As Xzavier exited the building, he was driven with the unquenchable thirst for justice. He was so consumed with this flame it that it was actively threatening to devour him from the inside.

At this point, he was willing to go all out against an entire herd of orcs. For quite some time, the military system that gave him his new missions had been silent.

He had hoped that it would issue him a new mission that involved killing off an entire band of orcs. He knew he would derive joy from executing judgment on those blood thirsty depraved creatures.

The woman who had died as a result of being raped multiple times by multiple orcs was very fresh in his memory.

Every time he remembered Miss Mary, Xzavier was overwhelmed with a sense of purpose to do something about it. And right now, he had made up his mind to go hard against any orcs he came across.

"What's the point in having strength and skill if I can't use it to help those in need? If the damn system won't give me a mission involving orcs, I have no choice but to give myself one."

He consoled himself with the fact that he was a member of the armed forces. It was the military's duty to stand up for the people.


Right now, he was in the perfect place to stand up against the evil that was ravaging this land in the form of orcs.

Because they felt they were unstoppable, the orcs perpetuated all kinds of violence without a single shred of empathy.

Xzavier knew that if he taught a few of them a sound lesson, the rest would fall in line. He was only a single man, but he knew that he could spin that to his advantage. Because he was alone, he knew that guerrilla tactics would be extremely effective on the nasty creatures.

All he had to do was lure find their base or a place they frequented often, and he would descend on them with the indignation of a malevolent being and decimate them completely.Xzavier had been walking for a while in deep thought, so when he finally came around to his surroundings, he found out that he had strayed well out the town's borders.

It was almost as if his subconscious had put his body on auto pilot while he was in deep thought. He took this as a sign, and summoned the military system.

"Military system activate."


The response was immediate;

"System online Major Xzavier Mace."

Xzavier considered a lot before he made his request. He knew that orcs were not like goblins who lacked individuality and common sense. He had heard tales of their exploits which portrayed their willingness to kill and as well as their affinity for destruction.

So, Xzavier knew that he couldn't do anything short of matching their violence with an equally greater destructive force. A simple sniper's rifle wouldn't do much. He had to bring out the big guns.

So, it was with great pleasure that he placed his next request to the system.

"System, listen very carefully. I want a rocket launcher with three RPGs, I want twenty grenades, twenty land mines, a complete set of NIJ-grade body armor, a semi-automatic rifle, and some other miscellaneous battle equipment."


The system paused for a few seconds before answering him in its automated voice:

"Affirmative. Please stand by Major Xzavier Mace."

Xzavier knew that he had earned and accumulated a lot of points from his previous missions. So, he basically had everything he needed to cash out on such a large order of weapons. Everything he had requested for was intentional.

Xzavier not only planned to kill off the orcs, he planned to make it a great slaughter. He knew that this was the only language they could ever understand. Fortunately for him and unfortunately for them, violence and destruction was a language that he spoke fluently.

The system soon gifted Xzavier his prized possessions. The fresh mechanical smell of military grade weapons always excited Xzavier. He took out every piece of equipment and weapon and inspected it thoroughly.

The first thing he did was to strap on his NJ-grade body armor. It was made from the finest fibers of Kevlar which could stop a bullet and a blade. It was also created with fittings for different kinds of equipment and weapons. The explosive devices were all activated and ready to be deployed.

It was almost midnight, and once again, Xzavier found himself on the hunt again in the woods. Only this time, he wasn't gunning for a miserable immature goblin with an ordinary sniper, this time, he was well equipped with enough ammunition to level an entire village.

With everything he needed to bring hell to the orcs who were unfortunate to meet him, Xzavier set out into the sparse vegetation that was east of the town.

With his system full of weapons of destruction, Xzavier weaved seamlessly through the woods like an apex predator on the prowl.

Even at night, Xzavier was still an excellent tracker, using his night vision goggles, Xzavier searched for footprints as he scanned the residual heat signatures that showed him the recent activity in his surroundings.

The information which Tacy had given him concerning the orcs proved to be effective as searched for them. Soon enough, he chanced upon sets of extra-large footprints that led him deeper and deeper into the womb of the forest.

Xzavier was on full alert. He hadn't tangoed with orcs before so he was a bit unfamiliar with their tactics, but he suspected that they were also vigilant creatures since they were capable of ambushing unsuspecting travelers and hunters.

The moonlit night gave him a little bit of leeway as he paved through the jungle in search for his prey. As the footprints on the earth became more and more pronounced, Xzavier picked up on a blood trail as well.

He deduced that the orcs were pursuing a wounded animal or person. Somehow, Xzavier doubted that a large group containing this much orcs would waste their time on a prey as basic as an ordinary animal. No, it had to be a human.

By the looks of it, the human was severely injured. Determined to find them, he pressed on with renewed vigor.

A short while later, Xzavier reaped the first reward of his diligence and persistence. Not too far ahead of him, he began to hear the sound of fighting. He crouched down and listened closely with rapt attention as he struggled to discern the loud sounds and figure out what was going on.

"Finally," he thought to himself; "I FINALLY GET TO SEE SOME ACTION!!"

Hidden in the bushes, and with the black night as his covering, Xzavier struggled to make sense of the battle noises he was hearing. It appeared that they group ahead was involved in an altercation. But he couldn't make out the details because he was still at least several meters behind.

"Damn it! I need to know what it happening!"
