With Little Bell screaming and yelling, Prince Lance’s face turned bright red. “Ummm… Faith, I just remembered I had something to do. I will meet up with you again soon.” And with that, Prince Lance walked away with all but one knight following him.

I turned to look at the knight, who smiled awkwardly at me and scratched his head. “I ummm…. I was ordered to guard you by the captain….”

“Do as you need,” I said with a nod and began walking down the street. As long as this knight did not hinder me while I walked around, I could care less. Although I do not think there is anyone more suited for the task of protecting Little Bell than myself. For one thing, Little Bell does not like to leave my hair, and she had promised me she would not run off on her own or show herself unless necessary. Prince Lance just had to try to make a move on, though. But I find this strange, why would he hit on me? I never said a word to make it seem like I liked him. I guess Adel was right, her brother is a playboy! And so I labeled Prince lance a playboy in my heart.

The capital city had much more to see than I could ever dream of. There were so many businesses all seeing their own unique blend of items that it was enough to make my head spin. I thought there would not be too much innovation in a country where nobles rained, but I was proven wrong. There were many things that people were selling that were similar to things you would find on Earth, like the ‘Heat Box’, basically a microwave. But it used fire and required you to use a special metal dish to put your food on.-.There were many things like dishwashers, clothes washers, and many other things. You can basically point out any of the household appliances and would be able to find a match for it that used magic instead of high tech. Not only did this make things much eco friendly, but also made it so that it cost no power, and was energy free. If anything, this makes these items much better than those found on Earth.

I ended up walking half a day before I finally reached the inn. This inn was the closest to the gates, while the house I guess that I was going to be getting was on the floating island near the academy, like a fifteen minute walk. I have no idea how big it is, but knowing that it is coming from the king himself, it will probably be quite big. Which means I will need to do a lot of cleaning…. I hate cleaning the most. Such a boring task, yet it still needs to get done.

The Hayward Inn…. According to what Adel told me, it was the most secure inn in this part of the city. And sure enough, the front doors were guarded by knights. The knight that was currently following me nodded to them to allow me to pass through without issue. The door to the building which was made out of brick was made out of what looked like tinted blue glass. Compared to the other buildings, this was quite fancy.

That was something else I noticed about this city. It was very early 1920s style New Yorkish. All the buildings were brick and mortar and had about seven to ten floors max. Although there were a few buildings closer to the center of the city that had twenty floors or more, I think they used a metal frame construction for those. To be honest, it made me feel nostalgic.


The interior of the reception room was wide and looked no different from any fancy five star hotel I have seen on tv or read about back on Earth. There were large white pillars that held up the ceiling and lounge couches situated here and there. The front desk was lined with gold with a reddish wood structure.Behind the counter were three young women, all quite beautiful and wearing neat collared uniforms. When I walked in, one of them even came over to greet me. “Miss Cyrilia, I presume?”

“Yes, I am….” I replied and gave a confused look. I wonder how she knew who I was without me needing to say my name. But when I thought about it, how many demi humans out there have my unique features?

“It’s good to finally meet you. Princess Adellia had sent us a message to let us know what you look like, which is how I knew who you were. My Name is Seli, welcome to the capital. We have a royal suite already ready for you. Please, this way.” Seli had me follow her. The guard who was guarding me this entire time also followed me, which made me wonder if this man would be standing outside my door at night. This kinda felt strange. While it might be normal for some, for me, it was a strange experience. Kinda made me feel like a princess myself.

I was taken up a private lift that goes directly to the royal suite. Once you got off the elevator, there was a small hall that had a small room to the right, which Seli told me was a servant room, so that would probably be where the guard would be staying, and at the very end of the hall after passing through a few magic defense systems was the entrance to the suite. But before I could even get there, I had to be registered with the magical defense system, which required a bit of my mana. I guess only the royal family his allowed to use this room, so the process to register was not known by anyone but the royal family and Seli, who was a top executive of the company that owned the inn. She was working as a normal receptionist all because of me.

Once my mana was registered into the magic equation, I was now able to pass through the door. As the knight could not enter the room unless the defense system was de-activated, only Seli could follow me in. “Miss Cyrilia, there will be a few maids from the castle coming soon. I do apologize as I had not had time to get them here before your arrival.”

“Maids!?” I turned and looked at Seli in surprise. I mean, I never expected to have people waiting on me. Should I really let this happen? What if I get used to the finer things in life? I was a bit conflicted. I have never had anyone really wait on me for anything unless you count my parents in both lives. But I kinda had to rely on them when I was younger to survive, so I guess that doesn’t count.


“Yes, Princess Adellia had me arrange it. Also, when they do come, you will need to allow them in. You can use the blue orb to the side of the door there to temporarily shut the magic defenses off. There is also another one outside as well. So if you wish to bring people over, you will only need to inject mana into them.” Seli went on to explain things about food and other things along those lines. Like to know if someone is here, there is a call system that uses a magical rune link from the hall and one that links to the reception desks as well. “If you need anything, just use the call stone. The kitchen is open all day and night for those in the royal suite so call when you get hungry. You can order anything you like or pick from the menu on the table over there.”

“Okay, thank you.” I was a little excited about my stay here. It was starting to feel like a very expensive vacation that I got for free. All my daily needs were taken care of. Adel told me meals and accommodations were all taken care of. But if I wished to buy anything outside of daily necessities, I would need to pay for it myself. Which is understandable with how out of the way they were going with these things. Plus, Adel has already spent a ton of money on me already, which I really feel bad about. So I will need to save up a bunch of money and get her something nice.

I walked around the room, which was more like a very large apartment, and felt kinda lonely. There was just me here in this big place with nothing to do. “I guess I can work on my fusion magic a bit….”

I walked over to the glass doors that led out to the rooftop garden and opened them up. Instantly the warm sun hit my skin, causing me to feel a bit calmer. I walked around the garden looking at all the flowers until I reached a wide circular area with benches. “Now then, with everything that I have learned, I guess I need to work on the process of shortening the casting time of two spells to fuse them together into a single spell more quickly.”
