“Mmm…” I nodded my head and began pulling the nerdals out one by one soon, there was a pile of dead nerdals taking up a large area. The way I killed them made it, so no blood got anywhere, so besides the dirt on their bodies, there wouldn’t be a huge mess to clean up.

“This is insane!” Gesel yelled out. I could see where she was coming from after all to her I was just a small girl who looked frail.

“Ahem…” Mr. Glasses behind the counter cleared his throat. I turned to look at him with eyes full of expectation. “I can see that each one is in very good condition. The standard market price for a nerdal hide in pristine condition is twenty silver. Since we will need to skin them ourselves, I will give you fifteen silver each.”

“Oh! Not bad. To think even Mr. Stickler over here was willing to give a decent price for once.” Gesel commented. I can only guess that Mr. Glasses is someone who always lowers the price of things to save the guild money. Which is not a bad practice but sadly for him, I did not take the skill ‘business tycoon’ for no reason.

“Wait!….” I raised my hand, stopping everyone from continuing. I walked over to the counter and looked Mr. Glasses in the eyes, and asked: “You said the guild will be skinning them. So does that mean the guild will also create items with the materials?”

“Huh? Yes, we do. We do all the craftsmanship and then sell them to our mercenaries.” My lips curled up hearing this. This means they would be making a bigger profit. Why should I get the short end of the stick when they will be making out like bandits. -.

“So if you will be selling them which will, in the end, make you a huge profit, why are you not buying them from me at market price? If I am not wrong, even the meat of the nerdal is worth a few silver. Since you will still make out on the deal, should you not at least be offering twenty two silver per nerdal?” I watched as Mr. Glasses’ business smile cracked.


“You are really shrewd for your age.” My smile widened as I gave a small bow. “Thank you.”

“The highest I can go is eighteen silver each.” I shook my head and waved my hand putting all the nerdals back into my inventory. “I am not so hard up for money that I would sell my things for lower than market value. Sorry for disturbing you.”

With that, I gave my thanks to Gesel and the other man before walking towards the exit of the guild. “Wait! Fine twenty two silver… Geeze….”

I smiled and turned around. The items from a single nerdal will go for triple the amount the hide is worth once the items are created. Not only that, but they can also use the claws and even the teeth of the nerdal to make tools and weapons. So it would have been a bigger loss for me to sell for anything cheaper.

Very soon, a bunch of workers from the guild came out from the backroom and began hauling the nerdals away. And while they were doing that, I was happily receiving my gold. Seven in total! Hehe, money, money! To be honest, this was the first time in both my lives making so much money. A single gold could be considered like a thousand bucks back on Earth. So for me, someone who never had an actual job making seven gold in a single day was a happy event. Now I could go out and try those pastries!

“Hahaha! I have never seen Mr. Stickler so angry before. His lips and eyes were twitching like mad. You have no idea how many have tried to get him to pay a higher price but always failed, and today he really had no choice since you brought so many nerdals. The armor made with a nerdal hide, if it is a full set, could easily sell for one gold coin. So he is not taking much of a loss. But he will always try to lower the price.” Gesel came over and patted my head. “So now that you are rich, what do you plan to do?”


“Mmmm…. There was a pastry stall down the street that I wanted to try out. The older lady that ran it was nice enough to send me here so I could sell my things.” I promised I would come back, and I would! I would be sure to buy all her pastries if they were really good. I can stick them into my inventory to save for later. All these years, I have only had Aunty Finna’s cookies and some snacks my mother would make, so trying out something new was always fun.

“Oh! Gretta’s place. Mind if I tag along? I have been itching to try her new goods.” Gesel’s eyes lit up as she spoke about the pastries, but I have a feeling that while she was going for the pastries, she was also doing this to give me some protection.

“Sure, let’s go! My treat!” I said with a smile. Those who are kind to me, I will be kind to in return. Since Gesel was willing to help me even before I had shown my skills, I would return that kindness in kind. Even if we may only be passing acquaintances.“Oh! Looks like I will be hugging your thigh for this pastry run then! Hahaha!” As Gesel laughed and so did I. Gesel’s smile seemed to brighten the mood of the room even if she did look like the hulk.

“Hey, what about me!?” Fred cried out, chasing after us. I smiled and waved him over, which he quickly smiled back and followed along.

The three of us left the guild and made our way down the street towards Gretta’s place. This time as I walked down the road, I really took a good look around at the people on the streets, and I noticed that mixed with the groups of humans were also demi humans. Seeing this I couldn’t help but be happy but also purse my lips at the same time. I wondered why this town was so demi human friendly.

“Wondering why there are so many demi’s are walking around?” I guess Gesel saw through my thoughts as I heard her question. I nodded my head as I turned to look at her. “Hehe… It is because the town lord is a demi himself. He is nothing more than a small baron, but he has built this town into what it is today. A place where demi humans and humans can walk around freely. No one is treated differently here. Sadly places like this are far and in between. Even in the capital, while the law says anyone caught discriminating against demi humans will be fined or arrested, there is no way to truly control it.”


“Gesel, you go to the capital a lot?” This interested me. I knew next to nothing about the capital, so hearing that Gesel has been there, I couldn’t pass up this chance to ask her.

“That I have. As a mercenary, going to the capital is something I will do on a regular basis. Although I do happen to like Hammerlin the most. It is a peaceful place with good people. While it still has some bad apples, at least while walking down the street, you will never have to worry about being discriminated against. I do not know what your plans are, but if you’re ever looking for a place to settle down in the future, you can always come here. I will help you find a good place to stay. Why do you ask? Are you planning to go to the capital?”

“Yes, I need to reach there in the next few months. I am joining the Royal Magic Academy.” I found Gesel very easy going and easy to talk to. Kinda like an older sister.

“The Royal Magic Academy, huh? I also went there.” Gesel’s eyes narrowed, making me curious as to what she was about to say. “Be careful. That place is a closed box. There are many factions in the school. Some pro demi humans, and some who see them as nothing but inferior beings. I, for one, have always been pro demi humans. After all, when I was young, a tiger beastkin gave his life to save me. But that is just me and the main reason why I fell in love with this town. So always be careful who you befriend in the academy.”

I couldn’t help but sigh. I kinda figured the capital, the Royal Magic Academy, in particular, was not going to be an easy place to stay at, but I guess strength will silence all. I do not wish to resort to violence, but if I have people harassing me left and right while I am trying to learn, then I will put them in their place, even if they are a prince or even a princess. “Don’t worry, I will be sure to take care while I am at the academy.”

“Good.” Gesel patted my head before walking forward and waving her hand. “Gretta!”

“Oh, Gesel! Are you here for the new creations?” I heard Gretta’s voice ring out happily. It seems Gesel was a regular here.

“Haha! The little lady over there is treating me. Now that I think about it. I never caught your name! Haha!” I couldn’t help but laugh as well. I also just realized I never gave my name. To be able to get along with someone so well without even knowing the person’s name or any formal introduction shows just how well the two of us clicked.

“Then let me formally introduce myself. My name is Faith Cyrilia.”

“Wait, did you just say Cyrilia!?”
