The next day I woke up to both Adel and Sophie sleeping next to me curled up into balls. Adel had a serene smile on her face. She was overly excited last night because she made a new true friend. While I could tell Sophie was nervous around Adel she did not treat her as royalty either. She treated her the same way she treated me. Adel took a big liking to Sophie because of this and they instantly became friends.

I stealthily slipped out of bed and left the room to be greeted by Annie who was outside patiently waiting like some kind of guard. But when she saw me she turned and handed me a robe. “Good morning, Young Miss. Sir Randford is here and would like to speak with you.”

“Mm… Okay….” I nodded and rubbed my eyes before taking the robe. I have to admit Annie thinks of everything. I, myself would have walked out in my nightshirt but, thinking about it I am sure Sir Randofrd would get flustered and run away. There was a thing where women of high ranking should not show too much skin. While I could understand in some situations why this would be an issue but if it was hot out I will be damned if I am not wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt!

I wrapped the robe around me and with my bed head and all made my way to the front room where Sir Randford was standing there waiting. “Good morning Sir Randford, you wished to speak with me?”

“Sorry to disturb you Miss Cyrilia. I came over to let you know that I got word that his highness the crown prince is on his way over.” As soon as I heard that, the smile on my face quickly fell. -.

I really pondered what this prince really wanted? Why would he come all the way here to visit when I was not anywhere close to being friends with him. Adel was one thing, we were as close as sisters but, the prince was a different story. Luckily though, Adel was here this time, so I have a strong backing. If anything I can always sick Little Bell on him! Humph! Let’s see if he dares try to hug me again. I guess my thoughts were written all over my face because Sir Randford gave me a worried look and asked: “Is there a problem Miss Cyrilia?”

“Problem? Of course, there is a problem. Why would that id…. Ahem…. Why would the prince suddenly want to come over? Sir Randford, how much did he pay you to ruin my day? If I pay you more, can you ruin his day back for me?” I couldn’t help but slightly chuckle at Sir Randford’s current expression. He seemed to be drawn between duty and the bubble of laughter that was about to explode at any second.


After a moment of silence, Sir Randford got control of his emotions and gave me a slight bow. “Miss Cyrilia I do apologize.”

“Pfft!” I couldn’t hold back as I started laughing. There was a serious yet teasing look in Sir Randofrd’s eyes that tickled my funny bone.

After a bout of laughter, I finally calmed down and let out a long sigh. In reality, I really did not wish to see the Mr. Ceo, wanna be. The last thing I want is to be dragged around the streets of the capital by him again and forced to eat what he orders for me. Or doing some other stupid thing.

“Faith?” Adel came out of the room in a robe rubbing her eyes and stumbily walked over to me and held onto my arm while resting her head on my shoulder closing her eyes once more. It seems she was not ready to be awake just yet.

“Sir Randford has just told me your brother is on his way.”

“What!? Why is that bast….. Idit… Ahem… Why is he coming here? No, wait! He better not be thinking of hitting on you again!” I saw a fierce glint in Adel’s eyes but what made me chuckle the most was her stopping herself from calling him a bastard and idiot.“Well, whatever the reason, my princess in shining armor can protect me from the evil prince.” I said jokingly but Adel actually nodded her head seriously and answered. “Of course!”


The last to come out of the room was Sophie who kept her head lowered as soon as she saw Sir Randford. I do hope we can get her to relax around others before school starts. I do not want her to be getting picked on for acting gloomy when she was such a sweet girl. I, of course, would protect her but still.

After breakfast and getting changed the three of us were about to try to sneak away and head to Thurul’s place before the prince arrived, our luck quickly ran out when a fancy carriage suddenly stopped in front of ours before we could even set off. A handsome dashing man exited the carriage and walked over to ours. Sadly although his looks were good he was after all Prince Lance. Which ruined his whole image. Not to mention he still had that stupid smirk on his face.

“My dear sister, you were not going to try to leave me behind now where you?” Prince Lance asked as he went to open the door to the carriage, assumingly trying to get in to ride with us only to find the door would not open. Adel had accidentally sealed the door shut, made it transparent from the inside only, and was currently sipping tea while looking at her brother through the transparent door struggling to try to open it up.

“Adel this is not funny! Open this up right now! You know what father said!” I heard the prince yell which made me raise an eyebrow and looked over at Adel who quickly turned away from me as soon as I did.

“Adel, care to explain?” I asked, with both eyebrows raised and my hands clasped in front of me.

Adel kept side eying me and when she saw I was not going to let it go she finally let out a long sigh. “That idiot father of mine asked my brother to woo you. I told father that that was completely out of the question and that it should be enough for me to be friends with you but he seems to really want to tie you down to the kingdom. I had planned to tell you but every time I thought about it I would get angry and want to punch my brother. And then I started to think that maybe becoming a queen would not be such a bad idea and that both my father and my brothers should just disappear.”


I almost spat out my tea. Adel, my dear did you not say you wished to not be a princess!? Wait more than that, did she just curse her family!? I am starting to think that maybe I should have a long talk with Adel. “No need for any offing of any people. Especially the royal family. I have no plans to be woo’d by your brother. He for one has no idea how to treat a girl anyway. He acts selfish and domineering. This might float some people’s boats but it makes mine sink.”

“Hehe! I knew my Faith would never fall for his fake facade!” Adel yelled as she threw her arms around me and hugged me. I guess she was worried that if I did fall for her brother I would not be friends with her anymore. But that is just plain stupid. I would be friends with her no matter what. Adel is a caring person and cares deeply for those she sees as friends. I would not toss her aside for anyone. I think guys back on earth have a saying for such a thing. What was it again… ‘bros before hoes’ or something along these lines? In this case, it is girls before di…. No, I will just leave it at that. At any rate, I will always put my family and friends above others.

“Adel I know you are in there! Open up right now!” Prince Lance yelled out causing a huge scene out in the middle of the road. I really wish I could knock some sense into this idiot. One event after the other and he can’t seem to understand that he has to keep up appearances even if he doesn’t wish to.

“Adel, we should at least tell him he can’t come in because there is someone else here who is bad with men. Otherwise, I fear he may throw away the face of the royal family if this continues.” I glanced at Sophie who was fidgeting in her seat. It seemed she did not know what to do. When I said her name she lowered her head even more. I guess the side effect of being forced to live with a strange man you did not know will cause such things.

Adel pouted and slowly released me. She looked at the door and stood up. After stomping her feet in frustration she walked over to the door. She extended her finger out and began creating a magic circle which she gently pushed towards the door. But what we all did not expect was that the prince who was going mad outside the carriage was currently pulling hard on the door. With the magic that was holding it closed now released, said prince was sent flying backward causing him to land hard on his princely butt.
