Chapter 452 Cave Called Home  


By the time evening fell and the sun began to disappear behind the mountains around them, Lhars had learned of over two hundred of the Chimera already within their ranks.

Many of the females were unwilling to move far, so planned to bed down together in clusters under the trees. But many more—both male and female—were excited to explore and had spent the previous hour or two looking for natural spaces to make themselves comfortable.

Still uncertain about what predators might exist in the land, Kyelle warned against large fires that night, though they did light a few in the lee of rocks or other places they were certain they could hide the light from potential onlookers.

No one was quite ready to believe they hadn't been followed, or wouldn't be interrupted by the humans. Though hopes and moods were running high.

Kyelle had been run off her feet dealing with both the females who struggled, and the decisions for how the Chimer would manage their first night in their new home.


Lhars had put a word in Skhal's ear, and the male was kind enough to both locate and obscure the entrance to a small cave, barely bigger than a bear's den, for Kyelle and Lhars.

His bag had been brought into this new land by his pack members, and though his resources were few, he was grateful for the furs he'd rolled and tied to his bag, and the set Kyelle had managed to bring as well. They weren't needed for warmth—at least, not yet. But Lhars laid them out to make a comfortable spot on the floor next to where he lit a small fire, more for light than heat.

He'd gathered some berries and some of the males had managed to hunt down a boar and some birds. There wasn't a large meal, but it was enough for everyone. And Lhars noticed that the females seemed much calmer after they'd eaten. Ignoring the looming dread about Zev and Sasha—who still hadn't appeared, despite the fact that they were almost at their full numbers now—he kissed her desperately.

But even with all that provision, it was well after high moon when Lhars finally tugged Kyelle away from the females and into their spot to rest.

He'd barely spoken a private word to her all day, and his body quivered as he led her to the small cave—barely tall enough for both of them to walk inside without hunching.

But when she saw the fire and the furs, Kyelle whispered his name.


"Thank you," she said, smiling between him and the fire. "Thank you."

He took her face in his hands and kissed her, unable to find any words that accurately expressed his gratitude and disbelief that they were both there, and safe.

Ignoring the looming dread about Zev and Sasha—who still hadn't appeared, despite the fact that they were almost at their full numbers now—he kissed her desperately.

Kyelle threw her arms around his neck and leaned into his body, both of them sucking in deep breaths when their bodies met.

"Kyelle, I—" he croaked, stroking her cheek, but Kyelle shook her head.

"Not now. Right now I just want to enjoy you. We did it, Lhars. We did it." Then she began walking toward the furs, pulling him with her.


Lhars knew they should talk, knew that there were so many decisions still to be made. But he also knew that they both needed this, to be certain of each other, to be connected. As Kyelle shucked off the light furs she was still wearing because she hadn't taken time to change, Lhars yanked the black shirt off from behind his neck, and shoved the trousers down. Then, still on their feet, they rushed into each others arms.

Hands full of her softness, Lhars groaned and stroked and kissed, sucking at her lip, tickling her ear with his tongue, kissing her neck when she dropped her head back. He was tempted to simply lift her leg and take her standing, but he wanted to wallow in her. So he urged her down, to the furs. And crawled over her as she lay back, smiling and beckoning him.

"Lhars," she sighed, her hands stroking his back, her leg hooking over his waist as he slid up her body, kissing and licking, then took one of her nipples in his mouth.

He arched over her, rubbing himself against her and she gasped, burying her fingers in his hair to keep him at her breast.

She gasped his name again and again as he rocked against her and that delicious slide rippled through him, raising goosebumps all over his body as they found each other again and again.

He couldn't wait. He needed her too badly, and so he braced on the furs on either side of her, let his head drop back and arched, pulling himself over her and into her in one jangling slide.

Kyelle's breath stopped and her nails dug into his back as they came together. Then he lowered himself over her and they tangled, limbs with limbs, lips with lips, tongues with tongues. Holding each other so closely there was no real room to move, so their body undulated, reaching for the joining, reaching for each other, skins slick and pebbled with pleasure.

"Kyelle," he gasped. "Dear god, I love you. I can't—"

"I'm here! I'm here! Oh!" Kyelle clenched around him, crying his name, and he didn't even care if other males heard her. Let them hear his beautiful mate in her pleasure. Let them know the gift they'd turned their noses up at. Let them see what they'd missed.

He had never missed her beauty, or her value.

He thrust again, grunting, and his orgasm barreled over him, like being by a shocking wave. He stared down at her, head arched back, mouth open on his name, her breasts bouncing, and he held her so tightly, so afraid that somehow, this was the end.

They both gasped, then slumped, rolling with the last of their releases, sighing each other's names. And then finally, were still.

For a moment neither of them moved. Then Lhars put his hand to her hair and began to stroke.

He swallowed tears. And he might have been embarrassed, but he could tell that Kyelle, too, was overcome.

When he had his breath back, he raised his head to look down on her again, to find her smiling up at him.

He took an image of her in his mind and called it joy.

And he decided that his goal would be to ensure he saw that expression on her face every day for the rest of his life.
