"I don't fail on half of the songs like a certain someone," Ethan shrugged. "You can call me Jimmy Hendrix of the back street, and that is me being humble."

Emily observed Ethan engaging in a somewhat heated argument with his sister, Hannah, over trivial matters. As she watched them exchange words, a tinge of jealousy welled up within her.

Emily couldn't help but feel a pang of envy for the bond they shared. She longed for a sibling with whom she could engage in such playful banter and passionate disputes. The lively dynamic between Ethan and Hannah highlighted the deep connection they had as siblings, even in moments of disagreement. She tried to get closer to Anna, but it was difficult since Ian was part of the package.

She admired how effortlessly they could express their opinions, vent their frustrations, and ultimately find common ground. Their argument seemed almost cathartic, a testament to the strength of their relationship and their ability to resolve conflicts.

While Emily cherished her own independence and the pursuit of her individual goals, she couldn't help but yearn for that familial connection, that sense of camaraderie that only siblings seemed to possess. She yearned for the playful debates, the shared laughter, and the unbreakable support that came with such bonds."Enough with the waste of time," Hannah said and then sighed. "You should have noticed that something happened a week ago. The epicenter was the house of Ivan Morris, the father of your friend, Ian. We decided that it was time to investigate the matter further, even though nothing happened after the earthquake. We planned to send two other individuals, but they decided to ask for your support due to your skills and connection with that family."

"Dante and Aline asked for us?" Ethan asked.


"That is right, they are preparing for the mission as we speak, and soon they will return," Hannah said. "The higher-ups already gave the green light for you to join, but ultimately, it is up to you two to accept it.

Ethan found himself torn between two conflicting thoughts regarding Dante's mission. On the one hand, he couldn't help but question the value of the task at hand. It seemed like a potentially fruitless endeavor, a mere waste of time and resources. Ethan questioned whether it was worth his involvement and whether he should prioritize his own pursuits instead.

However, a different perspective crept into Ethan's mind. He pondered the potential benefits that could arise from assisting Dante. The thought of Dante owing him a favor sparked his curiosity. With Dante's extensive network, resources, and contacts, there was a wealth of untapped opportunities that could be at Ethan's disposal. It could potentially open doors to new alliances, valuable information, or even unexpected advantages in the future.

"Isn't it risky to send four summoned heroes of our age?" Emily asked.

"It is just an investigation mission for now, Dante will be the leader, and his order is to only investigate," Hannah explained after she closed her eyes. "Unless he finds it absolutely necessary, you guys won't have to do anything aside from going with them."

Ethan keenly observed his sister Hannah's body language and couldn't help but notice the subtle signs of her disapproval. Even without uttering a single word, her demeanor spoke volumes. Her crossed arms, furrowed brows, and the slight tension in her shoulders all conveyed a clear message: she was not fond of the idea of assigning him the mission.I think you should take a look at


As they engaged in a conversation about the task at hand, Ethan picked up on the small cues that hinted at Hannah's discomfort. Her fidgeting, occasional glances away, and the tightness in her jaw further reinforced her reservations. It was as if her whole being projected an unspoken objection, silently conveying her disagreement.

Ethan understood his sister well enough to recognize the underlying concerns behind her nonverbal signals. He knew that Hannah, with her protective nature, wanted to shield him from unnecessary risks and potential dangers. Her worry for his well-being radiated through her subtle gestures, despite her attempt to maintain a composed facade.

"What do you think, Ethan?" Emily asked.

"I think that breathing is fun," Ethan replied while showing some vacant eyes.

"... I suppose that it makes sense that you are tired of those random incidents," Emily said after sighing. "Still, this is a good chance, right? If Ian is in a bind, we can help him and demand some elixirs from him."

"You have grown strong and calculating, huh," Ethan said while considering the pros and cons of all that. "I suppose that is true…"


Ethan looked at his hands and then decided that he needed to test something, and he needed some targets to become his guinea pig. Besides, he felt that he had grown rusty in the last three weeks since he only trained to learn Mana Force.

"All right, go home and pack your things," Hannah said. "Talk with your parents as well and inform them that the mission might take a few days. We will call you in half an hour."

"I am ready to go," Ethan said and then took a backpack from his inventory.

Ethan stood alone in the facility, his thoughts consumed by the mysterious disappearance of Ian and his family. The minutes ticked by, stretching into half an hour, as he impatiently awaited the arrival of the others. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was amiss, and his mind wandered to the possible scenarios playing out behind the scenes.

As he pondered over the situation, Ethan couldn't help but reflect on his interactions with Ian and his family in the past. They were individuals who always had a plan, who calculated their moves meticulously, and left no loose ends. It seemed out of character for them to vanish without a trace, especially when they were aware that their actions would raise suspicions and prompt investigation.

"Something is off… more than usual," Ethan thought. "Were they in a hurry? Why do something like this when the whole world is on alert?"
