Chapter 94  

The simple shape of the object would always give those who see it an impression that it is just an ordinary ornament, and this is the reason why the object is truly special and amazing. The object was crafted as such so that it would be hidden from the prying eyes of those who would have any evil intention on it.

Using the crafting tool that Shin Jiao made, he is able to open the array restriction on the ring, though he needed to use a small piece of high-grade spiritual stone, which he found near the earthen fruit. And using it almost fried the circuits on the glove. Luckily Shin Jiao already anticipated this and was immediately able to lift the restriction.

With the restriction being lifted, Shin Jiao can now see on his finger the simple-looking ring. Then his eyes noticed something which is on the surface of the ring. Since his senses have been improved, he actually noticed the hairline crack on the ring.

"Sigh… I guess, I still can't fix this ring. I thought as long as I can perceive the ring, I can fix it. I still need my cultivation back so that my strength and control of energy would be enough to be able to fix this crack." Shin Jiao thought.

He then casually writes some simple concealment runes which covered the ring. With this people can only see his bare finger without the ring, except for those powerful cultivators.

But who would take a fancy of the things of a lowly mortal servant?


While contemplating Shin Jiao suddenly felt a strong aura, his eyes immediately turn towards Zen Nian, and a smile bloomed on his lips.

"It seems that he finally broke through. With this, he won't be labeled as a thrash anymore right?" Shin Jiao thought.

But then Shin Jiao was once again surprised as Rat Ling who is sitting in a lotus position not too far from Zen Nian also has his aura changed, as he also broke through to the core-forming realm.

With both people now in the core-forming realm, their group's survival in the Dark Forest has now gone up. As long as they won't face a level 4 or higher demon beast, they can survive by either fighting or escaping.

"This… We've broken through! Hahaha… I made it to the core-forming realm at last!" Zen Nian shouted in glee.

It has been a long time that he was always called the trash of the family as his cultivation is the weakest. But now that he already broke through to the core-forming realm, it would be just a matter of time when he can form his gold core. And from then on he would be free from the taunting and jeering of his clan members.


When Zen Nian reaches the middle stages of the core-forming realm, there might be a chance for him to enter the prestigious Heavenly Crow sect in which his father is one of the grand elders, if he passes the sect examination a few months from now.

"Now that we have reached the core-forming realm, both Rat Ling and I need to consolidate our cultivations. We still need a few more hours; Shin Jiao if you want you can prepare your things because we are going out after we are done." Zen Nian commanded.

"Yes, young master." Shin Jiao replied.

As the two went back to cultivating, Shin Jiao, on the other hand, also tried his strength. With only his strength of late-stage body refining realm, Shin Jiao slowly move the carcass of the giant rock snake. With much effort, Shin Jiao was able to move it on a part of the cavern where there is a wide space.

"Let's put up an array formation here to keep this thing from rotting." Shin Jiao thought.

The carcass of the rock snake is very precious for him as from it he could make a lot of things. Especially its tough hide, scales, and tendons, he can craft many kinds of armor and accessories from it.


After the array formation was finished a transparent silvery light dome shone covering the carcass.

"Now since they would still take a lot of time, I think it's time for me to make more stuff." Shin Jiao thought as he also plans to at least craft some grenade-like object.

After some time, Zen Nian and Rat Ling opened their eyes a faint light shone on them.

"Huff… This strength is really amazing." Rat Ling exclaimed.

"I think this is the reason why my older brother and sister are so smug about being in the middle stages of the core-forming realm." Zen Nian muttered. "Young master, don't worry… now that we have the strength to protect ourselves, those bastards won't dare to bully you anymore. If they do, I'll teach them a harsh lesson." Rat Ling said while he stood proudly and putting his hands on his waist.

"You're full of yourself, let's go… I will put some concealment array outside of this cavern so that nobody can find this place except for us." Shin Jiao said as he walks ahead.

"Brother Shin, though you don't have your cultivation anymore, how come you can still make array formation? Those things need spiritual Qi right?" Rat Ling said with a little confusion.

"That's right, Shin… I know that you can carve runes which are easy as they didn't require spiritual Qi. The word alone in a rune is already enough to alter the Qi in the area. But array formation is a bit complex as they needed one to have a spiritual Qi to activate." Zen Nian said as he curiously looked at Shin Jiao.

"Well… it's because of this." Shin Jiao said as he showed them the glove on his hand.

"An artifact!" Zen Nian suddenly exclaimed.

"Well, young master it's not. I just made this thing so that I can wield spiritual Qi." Shin Jiao said as he tried to show it to them and explain how it works.

"With this even mortals can have the ability to use spiritual Qi freely." Zen Nian said as he looks at the leather glove that Shin Jiao wears.

"Not necessarily this is just a tool for crafting stuff." Shin Jiao replied calmly.

He didn't have to hide this from the two as they are already his friends, and have gained his trust.

As the three exited the cavern, Shin Jiao closed the entrance with a defensive and illusion array formation. Using the power of a couple of spiritual stone and a small black stone carved with runes even an infant soul realm expert won't have the power to break it.

The three was not able to walk for a couple of minutes when a shattering roar made them turn around in fear, right now at the top of a large stone stood a giant creature with long black fur covering its body and two red glowing eyes which are looking directly at them. The demon beast's mouth full of sharp teeth and the smelly drool leaking from its mouth made the three of them really feel intimidated.

"That's a demon Savage bear! Its skin is very tough, we have to be careful. Even though we already have advanced but this beast is also a level 3 beast. We can't put our guards down." Zen Nian said as he vigilantly glanced at the huge black figure.

Then all of a sudden the bear pounces towards their group. The huge figure of the bear flying through the air sent shivers down Shin Jiao's spine. He didn't know what would happen if that thing lands directly at him, he would surely be flattened into a pulp.

Without wasting another word, Zen Nian and Rat Ling moved. Using shadow steps they disappear from where they stood and suddenly appear on the Savage bear's side. With a silver flash, both have already slashed the bear's stomach. When the Savage bear and the two landed, shock expression can be seen on their faces.

"It's fur is like metal spikes. How… how can we defeat that thing?" Rat Ling muttered.

"Guys, it has a weakness!" Shin Jiao shouted as he stood a little distance from them.

He had already noticed that on the bear's body there are places which are not covered with that thick and sturdy fur.

When the Savage bear heard Shin Jiao's shout, it just took a glance at Shin Jiao and snorted in contempt. Shin Jiao is just like an insignificant ant on its eyes so it didn't mind him. Meanwhile, the two who attacked it is a big threat so the Savage bear focused its glare at Rat Ling and Zen Nian.

"Under its arm, there are no long furs, and also behind it... its butt." Shin Jiao shouted while gesturing with a smile.

Upon hearing this Zen Nian and Rat Ling almost staggered. They didn't expect that Shin Jiao would say such a vulgar thing. But they could not deny that what he just said was right and that it would be in their advantage if they exploit the weakness of the Savage bear.

With a sharp glint in his eyes, Rat Ling suddenly move and sent a quick stab on the bear.

Upon seeing one of the humans made his move, the Savage bear bore its fangs and snarled at Rat Ling. Then it suddenly lifted one of its huge arms high up and smashes it towards Rat Ling's head.

Upon seeing the bear's action, Rat Ling showed a smirk on his face and muttered.

"Shadow steps…"

Rat Ling's figure disappears from where he was rushing from before, and a blurry figure suddenly appears on the bear's side.


A painful roar boomed throughout the surroundings as Rat Ling's sword can be seen already stabbing the Savage bear's armpit. The feeling of pain made the bear take a step back while staggering. Rat Ling wanted to follow up with his attack but the Savage bear swatted his sword making the wound larger.

Roar!!! Roar!!!

The pain it felt made the bear began to unleash a flurry of random attacks using its claws towards Rat Ling who is currently retreating just a couple of steps away from it.

"Damn, this huge thing is really tough." Rat Ling exclaimed as he readied himself to attack the demon beast once more.

But before he could make his move, the Savage bear suddenly pounces towards Shin Jiao. Maybe it thought that since Rat Ling and Zen Nian are powerful, it would just attack the mortal on the side and escape.

Seeing the despicable act of the demon beast, both Zen Nian and Rat Ling rushed in and began their barrage of attacks towards the Savage bear. Sparks and sound of metal clashing can be heard as their blade brushes through the Savage bear's long furs. Though they tried to hit its weak points but the bear seems to have discovered their intention and was frantically defending its weak points as it advances.

The Savage bear step towards Shin Jiao was slowed because of this, but it still pushes forward while trying to defend itself from Rat Ling and Zen Nian flurry of attacks.

Because of the thickness and steel-like toughness of its long fur, the damage it received is almost none existence.

Shin Jiao continuously watches the Savage bear as it advances towards his location. He didn't move an inch and this made the two feel worried.

"Did this thing scare Shin Jiao? It couldn't be right?" Zen Nian suddenly thought.

"Sigh… Guy's if you really wanted to stop this demon beast, try striking that weak point behind him. You'll see the result immediately." Shin Jiao suddenly said with a chuckle.

He just wanted to tease the two as they were very serious in the fight. In truth, he already saw another weakness of the beast which is easy to exploit as long as his speed is fast enough.

"Damn you, brother Shin, that's disgusting." Rat Ling said as he suddenly imagines his sword entering the smelly butt of the Savage bear.

"No way! Can you think of another way?" Zen Nian also replied while he continues to attack the bear.

The Savage bear doesn't seem to bother in attacking as it just covers its head and would sometimes defend or evade some of the sword attacks coming towards it. But its eyes are glued to Shin Jiao who is still not moving from his spot and just continue to look at it.

A smile seems to appear on the Savage bear huge mouth along with its smelly drool drips down. It could now taste the flesh of the human in front of it and this made it feel impatient, and demon beasts are already wild creatures to start with. So with a dash, the demon beast was able to shake off the attacks from Rat Ling and Zen Nian who were sent a couple of steps back.

Seeing that the two is unable to do anything about the demon beast, as they would not dare to attack the butt of the Savage beast which is undefended, Shin Jiao decided to end the fight with a chuckle. In this fight, he had already gauged the strength of Rat Ling and Zen Nian.

"Their strength is already good enough to fight against middle stages of core-forming realm expert. What they lack are the skill set and techniques to use along with their cultivation level." Shin Jiao thought as he carefully assesses the situation.

Then Shin Jiao slowly put his hand behind his back and his eyes tried to focus on a target. When his sight found a target he concentrates all his focus on it. Since this is the first time he will use a gun without the assistance of his goggles he needed to put his focus in his attack.

When the Savage bear is in the fair enough distance, Shin Jiao suddenly moved with a lighting fast speed as he sent two quick bursts towards the demon beast's head while it is busy defending against the two swords coming towards it.

Two silver flashes suddenly appear.

The Savage bear suddenly felt a chill on its back as its senses shouted danger. As a demon beast that lives in the Dark Forest, its senses have been sharp enough to detect any threat to its life. It immediately turns its head towards Shin Jiao and what it saw was the shadow of Shin Jiao's hand as he holstered something on his back.

Though it acted immediately, yet everything was too late. The Qi energy covered bullets flew in a blink of an eye and entered the beast's two glowing eyes. In just one move Shin Jiao was able to predict the movement of the Savage bear and hit its two eyes.

As the bullets entered the Savage bear's eyes it causes its huge eyeballs to explode, and after the two bullets entered its brain and mash it into pulp the two bullets forcefully exited the back of its skull. The force of the bullets scattered the red and white parts of the Savage bear's brain everywhere.

Then its huge body suddenly fell down the ground lifeless. The two who are constantly attacking the beast was stupefied; they didn't know what happened as while they were attacking it, something made its head burst.

"What… what happened?" Zen Nian asked in confusion.

"Look, it's the demon beast core!" Rat Ling suddenly said as he picks a reddish crystal on the ground.

"This… How could this be?" Zen Nian is still confused as he never saw what Shin Jiao did.

"Master, let's just leave it be. At least now we have two demon beast's core… Hehehe… With this, you are really sure to pass the clan trials."

Though still a little confused, Zen Nian just let it go and blame it to luck. So, the three continued to travel towards the exit of the Dark Forest.

Not long later, they arrive in a small lake where many people are gathered.. Then the expression of Zen Nian immediately sank after he saw who the leader of these people is.
