Chapter 101  

"From the bottom again?”

Since Medusa had correctly guessed her skill type and didn’t let her come near, Jin Yu-Ri tried to approach and close the distance as soon as possible. She tried to agitate Medusa.

Medusa's snakes swung like a whip and shot into the black shroud with wide-open jaws. However, there was no prey for them to swallow.


Medusa frowned, feeling momentarily surprised. As her hair snakes got into the black shroud, Jin Yu-Ri's figure started to blur. In fact, most of Medusa's guesses were correct.

Jin Yu-Ri's Psychic type special skill was Selection Implementation, a Phenomenal skill that could create several items she had chosen with mana at any time. Therefore, every single usage of the skill would have high mana consumption.


However, Jin Yu-Ri grew up by Choi Yu-Seong’s side from a young age and had enjoyed unexpected luxury while protecting him.

For example, she drank the mana extracts given to her by Choi Woo-Jae for a while after becoming a player. The reason for that was simple: to better protect Choi Yu-Seong. Therefore, she had more, no, considerably more mana than a typical hunter using Phenomenal skill. In other words, she could expand several skills at the same time.

‘Take the shroud down, camouflage, and accelerate simultaneously.'

In just three seconds, camouflage—a skill that assimilated with the surrounding landscape and allowed her to basically turn invisible—was activated. In addition, Jin Yu-Ri even used acceleration to shoot at Medusa, who looked around to find her.

There was the slight sound of tearing wind. Even though she was confident in winning since had predicted Yu-Ri’s type, Medusa wouldn’t be able to stop the incoming surprise.

"Thanks for the hair show Medusa, but I guess you're not as good as your reputation, huh?" Jin Yu-Ri's voice caused a chill to go down Medusa’s back and pierced her ears.


Medusa gasped and tried to call back her stretched-out hair, but the black dagger in Jin Yu-Ri's hand was faster. But at that moment, another dagger suddenly shot out of nowhere to strike Jin Yu-Ri's hand.

‘There’s another one?’?

It was an unexpected situation; Yu-Ri had to choose between giving her hand up and cutting Medusa’s throat or wait for another chance. She clenched her teeth in frustration. However, this was a battle and there was no time to ponder.

‘One is better than none.’

The flying dagger was deeply embedded into Yu-Ri’s hand and blood splattered. She shook slightly, but her own dagger drew a long scar on Medusa.

"Stop. If you continue slashing with that dagger, you won’t die a comfortable death.”


Before Jin Yu-Ri knew it, a saw-like long sword came right next to her and parked itself there. Then, a short time went by.

‘If I was a little slow…’?

Or if the opponent had been just a little slower, either Jin Yu-Ri or Medusa would have died. No one could guarantee which one of them would be dead.

Feeling a cold sweat on her forehead, Jin Yu-Ri eventually leaned her head back. She had no choice but to retreat quickly. She avoided an attack by Medusa, whose hair had turned into snakes again and were biting at where Yu-Ri’s head had been. It snapped at empty air.

"You’re pretty fast. It'll be fun to play.”

A chilly voice rang out right next to Jin Yu-Ri.

‘He’s fast.’

Jin Yu-Ri even used the acceleration skill to step back but the opponent still caught up. If the opponent was a Psychic type player, there was a high probability that he had the same acceleration skill. If he was a Physical type player, he was just incredibly fast.

‘I'd rather prefer the former in this situation.’

Feeling the terrible pain of the attacks, it seemed to be the latter.


Dripping blood, Jin Yu-Ri activated her acceleration skills several times in a row to widen the distance between her and her opponent. It was a burdensome move that consumed quite a lot of mana due to her Phenomenal skills, but she had no choice.

Psychic type hunters were generally disadvantageous when fighting Physical type hunters with little distance between them. Thus, it was necessary for Yu-Ri to widen the distance somehow.

The opponent did not react according to Jin Yu-Ri’s plan. It was like he had expected such a move. He stopped and licked the blood flowing through the saw-edged sword with his tongue. He then revealed a cool smile.

‘The demon mask…Geom-Gui!’

The villains were Medusa and Geom-Gui. Jin Yu-Ri silently groaned when she recognized both of them.

‘This time, we are up against these troublesome guys. Why did they follow us here?’?

Several questions came to mind, but Yu-Ri couldn't afford to find the answer. To her, Medusa was a moderate opponent, and Geom-Gui was an unexpectedly strong opponent. In this situation, she couldn't afford to think about anything else.

"Get out of my way! She's mine!" Medusa stepped right next to Geom-Gui and shouted angrily.

"Calm down, my love. The more excited you get when you fight, the worse the outcome.” Geom-Gui, who carefully soothed Medusa, never stopped looking at Yu-Ri. He wasn’t going to reveal any blind spots to Yu-Ri.

‘He’s a pro.’

At least among the A-rank players Yu-Ri knew, Geom-Gui was strong and had an excellent fighting sense.

"It's just that I was off-guard earlier. I'll do it properly now, so leave her to me," said Medusa.

"Hm..." Geom-Gui hummed somewhat worriedly.

"You sure you don’t want to fight me together?” Jin Yu-Ri smiled at Geom-Gu as she beckoned with her finger. Her thigh hurt and was a burden, but she needed to seem relaxed. She was also trying to get Medusa, who was excited easily, to lose her composure.

"I'll kill you!" shouted Medusa.

Jin Yu-Ri's idea clearly worked. Medusa's hair shot straight at her, and she once again formed a black shroud to prevent the snakes from attacking.

‘And Geom-Gui is…’

Yu-Ri could at least predict Geom-Gui’s movements. He would probably run forward with the snakes, cut through the black shroud at once, and continue the joint attack. Could she defend herself? To be honest, she suffered a thigh injury, and now that her ability had been revealed to some extent, she was not confident that she would last long against the two. However, there was still some hope.

‘...Hope she’s not too late…’

And, as expected, Geom-Gui’s sword cut Yu-Ri’s black shroud just as hundreds of Medusa’s snakes striked all at once.

Jin Yu-Ri created a whip to hold in her left hand and a sword in her right, wielding them at the same time. The whip danced to block Geom-Gui’s attack while the sword cut off the heads of the approaching snakes. Moving quickly to continue widening the distance between her and her opponents, Yu-Ri kept in constant motion. She gradually forgot the pain in her thighs.

When her sweat flowed down her forehead, dripping from the end of her eyebrows, Jin Yu-Ri heard a gunshot. Her sense of hope surged at that moment.


At the same time, Geom-gi, who was chasing Jin Yu-Ri, quickly turned to the side and brought his sword down vertically. The bullet split in half as it fell to the ground.

The rumbling sound of a motorcycle could be heard in the fields.

“Finally, the numbers match.” Jin Yu-Ri breathed a sigh of relief.

With her blonde hair tied into a ponytail, Jenny appeared on a motorcycle, holding a rifle in her hands. She quickly tossed it aside to pull out two handguns from around her waist. She pulled the trigger recklessly.


Geom-Gui blocked the bullets by continuously swinging his long sword, then turned toward Medusa.

Unlike before when she had been agitated over being caught off-guard, Medusa seemed to have calmed down. She said, "Go. I told you, she's my prey."

Geom-Gui nodded and rushed toward Jenny, just like Jin Yu-Ri had hoped for.

'That’s because Medusa and Jenny are not compatible opponents.’?

Having caught a break, Yu-Ri stopped backing up. She said while catching her breath, "What should you do now that your bodyguard is gone?”

"Huh, how long do you think a foolish mercenary who only shoots guns can stand against my honey?” Medusa scoffed.

"What? A mercenary who knows nothing but shooting?" Jin Yu-Ri snorted in response.

‘That’s better for us if that’s what you think.’

Idiots who didn’t know Jenny’s skill would say such things, since she carried a gun that wouldn’t work on monsters. Yu-Ri acknowledged that Geom-Gui was a strong opponent, but he would not be a problem for Jenny.

‘Rather, she’ll be a problem for him.’?

That was how the two-versus-two fight began.


Choi Yu-Seong looked back again and again. He trembled at the screams, the uproar, and the subsequent gunfire coming from the outside. Even though Jin Yu-Ri was out there, the situation hadn’t been resolved and the battle continued. Even Jenny seemed to be there since he could hear the gunfire.

‘In this situation, I would become a burden if I go out since I’m just a D-rank hunter.’

If things were being dragged out when there were two A-rank hunters, then it was safe to say that the battles were evenly matched. If Yu-Seong stepped up and became a burden, it could be a problem. Above all, in a very unexpected situation, his job was to protect Chae Ye-Ryeong from surrounding dangers so nothing would happen to her.

‘But who the hell is it? Why at a time like this?’

He had assumed it would be difficult for his sibling to keep him in check for a while because of the incident with Choi Byung-Chan and Bomber and so, he was having a hard time figuring otu who was behind this.

‘Choi Byung-Chan is dead. At this point, if Father knows that the family fight has spread significantly, he won't stand still...'?

Was there an idiot in the family who couldn’t even think of that? As a reader who completed the original novel, Choi Yu-Seong thought of two such characters.

‘Me or...would it be Choi Min-Seok?’

Yu-Seong wanted to shake his head, but it felt strange. Recently, South Korea was in turmoil because of the Comet Group’s guild business. At this point, it was difficult for other guilds or companies to keep Choi Yu-Seong in check.

‘Or is it just a villain's attack?’?

Logically, Yu-Seong felt that this was probably the likeliest answer. It was rather understandable if the villains, who were after the Comet Group's money, had come to kidnap him.

‘Of course, that’s on the premise that they don't know Father's personality…’

Choi Woo-Jae would rather kill Choi Yu-Seong himself and slit the villain's throat than give them money.

‘But why? Why does Choi Min-Seok keep coming to mind?’

Choi Yu-Seong's gaze wavered. He just had so many questions.

"Oh, my…!" Hwang Ki-Chul, who had been staring at Chae Ye-Ryeong without saying a word, shouted in bewilderment. The mana stones’ mana, which was pouring down like rain, suddenly fluctuate. He thought the Re-Awakening would go smoothly until the end, but a sudden problem had occurred.

'But why? Is it because of the noise?’?

Before Choi Yu-Seong could ponder about the reason, Chae Ye-Ryeong suddenly opened her mouth from inside the wall of mana.
