Ethan nodded, his eyes scanning the scene before him. The once tumultuous battlefield now exuded an undeniable sense of relief and ease. The news had spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the war-torn land - the enemies that had plagued their world for countless days, causing chaos and wreaking havoc, had finally surrendered. The battle that had consumed their daily lives was over, and a collective sigh of relief resonated through the air.

Yet, amidst the devastation, signs of hope began to blossom. The students, once burdened with fear and anxiety, now wore smiles of genuine happiness and relief. Their weary faces transformed, reflecting the newfound peace that enveloped their lives.

The constant disruptions, the tension that had hung heavy in the air, and the fear that had gripped everyone's hearts were slowly dissipating. It was a welcome respite, a chance for the students to reclaim their sense of security and normalcy.

However, Ethan couldn't shake off a lingering unease amidst the celebration. He knew that while the enemies may have surrendered, the masterminds behind the chaos were still out there, plotting their next move. The perpetrators, who had orchestrated this wave of turmoil, were yet to be apprehended and brought to justice.

"Anyway, rather than thinking about that, I will taunt Ian with some messages," Ethan said.

"Oh yeah, what is a war compared to such a small grudge?" Emily asked while shrugging. "By the way, do you have more of those cursed items?""Yes," Ethan replied. "I have a bunch of them."


"Do you have the type that sucks mana instead of stamina?" Emily asked.

"Indeed I do. Do you want some?" Ethan asked. "I thought that you had plenty of mana potions left from the rewards of the other mission."

ƥ "I still have, but this is for training," Emily explained. "What other items do you have that can help someone increase their mana capacity or store large amounts of it? I can pay for them."

As Ethan observed Emily, he couldn't help but notice a subtle yet significant change in her demeanor. It was as if a spark had ignited within her, fueling a newfound determination that radiated from her every move.

He recalled the words he had spoken, the encouragement he had offered, not realizing the profound impact they had on her. As they exchanged stories and thoughts, it became apparent that his words had struck a chord deep within her.

"I guess buying Anna's potions isn't an option for you," Ethan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Let's see, I have a cursed item that can help you increase your mana after killing an enemy."


"Seriously?" Emily opened her eyes widely. "Not even the best treasures in the world that I was in had effects as good as that."I think you should take a look at

"The downside is that, like I said, it is a cursed item, and the bastard that created it was a pervert, so he created something that would strengthen him and make him have fun as well," Ethan said. "He found a lot of joy in hearing the screams of those he killed, so he created a staff that sucked the souls of those he killed, and then it would turn them into magic essence to increase his mana. During the process, you can't move for ten seconds, and you have to endure the screams of the soul. It isn't an experience that I would recommend to most people of our age."

"Woah… I can see how and why such an item is that powerful," Emily furrowed her eyebrows. "Still, what if I kill inorganic creatures? Will their souls scream too? By the way… why do you have such an item?"

"I am a collector, that is why," Ethan replied. "It doesn't matter if it is organic or not. Souls aren't like bodies, and they are like a vortex of emotions and memories, so it is only natural that all souls will scream if they are put inside something to become magic juice."

"Do you know any other way?" Emily asked.

If it were easy, Ethan would have done the same already. His memories were a bit messy when it came to that kind of thing, so he could only guess. While he checked the shop, he came up with a few options.


By using some tools and effects, such as drawing mana from external sources or utilizing energy from his surroundings, Ethan aimed to augment his mana pool's capacity and replenishment rate, ensuring a more sustainable supply of magical energy during battles and spellcasting.

Ethan considered forming a bond with a magical familiar or spirit. These magical beings possessed their own reservoirs of mana, and by forging a strong bond with them, Ethan could tap into their energy when needed, effectively increasing his overall mana pool.

Ethan learns techniques to absorb residual mana from the environment or from defeated magical creatures. By channeling and absorbing the leftover mana, he can replenish his own mana pool and gradually increase its capacity over time. Those three seemed the best options for now, and he told Emily about them.

"We would have to go to other worlds to make pacts with some magical creatures, and they will have to be on Earth for that effect to work, so it isn't feasible," Emily said. "The other two seem more possible. The last one seems like it would agree more with me, but it would only be possible during fights."

"You can combine the first and third, but it would require some money, I guess even more so than we receive every month," Ethan said. "I think there is a technique that lets you absorb the mana and increase your mana pool when you are in a state of over mana."

"You think?" Emily asked while frowning.

"My memories are s bit fuzzy since I lost most of my powers upon returning, and they were deeply connected with my memories," Ethan explained. "I am recovering them over time, but it will take a while."
