The remaining two quickly realized that they were the only two left alive. They were thrown in to deep confusion.

They didn't even know when the killings had taken place and this troubled them greatly. What puzzled them the most was that there hadn't been a single sound that suggested a battle had taken place. Orcs by nature had no understanding of the word 'stealth.'

To them, the only way to kill was by ravaging and by physical destruction. It was virtually impossible for them to imagine killing any other way.

So it really spooked them that something could kill them and not be seen. To them, it was an invisible malevolent entity soaring above in the skies that was killing them with sorcery.

To the hopelessly ignorant orcs, there was countering this enemy that couldn't be seen. The only way was to simply run and hope that the others behind would get killed first while they made their way to safety. So far, this plan had worked for the remaining two.

But, to the second orc, it was beginning to dawn on him that he had run out of orc-shields. He knew that he had to make an executive decision and fast, or he was going to be next.

So, primitive instincts took over. He stretched out his massive hand with all his power and brought down his axe on the shoulder bone of his unsuspecting comrade.


The pain and the shock blended together in one colossal wave and brought the dumbstruck orc to the ground. The other orc pressed on happily thinking he had gotten away by sacrificing his comrade.

Xzavier who had been watching the orcs closely was taken aback by the cowardly action taken by the orc. A few seconds ago, Xzavier had been confident that there was no possible way that he could hate the orcs more than he already did. Totally disgusted, Xzavier cursed under his breath;

"Shit! These orcs really are the worst! This is definitely the worst possible character a beast can exhibit. Betrayal and cowardice is totally unacceptable!"

It was now clear to Xzavier that the orc would do anything to survive, even it meant killing its own kind. Xzavier made up his mind to waste the orc in the meanest way possible.

So, Xzavier immediately made the disloyal orc his priority. It was ironic because the orc had done what it did in a bid get away from Xzavier's wrath.

But unfortunately for it, its plan had backfired. The orc's foolish decision had proven to be counterproductive and it didn't even know just how much its cowardice had angered Xzavier.


The orc congratulated itself on having accomplished its mission. As he ran, he decided to turn back with the hope that he would see the result of his proactive decision.Much to the orc's horror, it discovered that Xzavier had completely ignored the injured orc and was now gaining fast on him. This particular orc was even more cowardly and more terrified of Xzavier than the others who had died.

It was this fear that had kept him running ahead of the others during the hunt. It was this same fear that prompted him to strike down its own comrade.

So, what happened next wasn't entirely surprising, the orc's next action was consistent with its character as a pathological coward.

Realizing that there was no hope whatsoever, the orc stopped running abruptly and dropped to its knees in surrender.

Xzavier noticed this and slowed down his pace. He approached the kneeling orc carefully with his rifle stretched out and his finger on the trigger. He wasn't going to allow a vile creature like this get the jump on him.

The orc was confused. It couldn't quite make out the figure before him. Xzavier's all black battle gear and night vision goggles made the orc think that he was a different breed entirely.


He soon began to speak and roll out incomprehensible words in quick succession as he kowtowed to the demon clad in black before him.

The orc's words bore no meaning to Xzavier. The dialect was not in the least familiar to Xzavier. As he struggled to make sense of the strange speech, the military system stepped in to assist and automatically, the translation of the orc's speech flowed in Xzavier's ears;

"…please spare me oh terrible one. I am but a lowly creature and I do not deserve to die. If you will spare me I promise to…"

Xzavier's bullet ended the orc before he could complete its speech. Xzavier laughed at the orc's futile attempt at negotiations.

"There's no way in hell I will ever take anyone who betrays his own seriously."

Xzavier walked over to its bleeding body and spat on it as he spoke:

"Eat dust you double crossing cunt!"

With that, Xzavier began to riddle the bloated corpse of the orc with bullets. From skull to groin, Xzavier splattered it until its entrails were visible. Satisfied with his handwork, Xzavier doubled back in the direction of the wounded orc.

The wounded orc was grasping for air and trying to crawl away when Xzavier came up on him.

Through the military systems translations, Xzavier struck up a conversation:

"Okay buddy, you're going to tell me everything I want to know and I will let go. Where is the home base of the orcs?"

The orc was surprised that the demon before him could speak the dialect of the orcs. He was so dumbstruck that he stayed mute. Xzavier was in no mood to be toyed with.

So, to show that he meant business. He shot the injured orc in the knees. The pain raged through him as if an entire mountain had been rammed into his knee. The orc began to talk immediately;

"Okay! okay! The main stronghold of the orcs is in a valley, about twenty miles south east from here!"

Xzavier looked at the orc questioningly.

"You do not want to mess with me right now trust me. You know what happens if you're lying right?"

The orc cried back;

"I swear I am…"

Xzavier shut the orc up with a bullet between its eyes. He was satisfied with the answer he had gotten.

Having successfully accomplished what he had set out to do. Xzavier finally allowed himself to breathe freely. What had seemed like an impossible task had been taken care off within a very impressive time frame. Seven orcs. All dead. All unrecognizable.

Xzavier looked to the sky and saw that signs of dawn were hovering and looming at the edge of the sky. The slight golden orange streaks in the horizon told him that the sun would soon be up.

As he contemplated his next move, he suddenly remembered one Kay detail that he had very nearly forgotten; the beauty with the golden hair whom he had left behind as he pursued the orcs.

"I better go get her."

Xzavier thought to himself as he turned in the direction where it had all started from.

"I hope she's still there though, the poor thing must be in shock."

Xzavier doubled back and picked up his pace. He hoped that another misfortune hadn't befallen her since he had left her behind to go kill off the orcs. He cut through the woods as he retraced his steps. A few minutes later, he arrived at ground zero.
