Xzavier had chosen a very good vantage point that had gifted him a kind of godlike view of the whole situation. He wasn't typically an emotional guy, but for some reason, he was triggered by this entire situation.

This time, he decided he wasn't going to suppress his emotions. He made up his mind to make ample use of the anger that had been building up in him ever since he heard about the orcs and what they had done.

He was a smart man, so he knew that jumping in to action was the surest way to automatic failure. More than anyone, he knew that critical thinking and strategic planning were the two pillars of a successful mission.

So, he assessed the whole situation from the perfect point of view. Xzavier watched every single orc keenly and noted their mannerisms, their body movements and their weaknesses.

At the moment, one thing was clear to Xzavier about the orcs; the genitals of the orcs had completely repressed and dominated the part of their brains that controlled their reasoning.

So, they were basically open to both psychological and physical attacks. At the speed of light, Xzavier factored all of these things as his brilliant mind went to work.

After going through his options, Xzavier made up his mind to use one of his favorite tactics; TERROR. It was a befitting gambit for bullies like orcs who thrived on the fear of their victims. . Xzavier's mind connected the dots at the speed of light.


He had the element of surprise, as well as the added advantage of superior weaponry.

As much as he desperately wanted to blast them to bits with a few hand grenades and maybe one RPG, Xzavier knew he couldn't- he had to save the beauty in the midst of the orcs who were getting ready to spilt her in half with their massive organs.

Xzavier knew that he needed to act fast, so, he thought of the perfect weapon for the situation- the sleek slender snipers' rifle.

Once again, Xzavier had to assume the role of the Angel of Death. It wasn't his favorite move, he actually preferred close contact methods. But right now, this was the ideal thing to do given the delicate situation. He had to slaughter the orcs, but most importantly, he had to save the girl.Still crouched in the trees above, Xzavier called out the system in a voice that was barely above a whisper;

"Military system activate!"

As usual, he it responded promptly;


"System online Major Xzavier Mace."

"System get me an assorted fully loaded sniper's rifle PRONTO!"

The military system didn't disappoint. It responded accordingly;

"Roger that Major. Please stand by for weapon deployment."

True to its word, a fully loaded automatic sniper's rifle appeared right beside Xzavier. He reached for it carefully.

Not wanting to make any sudden movements that could potentially give away his position, Xzavier carefully sat up and set up the tripod stand for maximum efficiency.


He then expertly placed the slender but dangerously powerful rifle on the tripod stand and balanced it properly. He didn't forget the silencer, it was his ace in the hole. He fixed it on the far end of the rifle where the bullet was discharged from.

Satisfied with his set up, Xzavier crouched low, fixed his left eye on the scope and settled on the orcs. He counted seven of them.

Xzavier adjusted the lens a little bit and zoomed in closer until he had settled on the forehead of the leader of the orcs.

The despicable creature had a horrendous look in his eye as he anticipated being sucked off by the beautiful woman before him.

It never crossed his mind even for a split second that he was in any danger at all. As the leader lowered down his fat ugly cock onto the girl whose mouth he had forced open by squeezing her skinny throat with his powerful arm, Xzavier's lens finally settled on the side of his head.

Judging by the circumference of the tip of his rock hard cock, it was very clear that it wouldn't fit into the wide open mouth of the devastated blonde girl, but the orc simply didn't care.

Even if he had to split her jaw in half and ram the full length of his bulging cock right into her mouth and right down her throat, he was still going to pleasure himself with her mouth. The orc groaned.

It was partly because the tip of his cock finally made contact with her lips, but it was also because at that very moment, two four inched bullets had silently penetrated his skull in quick succession in the dark. As his brain shut down, he struggled to make sense of what had happened.

It was all so sudden that even he didn't realize he was dying. It was all over in under three seconds. With his hand still gripping the full length of his massive erection, he tumbled over to the side and collapsed, hitting the ground with a loud thud. It was only then that blood from the bullet wound began to bud like a budding flower.

The others weren't quite sure to make of what they had just witnessed.

They hadn't seen or heard the bullet, neither had they sensed any threat nor did they see any thing that suggested that their leader had been killed. Humor was almost non existent among their kind so it didn't even cross their mind that this was some kind of joke.

They were very confused. It was only when they inched closer to find out what had happened that they saw the blood. One of them grunted something in their language to the others and the others were instantly on high alert.

The dramatic shift in the dynamic of the mood was interesting. Only just a minute ago, they were all huddled in a tight circle, stroking their cocks in anticipation of devouring the beauty blonde sprawled out on the ground before them.

And now, they were on the edge of all out chaos as they fought to make sense of where the attack had come from.

The blond girl had kept her eyes closed all this while. Even when the large orc dropped to the ground right beside her, she had still stubbornly refused to open her eyes.

But when she could no longer ignore the commotion around her, she opened up her eyes and the first thing she saw was the bleeding corpse with a severe head wound. She opened her mouth and screamed with all her might.

At that very moment, something interesting happened, Xzavier had been struggling to lock in on a target as they were all moving haphazardly.

So he released the shot anyway hoping one of the orcs would get caught by a stray bullet. His wish came true but in the most unconventional way.

As if guided by a divine hand, the bullet had pierced through the scrotum of one of the orcs and violently ruptured one of its testicles. Hot searing pain shot through his entire body. As if in sync, he screamed out violently just as the young girl also screamed.
