Our little tea party finally came to an end, and all in all, it was quite a fun experience. As we were leaving, Miss Dollen made me promise not to ignore her at the academy. It was good to meet another noble who did not discriminate against me or Sophie. The other noble girls also seemed to be rather fond of Sophie as well. Which I think helped Sophie a great deal since she seemed to have loosened up quite a bit by the end of the tea party.

On the way back, my eyes began to grow heavy. I think I was both physically and mentally exhausted. Physically because wearing heels is a pain and mentally because, well, Adel and Miss Dollen… it is good to have a rivalry, but please leave me out of it!

I guess I did end up falling asleep because when I woke up, my body was stretched out on the seat. But when I realized how I was lying, I couldn’t help but blush. My feet were resting in Sophie’s lap, and my head was in Adel’s lap. I looked up to see Adel looking down, smiling away at me, which made me even more embarrassed. I slowly got up and let out a dry cough to try to hide my embarrassment. “Sorry…”“No need to be sorry. I did not mind one bit.”-.

“Mm… It’s fine.”

Although they say it was fine, I still felt embarrassed. It seemed I was the only one to fall asleep. I leaned back on the carriage seat, feeling my eyes grow heavy once more, but before they could actually fully close once more, the carriage came to a stop. “Faith, we are at the airship dock.”

“Mmm…” I nodded and stretched.

We got off the carriage and took the airship back to the lower city. When we arrived, we already had another carriage waiting for us to bring us home. This time I stayed awake, and it was Sophie who fell asleep. I smiled and patted her head while she used my lap as a pillow. Even Adel joined into scratch her ears. Sophie’s fluff was very addicting.When we reached the inn, the first thing we did was take a nice hot bath before going to the sitting area to relax. “So, how was my performance?”


Hearing Adel’s question, I could help but chuckle when I remembered her maid’s monotone voice that sounded more like a robot as she spoke than the human that she was. “Well, I can say that you did well. The girls seemed to be quite taken with the pens, so I hope that they will pass the word on.”

“Miss Dollen did say she would spread the word for you, so no need to worry about that. Believe it or not, she has a lot of sway in the noble lady circles. So I am sure once she shows off the pen, you will begin getting lots of orders.” Adel was right. While it may only start off with the young noble ladies, the trend would soon spread to their parents, and those who have businesses would definitely spring money to order a huge amount of them. So this was better than any advertisement you would see on TV back on Earth.

“Then I will stop by and let Thurul know to make a few hundred of them as soon as possible.” I figured I will start off small and wait for the orders to come in. As the orders get bigger and bigger, I will use the money I get from the first orders to buy a small building to make a factory and then begin working on the next venture, which was to make hover carriages! After imprinting the magic equation of the airship into my mind, I figured out that making a hover carriage by adjusting the equations just a bit would allow a hover carriage that could be voice activated. With a steering wheel like a car on Earth, it could be controlled by slightly tilting the magic circles in the direction you want to go in. Although I guess the control would be more similar to that of an airplane.

“Thank you for tonight, Adel. But I do wonder if the girl I punched will try to retaliate against me.” I couldn’t help but purse my lips. I think I might have gone overboard but calling me a maid even though I was dressed the way I was really ticked me off.

I do not know if it was because it implicated Sophie and Adel as well or what. But I do know that As soon as it came out of her mouth, I moved. Just thinking about it made me sigh. Now I made two enemies that are nobles….

“I wouldn’t worry about it. Why tonight was different than I had expected, especially with how Miss Dollen was acting, I can say one thing about her, she is someone who is good to her word. If that viscount daughter you punched tries to cause a fuss, Miss Dollen will crush her like a bug. She will never be able to leave her house after Miss Dollen is done with her.” I could hear the anger in Adel’s voice. I guess she was still not over how the noble girl spoke either.


“Speaking of Miss Dollen. Miss Adel, can you explain to me why you and her seemed to be fighting some kind of war at the start then suddenly became best friends towards the end?”

Adel would not even look me in the eye after I asked this. Her cheeks began turning bright red. I guess she was embarrassed by her own actions. I mean, they were unbecoming of a princess after all. But I did truly start to feel sick from being stuffed with pastries. I sat there with an eyebrow raised as I stared at Adel, waiting for her answer.

“Ahem…. I am really tired, so I will sleep first.” And with that, she ran away.
