have plans to do some specials on both Alpha and Queen later on. There will come a time when my life isn't so busy, and these are the fun projects I'll do just for the joy of it (a little short side-story or handful of chapters just to show the fun stuff.)

Well, I'm very sad to say that that's the end of our time in Thana. Thank you SO MUCH for being a part of this book and these worlds. Your response to Zev and Sasha was such a joy to me, and helped me gain confidence as a writer (this book was a serious stretch for me.) So thank you for contributing not just to my support this past year, but to my development as a writer, and fulfillment in my work.

Thank you for believing in me, even when I doubted myself. And thank you for taking this whole ride with me (AGAIN, for those of you who've finished the other big books.) You truly do humble me every day with your generosity, and your kindness towards me as a person.

Now… as a token of my thank you, I'd like to introduce you to someone…

Keep turning the page and when you get to the end of these chapters, let me know what you think, okay?

Okay…. phew. Here goes!
