The confounded orc staggered in disbelief. Though he didn't believe it, it was clear as day. Right before his eyes, like some concocted apparition or a sick hallucination, was the hovering form of the human comfortably gliding in the air far above him in the open night sky. The chief orc instantly recoiled inwardly. No one needed to tell him that this was bad news. Xzavier was already dangerous enough as a mere human. But now that he had taken to the skies, the chief orc knew that there was no telling what he could do.

So, conscious of the fact that he was now open to a wide range of attacks from the sky, the chief orc went into automatic alert mode without any needless delay. With the chief orc now in a state of suspicious alertness, he lifted his left hand to block his left hand from another flashbang which, thanks to Xzavier, he had become familiar with.

But Xzavier wasn't willing to go through the whole old routine again. He had a whole other plan lined up and unwilling or not, the orc chief was going to be a part of it. So, as Xzavier peered down, he noticed that the chief orc's weak spot was exposed. Because of his fear of Xzavier's notoriously painful flashbang, the chief orc had neglected to switch up his location. The back of the orc's leader's head was still in the same position a couple of moments ago when Xzavier had thrown the object that followed the flashbang.

Xzavier shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it's not perfect, but it's good enough for now."

Satisfied with the position of things, Xzavier pressed the remote control in his hands and watched the fireworks play out beneath him."Explosion is an art…"

These words played out again and again in Xzavier's mind. And with every Nano second that crept by, the hidden meaning behind this phrase became clearer and clearer. Like the unsteady calm that pervades the surface of the ocean right before a storm, an eerie feeling of calm gripped Xzavier before the debacle occurred.



That was the sound of Xzavier hitting his remote control.

It was pretty ironic that this such a tiny, almost meaningless sound could give birth to a devastating explosion of such proportion. The chief orc had no time to react. If he had known that the soft morbid click he heard was the sound that would herald the destruction that followed, maybe he would have had at least enough time for one last thought. But alas! It was way too late even before it was late.


It wasn't so much about the deafening roar as it was the feeling of utter hopelessness that followed. Above the chaos, hovering in the air, Xzavier watched his art unfold from a safe distance. There was no doubt that this attack had struck home. There was no shred coincidence in this attack. This highly desirable outcome was a result of Xzavier's stunning plans and beautiful execution on his part.

The crushing explosion ravaged the intended target which was the back of the chief orc's head. Xzavier could only imagine the destruction his little bomb had wroth at the back of the chief orc's head. It turned out that he didn't need to let his imagination run too wild.


The chief orc, whose face reflected the total embodiment of confusion, stood dazed for a second. It had all happened way too quickly for him to follow. So, it took the unfortunate orc about ten full seconds to recognize the fact that the explosion which he had heard and felt had actually occurred behind him. A fresh wave of apprehension overcame him like a sudden burst of cold air on a freezing winter's night. There and then, even though he could neither explain nor understand it, the chief orc knew that trouble was afoot.

Instinctively, he lifted his heavy left arm to the only spot on his entire physiological makeup that mattered- the back of his head! As he lifted up his arm, it suddenly felt like his arm was made of iron. The chief orc struggled to grasp why this was so. Eventually, after a great deal of effort, the chief orc was finally able to lift up his arm to defend the one vulnerable spot he had on his otherwise impressive invulnerable form.

The chief orc's motive behind lifting up his hand to the back of his head was simple- to protect that spot from any more of the little human's tricks. But once again, the unfortunate orc was about several seconds too late. He was yet to realize that the deed had already been done, and much like every other action in the universe, it couldn't be reversed.

So, still in his own timeline that was lagging by about a full minute, the chief orc reached out to the back of his head and froze. The first thing he felt was a coruscating thick, warm liquid, gushing down with the soft intensity of trickling rainfall. Orcs were generally hard to read, but at this moment, without doubt, the facial expression on the face of chief orc was one of pure dread, tinged with blatant shock. With a look of horror, the chief orc frantically searched for the source of the liquid trickling down the back of his forehead.

The concept of blood was foreign to the chief orc, especially from a region that had always remained protected from external attacks. So, it took him a while to fully digest the fact that this was actually his own blood and none other. A fresh look of horrid surprise registered on his face as he struggled to come to terms with his new situation. His eyes flared open in bewilderment as the severity of his condition slowly began to dawn on him, but regrettably, the chief orc came to realize the truth a little too late.

Xzavier watched as the first stage of the explosion's effect began to manifest.


Just as soon as the chief orc realized that the gig was up for him, his body was thrown into a violent fit of convulsion. The massively huge body of the chief orc began to shake sporadically as though he had been overcome by a strange force that was outside of his control. Unable to control himself, like a drunk, the chief orc staggered around on his feet, fighting desperately not to fall down. For he sensed that if he were to finally fall down, he would never get back on his feet.

Sensing that the end was near, a catatonic fear gripped the chief orc, completely robbing him of all his psychomotor abilities and impairing his judgment as well. His eyes began to gradually lose its light and his head felt woozy. Finally, after fighting a tough battle against biochemistry, the gigantic form of the chief orc eventually gave in to his devastating injury. Gravity stepped in eagerly and facilitated the collapse of the gigantic beast. Like a huge ancient tree that had been cut down at its roots, the body of the chief orc slumped to the ground.

If the chief orc had slumped in the middle of the ocean, the impact of his collapse on the water would have been enough to trigger a mini typhoon. As the huge body of the orc crashed down on the earth, shockwaves of heavy tremors reverberated throughout the surrounding area. If Xzavier had been on the ground at that time, there was no doubting the fact that he wouldn't have escaped unscathed. Such was the ferocity of the impact. The loud crash was followed by a series of other quakes that had been triggered by the catastrophic fall of the chief orc. Out of the hillside (which formerly held Xzavier and his armor motorcycle) came tumbling down huge boulders.

It felt like a titan had fallen from the heavens and collapsed on the earth. Just about every creature in the surrounding area (that hadn't been killed off by the earthquake) went into panic mode and scampered about in fright. In addition to the destruction that the huge orc's collapse had left in its wake, it had also levelled several trees and an entire grove as it collapsed. Flattening an entire mass of land which before now had been a budding forest teeming with vegetation. It had all been surreal. The aftermath of the orc's collapse took about three full minutes before all went back to being quiet again.

Even in death, the corpse of the chief orc retained a kind of regal majestic ambience. As the dead body of the chief orc lay still on the ground, his eyes remained open as if he was still struggling to understand how it all happened. A permanent look of shock remained plastered on his face. It was clear even up till the end that he never quite understood what had happened.

Soaring above the entire debacle that had now quieted down, Xzavier finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was a primitive basic human instinct, to relax after a long drawn out battle. It was finally over, and all Xzavier had was relief.
