He admired Adalia's strength of character. Even in terrible situations, she always inspired trust in him.

Problems arose after deciding to save Tacy. As Babara pointed out, Xzavier's side was too frail. They were currently engaged in battle with Quaid, which was like hitting a rock with an egg. Exactly at the point when Xzavier was at a loss for words, [Ding! The host can "borrow" points from the system to get more powerful weapons quickly.]

He heard the system's voice just as he was about to give up.

"Loan? Is that the only way you can play? " Xzavier's joy knew no bounds.

However, he immediately developed a skeptical attitude. As is always the case, the system will never do anything positive out of its own volition.

"What is the current interest rate?" With great trepidation, Xzavier enquired.

[The overall annual percentage rate of interest is 50%. If the host fails to return the principal as well as the interest within the time frame specified, he will face serious penalties.]


Xzavier's face sank gravely.

He was surprised when the military system revealed itself to be a cutthroat merchant, eager to lend him lethal weapons at a moment when he most needed them. Despite this, he had no choice.

"I need stronger weaponry," he remarked.

[The system advises you to don this steel battlesuit. The initial charge is 100k points, but the host can buy its access of 24 hours for a total of 4999 points.]

Then, on the screen in front of him, he saw a suit of armor that looked like Iron Man's battlesuit, along with information about how it worked and how to use it.

"Wow, that's quite cool!" Xzavier couldn't stop himself from exclaiming.


The battlesuit not only contained powerful weapons, but it also had extraordinary mobility and the ability to move in a number of ways. It was also armed with weapons that were much better than anything humans had made up to that point.

"It appears that I can win in any situation."

Xzavier clinched his hands and exuded confidence. But he rapidly realized his error. His most recent defeat taught him an important lesson. He didn't dare to underestimate the advanced mage's power, so he continued to peruse the wares in the system's store out of curiosity. Soon later, he learned about the "Plasma Cyclotron Accelerator," a weapon with an initial cost of 150,000 points and a leasing price of 7,500 points every 24 hours. To be on the safe side, he opted to purchase the 24-hour lease.Due to his lack of expertise, Xzavier was unable to become proficient with the steel battlesuit. So, he spent a lot of time getting better at what he already knew and getting used to the new material.

During this time, he fell several times and came dangerously close to seriously harming himself. Even though he didn't know how to use it perfectly yet, he was able to understand how it worked after only one night of hard training.

"The next phase will be to exact our vengeance on Quaid." His eyes erupted in rage.

Earlene was skeptical of Xzavier's new weapon; he didn't believe this strange suit could fight Laddie on its own. He had a strong knowledge of Laddie's talents because he had spent his entire life around the elderly man. And, given that Xzavier had only recently been vanquished by the elderly man, she didn't think there was even a distant chance of winning.


Babara, on the other hand, was sure that the strategy would work because she knew how powerful Xzavier's weapons were.

Following that, the two of them started out in search of Dale's footprints.


"Look here, this is undeniably the work of a horse that came from outside the area," Xzavier stated. Babara knelt on the road's shoulder and carefully examined the neighboring hoofprints.

"It appears that he made no attempt to conceal the trail." In no way was Xzavier a dummy.

"Perhaps he did that on purpose to expose them to us." Babara reasoned.

Dale, as Babara pointed out, left no trace. Not only that, but he purposely left many obvious marks, as if he was doing it to grab Xzavier's attention.

Adalia consoled Xzavier by rubbing him on the back throughout the entire process of looking for it. "Do not be concerned about us. Remember that when it comes to fighting, there is no place for hesitancy."

Adalia was not the type of girl who would provide advice like "Be safe," but rather showed more boldness in her actions. Xavier was never perplexed by this. That was why he went with her.

Suddenly, Babara, who was standing on the group's most dominant side, showed attentiveness by raising her right hand in the air. The others hid their footsteps as fast as they could. They hid behind a dirt mound, and Xzavier pulled out his binoculars before gazing up to see Dale and his crew speeding down the main road in front of them.

They were the ones to blame! Xzavier recognized the commander as Dale almost immediately.

Dale's command had a small number of soldiers, about fifty, but they were all mounted on horses.

Because the troops on the horses looked so impressive, Xavier reasoned that this new force had to be far more powerful than the one they had previously met. Dale had clearly done his homework before coming here this time.

He had, of course, improved his preparations for this round.

With the help of the system, Xzavier began donning the battlesuit.

"I will fight this struggle alone; no one else will join me. If I am not successful, you must leave this spot as soon as possible. " Xavier stated his intention to leave after completing his explanation. He then went back around and added, "Don't worry, I'm not going to die. "

After that, Xzavier took off like a rocket and soared to Dale while his thrusters were activated.

Dale was riding his horse and leading his warriors along the route in front of him. A figure materialized in the sky in front of him, appearing to be pretty high above. The figure went closer and closer before ultimately touching down in a leisurely manner.

"I didn't expect you to come to meet me by yourself." Dale asked, "Where's that gigantic hunk of iron (actually a tank) of yours?" he asked with obvious confidence.

Although Xzavier was apprehensive about continuing speaking with this cunning knight, he did have one question about the most recent occurrence in which Adalia had been kidnapped. As a soldier, he thought that many parts of what happened were not reported correctly.

"I just have one question: did you have any involvement when Adalia was taken the last time?"

Dale couldn't stop himself from exclaiming, "The governor was right; you really are a lethal foe." After that, he told Xzavier everything that had happened that day. Dale saw no purpose in keeping things hidden at this point.

"So, you killed Kadin?" Xzavier said, chillingly, after donning his disguise.

"You mean the elderly man with the white beard?" Dale asked, amusingly shaking his head. He pretended to be exceedingly repentant. "In truth, I wasn't given the order to kill him, but the elderly man was simply too annoying. It was vital for me to focus on his silence."

Dale followed this plan to give himself an expediency for killing Xzavier because he was frightened of being given more power if Xzavier returned alive. If something like that happened, he would be stripped of the position and fame that he rightfully deserved. Despite the fact that his orders required him to bring Xzavier in alive, things went awry from time to time.

After working up the courage to become angry, Xzavier lifted himself into the air by adjusting the thrusters linked to his arms and legs. Following that, two weapons erupted from beneath his shoulders and were aimed at Dale's party.


A significant number of shots were fired with precision.

Surprisingly, the soldiers were able to deflect the oncoming fire by deploying a wide range of defensive measures. Some built mana shields in front of them, while others managed to duck.

"This is not going to be as easy to deal with as I had hoped." Xzavier paused.

The soldiers on the ground were the best of the best, and they began fighting back immediately, even without orders.

Xavier was forced to dodge a fiery ball that was aimed directly at him. Even though his steel armor could protect him from this degree of magic, he didn't want his vision to be impaired in any way, so he kept it covered.

Many magical systems, like fire, water, earth, wind, ice, and others, were always attacking Xzavier.
