Finding himself at an impasse, Dale finally, Dale admitted to himself that he had found a worthy adversary. That was when he made the announcement conclusively;

"Okay Xzavier, getting to know you was a real pleasure…" the double meaning behind this statement wasn't lost on Xzavier.

"… but I'm afraid that it is time for you to meet Governor Quaid. His residence isn't too far from here. Don't worry, I will personally lead you there myself."

As he spoke, he rose to his feet, gesturing towards the door, indicating that it was time. Xzavier's face betrayed no emotion or urgency whatsoever. He maintained a look of indifference and a faraway look in his eye that suggested that he was distinctly bored. He rose up casually as though he had all the time in the world, and followed the shrewd Silver Knight to his Governor's abode.

As Dale locked his office door, Xzavier waited patiently in the hallway for him. Coincidentally, the same female secretary who had ushered him into his presence, happened to be passing by on her way to the lobby. When she saw Dale smiling and making friendly conversation Xzavier, the flabbergasted woman stopped dead in her tracks.

"What?! Impossible!" she thought in unbelief.

"How come the venerable Silver Knight-Dale is still indulging such a low life scum?!"


The secretary was stunned. This wasn't how she had expected this to play out at all! As someone who was well aware of Dale's reputation, and as someone who had worked close to him for so many years, she was in the best position to testify that Dale's reputation was not all hype. She had seen firsthand his tactics, as well as their ruthless efficiency in bringing forth desirable results.

So, when she saw the 'mana-less' Xzavier and automatically ruled him out as a fraud, she eagerly handed him over to Dale whom she knew was the best person to completely decimate the fraudster. But instead, much to her deepest surprise, she found them fraternizing as though they had known each other for a while now. It was very unsettling.

Still very much unsure, she adjusted her glasses again and again, hoping that this was some sort of optical illusion. But alas, it wasn't! The busybody secretary racked her brain, but she couldn't come up with any tangible reason as to why Dale would treat the crook like a royal emissary.

"Is he merely leading him on?" she wondered.

"Could it be that this is all for Mister Dale's amusement? I wouldn't put it past him to play a cruel prank on the crook!"

But the more she observed, the more she knew that her supposition was very unlikely. Like a spy, or a secret agent, she kept herself hidden from their view as she approached them in order to ascertain the truth.


Again, she was slammed in the face by the huge embarrassing palm of disappointment. Dale's conciliating smile said it all. For some reason, he seemed to be enthralled by the crook. And for the life of her, she just couldn't figure out why. With nothing to do but stare, she watched as the two men disappeared down a corner, fading away into oblivion and on to whatever it was that they were both up to.As the governing entity over a domain as significant as Victoria city, there was always at least a million things that demanded Governor Quaid attention. Because he was not a ubiquitous, he had to be present in one place or the other, depending on just how urgent the business was. Today was one of those days. When Dale and Xzavier got to the governor's office, a sharp, smartly dressed intern informed the Silver Knight and his guest that the governor wasn't on seat.

Dale chuckled to himself when the heard the report.

"This is very much like the governor. Always so busy! I genuinely can't remember the last time I was able to catch him in his office."

The intern was still standing. He shifted uncomfortably on his seat, not exactly sure how to respond to the casual chatter.

"May I take a message for the governor sir?"

"Oh bollocks! I'll just check in on his official residence."


The intern's facial expression turned sour as if he knew something that Dale didn't.

"Sir..." he began apprehensively,

"I strongly suggest that you leave your message here."

Annoyed by the intern's impudence, Dale's countenance suddenly grew dark and a menacing scowl crept over his face. Up till that moment, he had maintained a very cheerful atmosphere. But the intern had made the rookie mistake of mistaking his casual tone for indifference.

Dale growled in a threatening voice;

"Are you actively looking for a way to annoy me?"

"No sir! I simply wanted to…"

"Are you sure? Because it sounded like you were trying to tell me what to do."

Dale turned around to Xzavier and asked;

"It wasn't just me was it? Did you also hear the insolence?"

The poor intern shirked back in fright. The issue had sky rocketed really quickly, and he was beginning to feel the backlash. His eyes opened widely, almost as if they were about to pop out of their sockets, and he began to plead methodically;

"I crave your indulgence sir, please note that it wasn't my wish to upset you in any way. My humble apologies!"

As he apologized, he bowed slightly and suspended himself in that position. Desperately hoping that the important looking man wouldn't take this slight to heart. Dale allowed the tension to drag on for another painful minute, savoring every bit of it. He already knew his next line of action, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to enjoy himself a little.

That very brief but tense period was fraught with torture for the clueless young intern. He knew just how delicate his position was, so he hoped and hoped that this wouldn't his last day.

Finally, Dale exhaled deeply and a warm cheerful smile replaced the intimidating scowl on his face. The switch up was diabolic, almost psychotic. It showed that no one could ever really tell just what exactly he was thinking. But it was also deliberate, because he knew Xzavier was watching.

Dale wasn't wrong on that count. Xzavier had indeed been watching the whole exchange. The whole charade was just a display of authority. Dale wanted Xzavier to see just a taste of the political power he had. But the Silver Knight didn't know that Xzavier had his entire background warped in the military. Because he didn't know this, and because there was no way he could have known, the whole display of his power flex was lost on Xzavier.

Xzavier had dealt with more obnoxious and more devious characters who happened to be his superiors at the time. So, he wasn't in the least shaken by Dale's ostentatious display of authority.

Dale finally waved off the intern's presumptuousness and dismissed him casually. Excited and relieved, the intern didn't utter a word, he simply rushed out with an impressive speed, hoping that Dale wouldn't consider over turning his decision to let it go.

As Dale watched the intern flee, he turned round in his usual breezy way and addressed Xzavier heartily, as if nothing had happened.

"Come on now Xzavier, let's go find that rascal Governor Quaid."

Xzavier hesitated a bit. He had noted the way the intern reacted when Dale hinted at the fact that he might head over to his home. So, he wasn't entirely sure that this was the best course of action.

Dale was quick to notice his reluctance.

"Oh it's alright mate! The governor has been known to meet with senior government officials in his home. Most times, he has lunch with some of them and most times, he ends up talking about political issues for hours on end!"

With that, he egged Xzavier on and the two of them headed towards the exit of the building. Walking side by side as peers, the two well built men passed through the lobby on their way out. Several people recognized Dale and greeted him respectfully. Xzavier had never felt more invisible in his life than he did at that moment. People seemed to look right past him. Like the sun next to moon, Dale's stardom totally eclipsed Xzavier's seemingly non-existent personality.

Soon, they came out of the Great oak doors and burst out into the main street.

"Hold on a minute Xzavier, you need to see the sweet ride I have arranged for our transit."

Xzavier began to see why several people were drawn to Dale. Asides from his dubiousness, he was actually a charismatic person. He had a rich personality that endeared people to him. Xzavier opened his mouth to reply him but there was no need.

Trotting down the left lane of the street, cruising at a comfortable speed was a magnificent coach. It was the typical generic horse drawn carriage that was common in the city. No, this was a world class coach that was worthy of a statesman.
