Adalia was high on the thrill of the ride. The blonde beauty was ecstatic. Like the mythical Valkyries who flew down from the heavens, Adalia's golden hair fluffed in the wind as she flew across the forest.

She had never been on the end of such a fantabulous experience so she savored every single moment. She knew that in years to come, they would be many a night where she would lay in bed and recall vividly this very moment.

It was a moment when she felt the full weight of the word 'freedom.' It was a moment when she felt unstoppable, powerful and at the same time- excited!

All around her, like a deity passing through a dimension whose laws were far beneath it, enthralled by the seductive power of speed, Adalia felt she was far above the laws that governed her world.

If she didn't need to hold on for her dear life, Adalia would have wanted to stretch out her arms like with wings of a bird and take in every moment she spent on the motorcycle flying. Her white gown, her beautiful, full blond hair, and her out of this world beauty made her seem like an ephemeral entity.

The ride had proven to be really therapeutic for Adalia. For someone who had suffered from the overbearing influence of her past, Adalia had never had the opportunity to feel this kind of power.

It was the kind of joy that came from being in a position of power, a position whereby she could do anything, a position that was further augmented by the hope that she was riding to extinguish the raging flame of the orcs who had for so long traumatized her.


For the first time, the looming shadow of the orcs' abominations in her past was nothing but a mere memory. Although she didn't know it at the time, these were the issues that her subconscious was working on as she flew through the woods at a dangerous speed on a vessel she assumed had been birthed from magic.

Within a significantly short period, her emotions had undergone a very impressive metamorphosis.

From the initial crippling fear that had engulfed her, to a state of excitement, Adalia had transcended those states into a realm of euphoria and ecstatic bliss.

It was the kind of high that psychedelics couldn't possibly give. No, the feeling was only similar to the kind of high that adrenaline junkies got from accomplishing extraordinary physical feats.

She felt a rush of savagery course through her being, and the buildup found its outlet through her mouth from her vocal chords. Adalia began to scream. It wasn't a scream of helplessness or despair, it was a shout of joy.The kind that was birthed from pure happiness.

Seated at the front of the motorcycle, Xzavier heard Adalia shouting ecstatically behind him. Though her voice was lost in the rushing wind all around him and in the steady whirring of the motorcycle, Xzavier could tell that she was joyous. He could tell by the way the tightened her embrace.


As she held on to him, he could feel her heartbeat rising every second. He smiled to himself as he thought on it;

"I guess it's true what they say then, no girl can find it easy to resist the allure of a superfast motorcycle!"

However, like all things, every experience must come to an end.

The journey that should have taken them over twenty four hours to cover had been covered in under two hours.

Adalia was sad when the motorcycle began to slow down as the valley before them, (like the gradual budding of a rare flower) slowly came into their full view.

Adalia had enjoyed every bit of it while it lasted, but she sensed the tension in Xzavier's shoulders as he drew the motorcycle to a graceful halt, and knew that serious business was at hand.


She was more than grateful for the experience, but that was merely the appetizer. The real joy would come from watching Xzavier go to town on the orcs.

Xzavier had already begun taking due precautions. As they alighted from the motorcycle, Adalia observed that he had stopped three miles away from the orcs' valley.

She knew that this was intentional. A part of her thought that he would drive in straight to their hideout and begin an all-out assault.

She had fantasized about it at the beginning of their journey here, but Adalia knew that it was just wishful thinking on her own end. She had seen the way Xzavier had handled the first set of orcs who had surrounded her, so she knew that Xzavier was a thinking man.

She resolved to watch him work this time. As she was still thinking, Xzavier muttered some strange words like he was speaking to something she couldn't see;

"Military system, repossess the Armor Motorcycle instantly!"

And sure enough, in the blink of an eye, Xzavier withdrew the motorcycle into the system. Adalia watched aghast as the black machine she had ridden suddenly vanished.

She opened her mouth to ask Xzavier how he did it but quickly shut her mouth when she saw the seriousness on Xzavier's face as he scouted the terrain.

The valley before them was like a deep gully in the middle of the woods. The valley looked like the scene where a meteorite had crashed.

The depression in the earth was surrounded by high rise trees, vegetation and cliffs. It was behind these trees that Xzavier and Adalia had chosen to hideout and strategize.

The sun was high up in the sky and shone directly over the valley, so, hidden in the surrounding woods, both of them were protected from the full glare of the sun's harsh rays and at the same time, they were shielded from the sight of any orcs.

From this vantage point, Xzavier's watchful eyes poured over every detail in the landscape before him. He didn't miss a single thing.

He took a closer look and soon found what he was looking for. At the base of the valley, in the northeast, he spotted orc activity. Sprawled in uneven formation, at the base of the valley were a tribe of orcs. They came in all shapes and sizes. But they were still repulsive nonetheless.

That was the confirmation he had been waiting for. Although he knew that the dying orc couldn't possibly have lied about this location, but he was a wary man by nature so he just couldn't take any chances.

Now that he had seen tribe of orcs, Xzavier watched the valley closely. He soon discovered a certain peculiar cliff close to the valley that was partly hidden in the bushes, and at the same time, extended into the valley a bit. Xzavier beckoned Adalia to come, she shuffled over on her feet, and Xzavier explained what he planned to do;

"Look over there…"

He pointed in the direction of the cliff and Adalia's eyes followed.

"Do you see that cliff?"

She nodded.

"We are going there. It's the perfect place to stay to observe the orcs. And also, it is perfect for an ambush."

He didn't wait for her to ask any questions or digest the information he had just handed to her. He simply headed there as she followed closely behind him. As a race, the orcs had several tribes littered across the world.

This valley was home to the particular tribe of orcs that troubled the town. Xzavier estimated that there would be between four hundred to four hundred and fifty orcs in this particular tribe. As he headed to the cliff, Xzavier began to cook up the best way to completely annihilate this tribe. He had some ideas, but he needed the perfect one.
