“War….” While I hated the idea, it was true that unless I can get control over my ancient bloodline, I will always be at risk of losing myself to the ancient will. It seemed to be a type of will that wished to slaughter. And I, for one, was not a fan of slaughtering. Although my previous battle did not make it seem like I was against it… In truth, I just wished to adventure around and only fight if it was absolutely necessary. I was not against helping others and whatnot, but this was my true wish. I wanted to run around seeing the sights of the world and then stop in to visit my family every once in a while. This way, I could go to different lands and learn more magic along the way. But now, not just once but twice, I will need to venture onto the battlefield.

Although I did not wish for it, I knew it was important. At least this time, I would not be alone. So maybe, just maybe, under my father’s guidance, I will be able to quickly gain control over this will. “Faith, are you listening to me?”

“Huh?” I lowered my head and blushed while pursuing my lips. I really wasn’t listening.

I heard my father let out a long sigh as he knocked me on the head. “Listen to what I am going to say. We will take things slow. We will first get you used to the scent of blood before we have you fight anyone. Only when I am sure you are able to handle that will we move to the next step. To control your will, you will need to take baby steps.-.“Your great grandfather was a knowledgeable man. He taught me many things when I was younger. How to control bloodlines was one of them. He is also the reason why I know dragons still exist. I was there with him when I was young when we saw one for ourselves. I will never forget that day. My grandfather took me out to the mountains that you see way over in the distance over there. We were searching for a kind of ore. An ore to make me the sword I still use to this day. I was just a year older than you at the time.

“We climbed halfway up the mountain, and we were sitting on a ledge resting when we saw it. It was a fire dragon. All of its scales were a deep red color, and the body itself was massive enough to turn day into night. While the books say dragons are gone, they are still here, most likely staying away from worldly things. The Dragon race is an ancient race that has years upon years of knowledge that all dragons gain from their parents when they are born. Sadly dragon kin never got to have such a trait.” My father sighed as he leaned back, using his hands to prop his body up.

“Farther, did great grandpa ever mention anything about demons?” I wondered if this would jog my father’s memory about a demon race. “Not that I can remember. It might be a race from ancient times. One that was not documented much. But Faith, how do you know that you have such a bloodline?”

This question made me freeze. Yes, how would I know what my bloodlines were? “I-I am not sure…. I just kinda know? It’s hard to explain.”


I think I am becoming a genius at lying. Although it was not the best of skills to be mastering. It was still getting me out of many sticky situations like how it was now. Because my father nodded his head and sighed. “It is said that bloodlines will sometimes allow you to sense what you are. The royal family has an ancient bloodline, and so do some of the highest nobles in the kingdom. This is the same for all kingdoms. You will barely find a royal family of any kingdom without an ancient bloodline. Some make them stronger or make it so that their magic is insanely powerful. As for our kingdom, the Gravos royal family has a high aptitude for magic. I heard even the crown prince is more powerful than the highest court magicians.

“But he still doesn’t hold a candle to my Faith! To think you were able to cast not only two grand falls but also multiple heavenly rains. The amount of mana you have really surprised me. And kind of makes me a bit jealous. I can only cast one grand fall at most before I am almost out.” My father’s words caused my mouth to drop open. I now realize he had been watching the entire time! On top of that, he can even cast grand fall! I held my head. My father, a man who farms for a living out on the border of the kingdom, has enough power to be a high royal court mage.“When I tell you I am not weak, I mean it, you brat! What are you holding your head for!” My father pulled me into his arms and began ruffling my hair.

Even though I now know that my father is like super duper cooler than before, I still worry for him. This is a man who says the wrong thing to my mother all the time and ends up sleeping outside because of it. Will he truly be okay? I looked up at my father, who was still praising himself and smiled. In this life, I am truly blessed.

No matter how I think about it, It is like I rolled a lucky die. I was able to be reborn into a family that loves and cares for me even with my strange habits and body features. I could have been born into one of the families from Wandermere, the ones that hate demi humans. I could have been killed at birth, sold off, tossed in a river, and many other kinds of horrible things, but no, I was given a chance to live a life that I can say is truly great. While it does has its ups and downs and my own eagerness for strength has kind of put me at a crossroads, even now, as I lean against my father’s chest and look out over the landscape, I can say so far, my life has been great.

“Come on, we should head back before your mother gets mad at us. Don’t worry, I will take the blame so you won’t be lectured again.” My father said, rubbing my head. At times like this, I can’t help but want to scream out: Father, I love you! But then I remember him leaving me high and dry earlier, so I keep it inside. That reminds me, I think I need to work with Rachel and get even with my brother as well. And so, as I hold my father’s hand and walk back to our house, I am thinking up schemes on how to get revenge on my brother. Teach him to run away!

When we got back to the house, my mother was indeed waiting, but she did not yell. I went to keep Rachel, who was now awake, company, while my father went to speak to my mother. I guess he was explaining things about tomorrow.


The rest of the day was spent playing with my nephew and drawing on my brother’s face with charcoal after Rachel got him to lay down for a nap. The entire dinner, everyone was giggling away. I drew a big fat turtle on his forehead and gave him black raccoon eyes and a mustache! Very childish, I know, but still. He deserved it! It was only until later that I heard him scream my name, so I took refuge in my mother’s lap. The one place he would not dare cause trouble. In the end, all he got to see was me pull my eyelid at him and stick out my tongue.

It was the next morning before daybreak that my father and I stood at the cliffside once more. We looked out towards our destination, where smoke plumes rose high into the sky. The flashing lights of magic could be seen even from where we were standing. “We will start there. We will first only observe. One step at a time. And Faith, don’t worry, I will be here to help calm you down.”

“Mmm…” I can not say I was not nervous. I mean, there was always a chance of causing the same thing as before to happen. I took a deep breath and stepped off the cliff, and shot forward towards the battlefield. “Airwalk!”

“Airwalk!” My father’s voice was only a second behind mine. He was already running next to me through the air. “Faith, use acceleration; otherwise, it will take a few days to even arrive.”

“Okay! Acceleration!” My body flashed as I stepped forward, disappearing from where I once was. My father was once again on my heels.

We ended up traveling for an entire day and night and only arrived at the first battlefield in the early hours of the morning the following day. We stood in the air and looked down at the battle still raging on, where two massive armies were clashing. The sound of swords striking swords, the strong scent of blood that filled the air. The cries of those who were badly injured. All of this made my little fists clench tightly. I was already feeling the call from deep within me to join the fight and kill everyone in sight. But before this urge began to take control, a big warm palm landed on top of my head. “Your first task is to restrain your ancient will with everything you have. We will only watch until you are able to do so.”

