Chapter 413 Rest of My Life  


Some time later they lay facing each other on the furs. Lhars combed her hair back and let his fingers run through it, smoothing where it had become tangled in their lovemaking.

Kyelle stared up at him, one of her hands flattened on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. Then she blinked and took his hand and pressed it to her chest between her breasts.

"Feel that," she whispered, awed.

Their heartbeats were aligned.

Lhars' swallowed. "That's…"


"The bond," she said, nodding. "You're mine, Lhars."

"Body and soul," he said gruffly, his chest aching not with pain, but with the sheer overwhelming love he felt for her.

Her eyes went soft and he couldn't resist. He curled a hand over her waist to the small of her back and pulled her across the furs, against him, cupping the back of her knee and pulling it over his, just so they were tangled together.

He never dropped her gaze. His heart thrummed out of time when she smiled.

"I wish we could walk the ritual," he said, his voice still rough. He looked down at her breasts, fondling one of them gently to give himself space because holding her eyes made him feel as if he bared his soul.

"I'll admit, I'm kind of glad we can't."


Lhars froze and looked up at her, hearing uncertainty in her. But she spluttered a laugh and kissed him.

"No, no. Don't look like that. I meant because… because this feels so much more about you and me," she said shyly. "The ritual is romantic, but it's so public. I feel like we already did that part today. I'm sorry I put you on the spot like that. But I wanted you to be sure."

Lhars huffed. "I loved that you gave me that. I was afraid that when we were apart you might change your mind."

"No, Lhars." She pushed up onto one elbow and nudged him onto his back so she could lean over him. Then she played with his hair, pushing it back off his face as she spoke to him. And the gentleness of her touch, the intimacy of being naked together, the way her breasts brushed against his chest and she didn't even notice… as if it weren't a gift to him… it all stole his breath.

"Lhars, I've always known you were special," she said quietly. "I've always known you could be trusted. And I've always naturally looked for you when I'm in a space where I feel… uncertain. But I… I confused what all that meant. I want you to be certain now. Before we have to go back out there, please… look at me, Lhars."

He'd been staring at her breasts again, but he manfully yanked his gaze back up to her eyes and she grinned, then her face went serious.


"Hear me, Lhars… there's no one else for me. You're my mate. You can feel that. If you ever start to doubt it, just press right here." She took his hand and put it at the center of his chest. "I'm there now," she said simply. "And I'm so glad that I am."

He gave a groaning huff and pulled her down into a kiss. She came willingly, leaning on his chest, one hand in his hair.

"I love you, Kyelle. I have for years," he croaked when they finally broke apart. "This… this day is… it's the best day of my life."

Her forehead crumpled into lines. "I feel so bad that I made you wait so long."

He didn't like it either, but he refused to mar the beauty of this moment by focusing on that. With everything that was about to happen, they could be torn from each other at any moment. If this was the last moment he had with her, he would spend it flush with love and joy. Not bitterness.

Cupping her jaw, he stared up into her eyes, and then he smiled. "Remember that day you told me no one wanted to mate you because you couldn't have young?"

Her smile faltered. She watched him warily. "Yes," she breathed. "I'm sor—"

"Stop apologizing, that's not what I'm getting at. I want you to remember that. Remember how angry I was? I will give my life to stand between you and danger, Kyelle. And I still stand over anyone—male or female—that would make you small. So promise me something, please?"


"Promise me that any fear or hurt you have, you'll bring it to me. So I can fix it, or soothe you. Whatever is in my power to change in this world, I'll fight to do that for you. But if there is a pain we can't change… then I'll hold you. I want to hold you. Please… let me hold you now Kyelle."

"Oh, Lhars," she gasped, tears spilling over her long lashes. She dropped her bury her face in the hollow under his jaw. But he rolled her over so he was the one to push up on one elbow as she lay back on the pillow, and he went back to stroking her hair.

"I love you, Kyelle. You are precious to me. So please… let me stand between you and the world."

"Me too," she hiccupped. "I want to protect you, too, Lhars."

It sounded preposterous when she said it. but he knew exactly what she meant. And he needed that, he realized. He needed her protection. Her comfort. He needed her to stand between him and the fear he could never seem to escape.

"I'll make you a deal," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her lips. "If you keep telling me that you love me, and stay at my side, I'll make sure you never have to hear another ugly word from another ugly person. You're more than enough for me, Kyelle. You're everything I want and need."

Kyelle spluttered into an ugly cry and pulled him down over her. They clung to each other as she whispered all the ways she loved him, her voice broken and ragged with tears. And for the first time Lhars could ever remember, he was fearless.

Laying in the arms of his mate, certain of her, ready for her… he was fearless. Because no matter what came, if she would stand by him and he never had to meet it alone, he could face anything.
