I couldn’t believe it. In a matter of seconds, he had killed so many of the nerdals that my heart felt like it was bleeding. “Three gold! Three gold you destroyed!” Three whole gold!

“What three gold!? Hey, stop swinging your sword at me! Wait, why are you firing magic at me!? Was I not saving you!?” This idiot just did not seem to understand! I already told him to stop attacking, but he won’t listen!

“You idiot! Who needs your saving!? I was happily luring them over while I ate dinner, and you came along, destroying my precious materials! Twenty silver! Twenty silver for each one you killed! Pay me now!” I did not care if this stupid boy had to strip naked and give me all the armor he was wearing. He would need to cough up my three gold!

“What!? Wait, you were luring them!?” I could see this kid was not all that bright. But I had to admit he was very strong. With my strength, he was able to defend against my attacks just now without losing any ground. We actually tied in strength. This truly surprised me.

“Yes, I was! Now, pay me five gold!” I yelled, stomping my feet. My money! Normally I would not be so greedy, but I had everything planned as soon as I saw the nerdals, and this idiot… this idiot ruined it all!

“Five gold!? You said three!”

“That’s because you keep killing them!”


“They keep attacking me!”-.

“Then let them kill you!”

“No!” I do not know if the nerdals seemed to have decided to side with me, but they were going all out to kill the young man while ignoring me. And me? I was busy defending my precious silver! Since we were fighting to a stalemate, I changed tactics and began blocking the young man’s ability to fight the nerdals.

“Why are you doing this!?” The young man yelled out.

“Because you owe me money! Look how many you killed! Why did you have to be Mr. Knight In Shining Armor when I was trying to eat!? Go save someone who wants to be saved!” I really have no idea why I was getting so angry, but it seemed the more I spoke to this idiot, the angrier I got. I just wished he would take a hint and leave.

“How could I, the one destined to be the hero of the land, let a young girl fight such terrifying beasts on her own!?” What is this some kind of wanna be hero syndrome!?


“I guess… I will need to get serious then… Accelerate!”



I smacked the young man as hard as I could in the back of the neck, causing him to drop to the ground. I then grabbed him and swung him around a few times before tossing him like a bag of trash towards the road. “Hah! I should have done that, to begin with!”

I held my head and shook it before glancing at the nerdals that were still around, looking at me as if I was their hero. I felt no more killing intent from them, which made me not want to kill them anymore. But that thought only lasted for a second before I began attacking. I guess my sudden change in attitude startled them because I pried one of their mouths open and shoved a fireball down its throat. Brutal, I know, but this was the best method. It only took me killing one of them to understand I was still an enemy as they began attacking me left and right. Fifteen minutes later, I finally had thirty nerdal corpses in my inventory. Sadly the ones from before all got chopped to pieces by Mr. Idiot.

Now I am not only in a bad mood, but it was also raining, so I am also soaked. “I still need to sell the stupid bandits…. Which means I need to feed them.” I was too tired and lazy at this point to look for proper edible food, so I just grabbed a branch off a tree with a bunch of leaves and figured it would do.


I stuck up a barrier over my head while I used heating to dry myself off. Only when I was completely dry did I head back. But who would have thought that on my way back, Mr. Knight In Shining Armor was up to his old tricks again? “What are you doing?”

“What am I doing? I am trying to save these poor souls who were buried up to their heads by some demon.” The young man answered me without even looking back at me. He was currently bashing away at the barrier around the bandits in the ground. On top of that, he just called me a demon!

“So you not only want to kill my nerdals, but you also want to take my bounty on those bandits!? Are you a thief!? Fireball!” I tossed out a fireball without much thought. I was sick of this kid just butting in where it did not belong!

“Why are you attacking me again!? Can’t you see these people need help!?” The young man quickly jumped back and stared at me with an aggrieved expression. While the young man was handsome, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, he was a total idiot. “Those are bandits that I caught that I am taking back to the nearest town, and you want to free them!?” I mean, come on. Why do I have to run into such a weirdo as soon as I start my journey?

“Bandits?” I watched as the young man lowered his sword and scratched his head. “Even if they are bandits, can’t you at least treat them better?”

“You really are stupid! Why would anyone give good conditions for the bandits they caught!? They murder and sell people for a living to steal their goods. And you want to treat them nicely?” My chest heaving up and down. This idiot’s only purpose in life was to anger me, I swear.

“Why do you keep calling me stupid this, idiot that?”

“Because you are a one hundred percent idiot! Can you at least take a look at the situation before you act? No, no, please don’t forget that. How about this. Give me the seven gold you owe me and be on your way.”

“Seven gold!? You said it was only five before!”

“Because you owe me ten gold for all the nerdal material you destroyed!” In truth, he only owed me five gold. There were not that many nerdals, to begin with. But since he was an idiot and was wasting my time, I figured I would tack on a bit of compensation. I mean, there is no harm in taking a little kickback for the headache he has given me, right?

“Why is it ten now!?” I had to hold my tongue because I almost burst out laughing, looking at the young man’s pathetic face.

“Ahem…” I cleared my throat and slowly spoke. “Because you are making me deal with an idiot. So quickly pay up, oh hero of justice.”

“I don’t have it!” The young man said proudly.

“So you are not going to pay what you owe? Then take off all your armor and give me your sword. I can at least sell it for some compensation.” I mean, something was better than nothing. This would also give him a good lesson in not just jumping in when it is not needed. Whether he truly felt I needed saving or not has nothing to do with me. I am someone who only cares about those close to me everyone else can shoo away. Of course, if I saw someone in need of help, I would probably try to help them, but this was beside the point. I, however, would make sure that whoever I was helping truly needed my help.

“No…. I need them both. Plus, if I give them to you, I would have nothing else to wear.”

“What you wear has nothing to do with me, just take it off and give it to me!” I couldn’t take it anymore and walked right over to the young man and took his sword before I began pulling on his armor.

“Miss! I swear I will pay you back, please let me keep my armor!”

“A hero should always pay their debts!” I suddenly realized I was no different from a bandit right now. While he did owe me money, I was also starting to feel conflicted. One thing I did notice was that this entire time he had not looked down on me for being a demi. I sighed and let go of his armor and gave back his sword.

“Fine, keep it. But if you go to the capital, look me up at the magic academy. My name is Faith Cyrilia. You owe me twenty gold from this day forth. So if you do not give it to me by the next time we meet, I will strip your armor off you.” In light of him not being a demi hater, I can only do this.

“Twenty gold… Alright, I, Charles Doli, swear on my path to being a hero that I will one day pay you back, miss Faith.” He doesn’t even have a heroic name!

“Then Charles, I will be waiting. Now then, I need to feed my bandits, so I will not keep you.” I didn’t even wait for his reply before walking through my barrier and undoing the mound of dirt surrounding the heads in the ground. I then began ripping leaves off the tree branch and placing them in front of the bandits’ faces. “I didn’t have time to find anything proper, so make do with this. Although I am not sure if they are poisonous or not….”
