Without having an actual orgasm, Xzavier had managed to get her to climax. She rocked the carriage with laughter, trembling hysterically as Xzavier ambushed her with all the jokes in his literary arsenal. Every step of way, for the remainder of the journey, the carriage was filled with the roaring laughter of the young girl. Adalia's laughter was genuine. Not withholding any atom of conceit or deceit, it was pure. As pure as her intentions were towards him.

After several days of traveling together on the road, both of them finally came close to their destination. They hadn't arrived yet, but they were very close. At this point Xzavier disembarked from the carriage to stretch his legs and drink in the scene. After riding in the cramped space for days, he was just itching to get over with this journey as soon as possible. So, he asked Adalia;

"Adalia, I'm thinking of ditching this carriage and using my armor motorcycle to complete the rest of the journey. You can point me to our destination and the coachman will follow behind of course."

Adalia poked her head out of the carriage.

"Armor motorcycle?" she asked with a puzzled frown.

Xzavier thought she didn't know what he meant, so he gestured with his hands, describing it and making vroom vroom sounds with his mouth.

Adalia waved him off casually.


"Of course I know what you mean silly! I was just being sarcastic."

Xzavier narrowed his eyes.

"That's not fair."

"Well I am sorry. But I didn't think you were being serious when you suggested that."

"Really? Why not?"She looked at Xzavier like she didn't believe he had just asked her that question.

"Well, for starters, your motorcycle looks like a weapon…"


Xzavier's blank look showed that either he didn't get what she was trying to say, or he simply didn't care. Knowing him, she was pretty sure that the latter was the case.

"Adalia, I recall you saying that this was a pretty advanced city. I don't think my armor motorcycle would be a problem here like you think. Besides, I think we can cover much ground speed-wise."

She shook her head disapprovingly.

"Xzavier, not everything is about efficiency. You should really consider getting more research done on the word 'finesse' you know."

"Finesse? That carriage is damn slow what's so great about that?!"

The coachman poked his head in their direction as if Xzavier had just maligned the love of his life. Xzavier saw his concerned look and waved at him.


"No offense to you and your carriage mister."

The coachman grunted and continued to mind his business.

"You misunderstand Xzavier. Your armor motorcycle has a very aggressive ring to it. To be honest, it does appear a little hostile, not to mention that its not practical at all seeing that you can only take two people at a time."

Xzavier got the part about his motorcycle's appearance being a little aggressive, especially to strangers who had never seen anything like it before.

Sensing that she had backed Xzavier into a corner with her logic. She pressed on relentlessly.

"Besides, in this place, the exclusive carriage is an honor. You do recall how the crowd reacted when I came to pick you up right?"

Very reluctantly, Xzavier began to see reasons with her.

She smiled encouragingly.

"Brace up Xzavier, no need to look so glum. I know you generally shun from lavishness and extravagant treatment. But I suggest you enjoy it. Stop being so all about efficiency all the time."

Xzavier couldn't help but smile at that last statement. He was actually guilty of that last part. He was hardwired by training to look for the best possible way to handle things. This little friction between them led Xzavier to believe one other thing- they were not on the wavelength at all. Xzavier did not have the mental bandwidth for any argument, so he simply indulged her. One other thing was clear though, there was obviously a yawning gap between his thought process and that of inhabitants of this isekai of magic.

In order for him to truly immerse himself in the culture of this land, he needed to be fully assimilated. Not just that, he had to accomplish this task as quickly as possible to avoid any further friction and clash of interests. So, learning and observing the customs of this place was imperative.

Thus, Xzavier tried his best to recollect some of the previous information he had digested about the European culture and mannerisms from the Middle Ages. Back in his own world, Xzavier had previously watched his fair share of European Middle Ages themed dramas and films. Because he was also an avid reader, he had also gone through a wide range of literary classics that highlighted this age in terms of fiction. He remembered some of the historical knowledge he had learned from school as well. All of this information which Xzavier had previously thought to be useless began to surface with lightning speed as Xzavier called them from the deepest reaches of his memories.

Xzavier entered the coach absent-mindedly, and for the rest of little time they had left, Xzavier delved deeper and deeper in his knowledge bank, hoping to draw out any useful information that could be relevant to his present situation. While he was still totally immersed in his own thoughts, the voice of driver of the coach jerked him back to consciousness;

"Gentleman and lady! Behold, the city of Victoria!"

Like a child on a holiday trip, Adalia excitedly stuck out her head through the window, and with a smile on her face, welcomed the familiar sight of towering walls of the city.

Her excitement was contagious, soon, Xzavier couldn't resist the urge again. He waited for a full minute before engaging his curiosity. Since Xzavier took the window facing east, he decided to take the other window facing west. He shifted the curtain gingerly and poked his head to finally see the city that Adalia had been raving about. He wasn't disappointed, but he wasn't overly impressed either.

Undoubtedly, the first thing that hit Xzavier was the towering walls. There was just something overpowering about them. He had never felt so insignificant and minuscule in scale before. Much later, when Xzavier would reminisce on this moment, he would realize that the walls were intentional. They were designed for other reasons of course, but chief of them being for the sole purpose of architectural intimidation. They were at least a hundred feet high. Given the timeline of this world, Xzavier couldn't deny that this brilliant piece of construction was a testament of the ingenuity and skill of both the engineers and the builders.

When Xzavier did finally manage to tear his eyes away from the walls, the next thing that greeted him was the insane amount of lively pedestrians bouncing up and down the well paved streets. There was a certain quality in the air, Xzavier could almost taste it-it was life itself. Yes! That was just what it was. Though Xzavier had only been in the city for all but five minutes, it was clear even to him that there was just something about the city that made a person want to live on the edge. To do one's best, to surpass one's limits.

This city bore all the semblance of a major metropolis that could definitely stand side by side with the modern cities of his own day. Because it wasn't a that different from what he was already used to, Xzavier didn't show any trace of surprise of the lingering look of a visiting stranger who was impressed. In reality, as well as drama and movies, this was the norm.

For someone whose joy was almost entirely hinged on her homecoming, Adalia was more than thrilled to be back home. After her ordeal at the hands of the orcs, Adalia had longed to return to her homeland to Convalesce. The mere thought of the lush streets and the warm atmosphere that awaited her back in Victoria City, filled her with a fresh surge of hope.

The horror of having to witness a band of orcs slaughter the entire soldiers who had accompanied her was something that had flipped a switch inside her. The horrendous ordeal of almost getting raped which she had somehow managed to escape had been patrolling the borders of her mind, lingering on the edges of her sanity, threatening to plunge her deep into the inescapable well of self pity and self hate. In those dark periods she had trudged through the woods with Xzavier on a vengeful mission, she had been unrecognizable, even to her own self. In those days, she had been enveloped by a cold darkness which she thought could only repelled by the complete annihilation of the orcs.

Fast forward to a couple of days later, that coldness had now washed away, and in its place was a bubbling warmth that rose from the depth of her spirit like a spring, and made her shine with a luminescent glow.
