Chapter 26  

In the mountain ranges where trees and the ground are with cracks and in ruins are the evidence of a gruesome previous battle that had happened in the area, and this area is near the boundary of the town of Dis. A group of cultivators as walking cautiously, although many were already warned that the area is a red zone, still many would venture here and try their luck. But this group is different as they are trainees of the clans from the nearest town.

The group is composed of 10 people, four young women, five young men, and a middle-aged man. Most of the young ones are in the core forming realm, whereas the middle-aged man is a gold core realm, late-stage cultivator.

"Okay, I think this is the place where the town leaders found the level 6 beast. We need to carefully search this area for some clues as to what happened here. As part of your actual experience, you are to try and find some clues of the glorious battle that happened many weeks ago. And what kind of powerful expert faced that level 6 beast Rock Ant queen. Don't worry we have already swept this area clean. So your findings would be crossed reference to the elders' investigation, and your achievement will be based on that result." The middle-aged man which seems to be the group's elder protector explained.

"Elder Kun, what if we found some items or something new? Can we keep it?" a very handsome young man with a sharp nose and a heroic aura asked.

"If it is not very significant like a beast core or a beast carcass, yes you can have it. But if it is an artifact that has been used to fight the beast in here, the town will take it. But of course, the town of Dis will compensate you for it." Elder Kun explained.

The youngsters nod their heads and began to spread around the area, excitement can be seen in their eyes as they wanted to try their luck and maybe find some artifact or some beast cores. As they look at the place where the devastation happened their hearts are in awe. Although the ice has already been thawed, the destruction caused by the aftermath is still present. As the group progresses through the forest, an unknown shadow silently creeps behind them which drew closer quietly.


In a particular group, made up of 2 young men and a small young woman which is weirdly carrying a very large double-edged sword on her back. They cautiously enter an area where large holes can be seen on the ground and upon seeing the area it seems to be a battle where a really large creature ran amok.

Then all of a sudden a shrill cry of a person which seems to be feeling great pain broke the silence, then it was followed by the sound of clashing weapons.

"We... We're being attacked by a level 4 beast… It's… it is a Black Spirit Mantis!" someone shouted frantically.

"Attack! Everyone attack!" another group shouted as they charged in the area where the Black Spirit Mantis was seen.

Upon hearing this the group where the small young woman belongs became cautious. They didn't blindly rush up but instead readied themselves first, by taking out their weapons and some talismans.

"Senior sister, what should we do?" one of the young men following the small young woman with the big sword asked.


"Okay, are the both of you ready? Let's help them… Go!" she said as she started to run dragging her big sword on the ground.

While running her sword accidentally hit something on the ground with a suspicious 'ping' which distracted her attention. It's like her long double-edged swords hit something metallic and hard. So, with her curiosity piqued she used the sword to slowly dig the object. When she saw it clearly, she was baffled by the design of the thing on the ground.

"What is this thing?" she subconsciously asked as she squatted down and lifted it carefully.

The object which is in her hand looks like a long staff, but with a curious design. The tube which doesn't look like something a person should grasp when wielding a weapon is hollowed. The design itself reeks of mystery and she was a little confused on how the thing in her hand could be used. She didn't know that her, as her attention was drawn to the object a long time, has already passed. And while she slowly scrutinized the object and her attention was drawn unto it, a large pair of eyes approaches and are now eyeing her from above. The dripping gooey saliva of the beast slowly fell down from its mouth and directly towards the young woman's shoulder. At the meantime, the small woman's eyes suddenly lit up as if she found out something very crucial in her investigation of the artifact. But before she could do something she felt a sticky hot liquid that dripped on her shoulder. Which she unconsciously touched, then her brows knit in confusion as she discovered that the liquid reeks of foul odor. All of a sudden her eyes went wide in horror because when she suddenly scanned her surroundings she found out that there is a giant Black Spirit Mantis standing behind her with its mouth wide open ready to bite her down.

The beast without a doubt suddenly chomped down at the defenseless little human in its sight. But to its surprise, the human nimbly rolled forward evading its large sharp mandibles. She is now feeling the pressure as she was covered in cold sweat. She realized that, if she was a little late in evading at that time she would have already been dead. But then all suddenly she felt a great amount of pain on her right leg, upon looking she found a deep long gash of a wound from her thigh to her knee. Blood was spewing non-stop out of the wound like a fountain, she unconsciously grabs a pill from her pocket and took it.

"Arrggghhh… Help!" She yelled in pain.


She really wanted to leave this damnable place now, but now as she is facing the giant hungry looking beast, she felt that her future is now unsure. Her heart is in panic and in turmoil as she tries to quickly find a way to escape her predicament. But no matter how hard she thinks, the only answer that comes to her mind is to fight. She then realized that her weapon was left to where she was standing a few feet away and that she is now hugging the artifact she in her arms. So without a choice, her only option out is to try and use it. Now putting her hope on the artifact, as if it was the last bastion of hope, she held it quickly pointing the hollow tube towards the ugly head of the beast which is now glaring at her. Then she grabs the handle like thingy and felt a metal protrusion. When the beast dashed towards her, she reluctantly squeezed that metal protrusion with a click.

It was a clear day and the sun majestically spreads its golden rays on all the land. In a particular place where a couple of large stone platforms are lined up representing the martial arts fighting stage. In here all the student representatives will show their ability and prowess to gain honor for their school.

As the people began to increase and the seats surrounding the arena began to be filled with spectators, Shin Jiao and Qin Lou found themselves unable to enter. In front of them stood a young man with a bulky appearance wearing a green robe with red design followed by a group of students from different schools.

"Senior sister Lou, I Chen Je would like to exchange pointers with you in the arena today. As I was really curious about the so-called genius of the Er city. I hope that you would give me your guidance." The bulky youth named Chen Je challenged.

Qin Lou didn't reply but just stood there in a place like a lofty mountain unmoving and uncaring.

And since they cannot see her expression most people in the area began to be angry.

"I can't believe that our Snow Wind School would have a coward like this. Tsk, tsk." Someone from the crowd said in an audible voice.

"Yeah, Snow Wind School is ranked 2nd in the whole of Er city. How come there is a coward in that school that doesn't even want to fight. Plus one who challenges is even a lower rank cultivator of the core forming realm peak-stage. Truly a coward..." another one jeered.

As the crowd drew more onlookers the bulky youth felt excited. Last night someone offered him 500 low-grade spirit stone just to challenge and even trample Qin Lou, at first he was hesitant as Qin Lou's cultivation level is at the gold core realm. But the other party told him that her cultivation has declined, in truth she only has the power of a middle-stage core forming realm cultivator. With that information, Chen Je gained courage and confidence in the task. Plus the allure of the spirit stones made him more excited.

"Senior sister, don't fall for their schemes, I won't let them do as they pleased?" a fat but strong looking youth from the Snow Wind school said with an angry look on his face.

"You shameless people from Soul Mountain school blabber a lot. I would accept that challenge on behalf of our senior sister." He added as he walks to the front.

"Ha, ha. Fatty Yao Koi, do you think a weakling like you can beat me?" Chen Je sneered.

As the group was about to bicker more, a shout suddenly attracted everyone's attention coming from the market area.

"Free spirit stones! Come! Free spirit stones! Everyone!"

This voice suddenly attracted all the people including Qin Lou as all the heads turn towards the market area. Then all of a sudden Qin Lou felt that someone grabbed her arm and waist as she felt her vision became blurry. Then when she found herself she is already standing in front of the arena entrance. Beside her is Shin Jiao who slowly let go of her waist and hand then return to stand behind her in a fluid and natural motion.

"Let's go inside, master." Shin Jiao said with a smile.

Qin Lou nods her head in silence, although she felt a little amazed at what had happened she just go with the flow and entered the venue followed by Shin Jiao who had an amiable smile on his face. Meanwhile, the people blocking the path suddenly found themselves unable to react as all were dumbfounded and felt cheated. This goes to show that most of them are in dire need of spiritual stones and feel angered by the one who tricked them. But they cannot do anything about it as the target of their bullying is now gone.

While this is happening a young man wearing a mix of red and white robe sat atop a tea house with other people and had watched everything that happened. A smile appears on his face and his eyes had a look of interest, his gaze was unable to follow where Shin Jiao and Qin Lou went.

"Very interesting indeed." He muttered.

"Yes, young master. Even I was unable to find out and follow how they suddenly disappear from where they stood. It doesn't seem to be teleportation though." A man wearing a mask that stood behind the youth said.

"Hmmm… I think this year's school tournament would not be too boring after all. I'm glad that I went today, or else I would have missed this interesting person." Another very handsome young man wearing a golden robe said.

"He is just a mortal though. I'm sure everyone saw that his body doesn't emit any spiritual Qi." a woman with a face veil said with her eyes squinted with suspicion.

"Then, are you saying that it is Senior Qin Lou? Is she trying to hide her abilities now?... Do... don't tell me that she already recovered from her injuries years ago and had fixed her gold core? That is impossible! Gold core damage is harder to fix than the core of a core forming realm cultivator." a slightly thin woman said with a little agitation.

"Anyway let's just watch the show. He, he." the young man with the golden robe said with a grin.

As the young masters and head of every school, they are known to be the number one geniuses of their schools. And are already seeded participants in the gold core realm, so all they have to do is to wait for the final battle where they would participate.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao and Qin Lou are now seated on one corner a little far from the stage like most people. But as all of the people in here are cultivators, it is not a problem for them as their eyesight has already been enhanced that even though they are seated far if they willed they can see the fights clearly.

And so Shin Jiao watched with enthusiasm as he truly wanted to see the martial arts prowess in this area. And since these people came from a large city they must have more martial prowess than that from the small town of Dis.

The first part of the tournament is the elimination round. Where each school had 5 contestants to represent them, and since it's a martial arts tournament no one is allowed to wear body armor, shield or talismans, use spells and formations. Only strength and body enhancement are allowed as it would enhance the excitement of the battle. And when they announced that the price is a fist-sized black stone, Shin Jiao was dumbfounded. He clearly knew how precious that black stone is. And with that size, he would be able to craft another BARRETT which he lost last time in the mountains as they were escaping with their lives.

"Hey, we can join the martial arts tournament right?" Shin Jiao asked.

Qin Lou shook her head as she knows that it is impossible for her to do that. And even more so for Shin Jiao who is not part of any school. She could not imagine what would happen if the protectors would discover this.

"If you wanted to enter the martial arts tournament it's impossible as the schools are strict and would only accept the representatives from each school… But if you really wanted to… We can try with alchemy." Qin Lou said with a bit of reluctance in her voice.

"Will we be able to get a black stone in the alchemy contest?" Shin Jiao immediately asked.

"I guess you really wanted that a black stone… Well, yes of course… But alchemy is not like martial arts. It's far more difficult because it is an open contest. Still, you can't enter alone, you have to be my assistant if you wanted to really join."

"Alchemy eh… Okay, let's try it then." Shin Jiao said excitedly as his target is to get a black stone.

"If ever we won, I promise to give you the black stone. But I must have the golden pill." She said with a clenched fist.

"Hmmm… I'm guessing that your gold core has a problem, judging from the way those people tried to vilify you. Okay, if you truly need it then it's a deal." Shin Jiao said with a smile as he offered her his hand.

Qin Lou looked at his hand and felt a little hesitant but still stretched forth her small jade-like hand. They shake hands and sealed the deal, but Qin Lou's face was flush red behind the veil. As this is her first time offering her hand to someone especially a man.

Then Shin Jiao's attention was disrupted by the loud cheering of the people as the tournament is about to begin. There are six large stages in the middle of the oval-shaped arena, and in middle of those stages stood all the participants along with their teams. And judging from it Shin Jiao can now see the total number of schools that have joined in. There are around 12 schools and academies, each is represented by their very own uniforms.

Then a middle-aged man suddenly stood up from the judges' platform at the highest part of the arena opposite to where Shin Jiao is and raised his hands. This made the whole surrounding quiet down.

"My dear students and guests, we are now going to start our inter-school tournament.. We hope to see each of our student's awesome control and martial prowess. Everyone makes us your teacher's proud, let the tournament begin!"
