Illusion ring.

Effect: it alters the external appearance of the wearer, making them look younger or older according to their wishes.

"If you guys focus, the rings will keep your identity hidden," Hannah said. "However, if you wish to look younger, the ring will do that even by accident. So, just wear them and don't think about anything else aside from keeping your identities hidden.

Ethan wondered if such a thing would be enough for the job. Even if he looks ten years older thanks to the ring, the difference wouldn't be that great unless the ring adds some details, such as scars and a beard. Weirdly enough, those appeared when Ethan equipped the ring. A scar on his left eyebrow that seemed like of a very old wound and a goatee…

"Why the hell do I have a goatee?" Ethan frowned.

"Well, don't worry about it. You look kind of cool with it," Hannah said.

"Yeah… right," Ian said while he was holding his sides and hiding his face.


Ian was laughing too much, given that he had just learned that Ethan didn't care about kicking him in such a place. Unfortunately, Ethan couldn't laugh much about Ian's new appearance. His hair was long now and tied up in a fashionable style. As if it wasn't enough, he was wearing a pair of glasses that made him look quite smart.

"Not bad, if I do say so myself," Ian checked his new appearance in a mirror. "With this air of maturity, miss Lyla will definitely fall for me.""Back to the topic," Hannah said. "If something happens, we won't be able to help you guys directly, but we can give you as much intel as possible. Equip those as well, and we will be able to communicate via Telepathy."

Hannah gave Ethan and Ian three pairs of golden earrings. Those were pretty powerful since they had that range. They never saw such an item that could be at such a distance, but in the end, it wasn't unexpected that Hannah had those. She was the queen of a magical world, after all.

"Well, if anything, with this kind of accessory, I doubt that anyone will recognize me," Ethan frowned. "This kind of stuff doesn't suit me."

"Although you two are going to help your friend, keep in mind that you can't stay there for an undetermined amount of time," John declared. "It is only a matter of time before the governments all over the world begin to act based on the aftermaths caused by the appearance of those dungeons. I would say that you have one week to convince your friend to go back before the whole international community begins to act, and once that happens, things will get complicated."

Ethan was aware of it. Still, he couldn't think of a way to convince Emily to return. Her father went there to save lives, and she wanted to protect him. Although her actions were somewhat reckless, Ethan couldn't say that he could have done better in her position. He is the type who doesn't think too much when those he loves are in danger. After confirming their safety, Ethan acts first and then thinks about the consequences.


"Since your friend hacked the wristwatch, I can't teleport you to where she is exactly. Besides, it would be too suspicious if you two suddenly appeared in a crowded area." Hannah explained. "However, near the American embassy, which is the place we are going to teleport you two too, there are several hotels that attend mostly tourists. That will probably be a good place to start looking."

"Got it," Ethan said.

"Be careful, Ethan," Hannah said with a serious look on her face. "You are the type of guy who rushes ahead without thinking about the consequences if something unexpected happens, but don't go too far, okay? Your power has been increasing lately, but sometimes, not fighting is the best way to win."

"I will keep that in mind," Ethan smiled. "... While I try to understand how does that makes sense."

After saying that, Hannah nodded at Ian, and then she immediately teleported them to their destination, Ghana's capital. After blinking a few times, Ethan and Ian confirmed that the spell worked. Ian couldn't help but nod, impressed since Hannah did that in a single moment and without changing anything.

"You are pretty impressive, big sister," Ian said.


"She is not your sister," Ethan said.

"Well, thank you very much for the compliment, but while we can talk like this, I would advise you not to use the earrings that often. Not only will it sound strange if you two walk together and move your mouths while you are not talking with each other, but you two also can't use English often. Your accent will make you stand out."

"Understood," Ian nodded.

While they were talking, Ethan was trying to feel the air of the city by focusing his senses. As expected, he could feel an aura of nervousness in the air, and the footsteps he could hear were intense and nervous and also too little in quantity. It looked like people decided to take refugees into their residences. That was good for Ethan's goal, but it was also bad since they would stand out in the streets more than he wanted.

"I think we will have to look for a hotel to use for ourselves and only look for Emily at night," Ethan said. "Even while disguised, we will stand out too much here."

Ethan and Ian had appeared in an alley behind the American Embassy. Although many Americans probably took refuge there, it would be weird if some were caught walking around. Even more so when they didn't have proper identification documents.

"Don't worry, I got this," Ian declared, full of confidence.

Seeing Ian declaring that full of confidence made Ethan feel worried more than anything. However, he decided to wait and see what he was planning. After all, even more than Ethan, he and his family would have a lot of problems if he were caught in another country in this type of situation.

It didn't take long for Ethan to understand why Ian sounded so confident. Although the streets of the capital weren't bustling with its residents and tourists, one couldn't find many police officers or the military around either since they were located in the area around which the dungeon appeared.

In the end, Ian took the lead. He made Ethan walk around the area for half an hour before he suddenly decided to stop at a cafe that still was working in such a situation. Ethan didn't think that Ian would be stupid enough to use his wristwatch in this situation. Still, then he smiled pridefully while showing a golden credit card.

"Spoiled brat," Ethan sighed.
