Proofreader: kuroneko_chan

Yuriel immersed herself in the newspaper. It was hard to take her eyes off the article that was about her.

“I control demons… ? I don’t have that ability… .”

After checking the contents, Yuriel muttered without realizing it. Just looking at what was written in the newspaper, it was as if she had demonstrated a strange ability when she was dealing with monsters.

[The fact that she helped evacuate the citizens of the imperial capital even before the monsters were visually confirmed is a suspicious situation. It is possible that the involvement of monsters in the recent terrorist incidents that have been rampant in the imperial capital is not a coincidence… .]

She was about to lose her mind at the following words.

Writing articles like this makes her look like she was part of the terrorist group!


The article of the incident on the train that Yuriel was involved in was also rewritten in a negative way.

The incidents on the train, in Alchemy Tower, and what happened on the streets yesterday.

Looking at the three events together, even she thought she was quite suspicious..

There was even an interview from someone who had heard the warning Raphlet had given at the Alchemy Tower. The interviewee was said that they heard warnings of danger to the Commander of the Albraka medical office.

All of these incidents did not cause any major damage thanks to Yuriel. But in this article, it sounded like Yuriel herself had caused the occurrences.

“It would be better not to go out for a while. There are rumors circulating that you are controlling monsters.”


Shudmuel said as he handed the newspaper to Yuriel as soon as she entered the room. He looked at the newspaper next to Yuriel and sighed as he saw Yuriel contorted her lips and wept.

In a state of mental instability, it becomes difficult to maintain the brainwashing.

Shudmuel sat Yuriel on a chair and spoke calmly.

“If you don’t show the same image as yesterday, it will fade away quickly. No outsiders are allowed in Albraka, so there will be nothing dangerous.”

Shudmuel said as he handed her tea, Yuriel wept and nodded. Big green eyes filled with water. While sipping tea with an expression full of resentment and seeking calmness, a bewildered guest came to Shudmuel’s office.

“I have heard that Miss Yuriel is here.”


It was one of the knights who worked for the princess.

It’s an outsider she saw right after she was told that outsiders couldn’t come in. Yuriel was very upset. Seeing the princess’ knight, she got up. A good-looking knight was looking at Yuriel.

“Hello, Miss Yuriel. I have brought a present from the princess.”

The knight bowed his head politely to Yuriel and began to move as if he was about to approach her.

Yuriel got up from her chair and approached Shudmuel, who was opposite her, and checked the knight.

“Wait a minute, don’t come and talk here.”

She didn’t know what was sent, but it was unpleasant to be close to the princess’ knight. When Yuriel looked at him and expressed her displeasure, Shudmuel helped Yuriel.

When he coolly ordered the knight to not enter his office without permission, the knight frowned and stopped moving.

“… Then I will leave the present from the princess here.”“Why is the princess sending me a present?”

Yuriel, who was hiding behind Shudmuel, asked with a voice full of vigilance.

If it’s an invitation to a banquet like last time, it’s a big deal, but should she ask Baraha to come with her again….

“She was delighted to hear that Miss Yuriel had dealt with the monsters yesterday. She said it was a gift to thank you for protecting the people.”


At the reply, Yuriel let out a startled exclamation.

She thought the princess was arrogant and didn’t care about the commoners of the Imperial Capital. She didn’t expect the princess to be a person who did her duties as the Imperial Family more than she thought, enough to send a gift like this as a gratitude for the people.

Moreover, it was right after the false article about her was published. She must have read the articles about controlling monsters, yet she sent Yuriel a gift.

In fact, isn’t the princess intelligent enough to filter out false rumors at once?

“The Princess….”

Yuriel muttered in an unclear voice. It seemed that her evaluation of the princess would be slightly different.

“This is a letter I was commanded to deliver to Miss Yuriel.”

Yuriel hesitated and came out from behind Shudmuel to accept the letter from knight sent by the princess

When she opened the envelope sealed with the princess’ seal, a refreshing handwriting caught her eye. It was a letter written by the princess herself.

Yuriel’s face gradually grew pale as she slowly read the princess’ letter.

Yuriel, who approached the knight, took the letter and hurriedly returned to Shudmuel’s side after reading the letter.

“… What is it?”

When Yuriel returned with a white face, Shudmuel asked a curious question. Yuriel summarized the contents of the letter in a low voice so that the knights could not hear it.

“She said that she admired my ability to control monsters, and she told me to come under her. She’s asking me to accept the gift…. The gift, the gift… .”

Shudmuel, who was waiting for Yuriel’s reply, who was unable to continue speaking and stuttered, narrowed his brow and took the letter from Yuriel’s hand.

“… That knight is the gift.”

“Yes, what should I… ?”

Shudmuel quickly checked the letter and touched his lips. He also seemed a bit perplexed. The contents of the princess’ letter were that unconventional.

The letter stated that Yuriel was free to use her gift, the knight, as she pleased. It was like sending a thing, not a person.

Either he knows the content or he doesn’t. The knight in front of the office showed no agitation.

There must have been something wrong. There must have been some kind of mistake in the letter, that the Princess sent such a gift… ?

Yuriel looked at the letter Shudmuel was holding and spoke up with courage.

“Ex, excuse me. Sir Knight.”


“Maybe there is something wrong with the contents of this letter… ?”“The princess cannot make a mistake. If there is something you do not understand, I will explain it on behalf of the Princess. Please tell me.”

“The gift is a little…. strange.”

“If I am not to your liking, I’ll inform the Princess. Another knight will be sent.”

Yuriel was startled and grabbed Shudmuel’s arm.

“I think it must have been real… !”

Shudmuel handed the letter to Yuriel and told the knight.

“No outsider can stay in Albraka. Go back to the Princess and tell her.”

“It is under the name of the Princess.”

“Albraka is an inviolable realm that no one can tamper with. Even if it’s under the Princess’ name, you know there are no exceptions.”

“… Miss Yuriel’s recovery is the most important. If she accepts, I will serve as Miss Yuriel’s servant. Even in Albraka, the knights don’t have personal servants.”

The gazes of those who were exchanging words coldly turned to Yuriel at the same time. Yuriel, who was holding Shudmuel’s arm, blinked at the pair of eyes that looked at her and then came to her senses.

“My recovery? I don’t need a servant! I am Lord Raphlet’s dedicated servant, so why do I need a servant?”

“… I’m ready to do anything. Miss Yuriel. I will do whatever you want.”

She seemed to understand the meaning of that handsome-looking knight’s words. The princess may have chosen a man as a means to entice her.

The knight’s “everything” sounded like it had a sexual connotation.

No. Still, it’s a knight sent by the princess…. It doesn’t mean that… ?

Yuriel shook her head from side to side, clearing out any useless thoughts. Just when Yuriel was about to raise her doubts, the knight spoke like a wedge.

“I have received an order from the Princess to serve Miss Yuriel as best I can. You will definitely be satisfied. I am ready to put Miss Yuriel’s satisfaction before mine.”

Yuriel opened her mouth and looked at the knight’s face.

There was no question about it, it was real. Yuriel gasped in surprise.

The fact that she was working in Albraka’s strategy room while working as a full-time maid for Raphlet made her certain that the princess had misunderstood something about her.

The princess’ obsession to keep putting knights in front of her was terrifying, because she thinks Yuriel likes knights so much that she was even working as a maid for Raphlet.

If she really thinks this was a favor, then the princess was certainly unconventional.

She likes Lord Raphlet but she doesn’t like knights!

Yuriel stood stunned and shook her head and said.

“No, I don’t need it. Please tell the Princess that I will only accept her heart.”

Truthfully, she didn’t even want to accept that either.

“And about the article that said I control monsters, please tell her it is a lie . I have no such abilities!”

The reason the princess sent a gift as soon as she saw the article was because of Yuriel’s supposed abilities. The princess didn’t know that what the article wrote was false.

She salivates at the thought of Yuriel’s power and runs towards her. Controlling monsters was an ability that the princess covets even more.

The princess was arrogant and did not care about the commoners of the Imperial Capital.

Yuriel readjusted her evaluation of the princess and returned the knight.

She was completely exhausted when she barely returned the knight of the princess who insisted that he would be by her side even for a day.
