Despite his binding speed and stealth magic, Laddie hadn't even been able to land a single punch on the young man. Xzavier had lost, but he had earned the old man's respect.

With all these reminiscing thoughts coursing through his mind, Laddie finally decided to ease up. Since the battle was practically over, there was no longer any need for him to take an aggressive stance. So, easing into his part as a gracious conqueror, he straightened his collar and evened out the creases on his shirt. It was time to play the part of the diplomatic victor. Laddie eyed Xzavier curiously, he still wasn't sure if Xzavier was actually conscious.

Laddie could hardly be blamed for thinking that. Xzavier didn't look like he was in a good shape at all. His breathing had become very raggedy, and his eyes looked sunken. It was also obvious that if not for the support of the girl by his side, Xzavier might actually have a hard time standing on his feet. All this was apparent to Laddie, but nonetheless, he had to proceed with carrying out his orders. It wasn't like he was enjoying this, but orders were orders.

His coarse husky voice came from his throat, rising above the silence, setting the tone for the next stage;

"Xzavier…it is time. Come on, let's go back to the governor's mansion. I'm positive we can still work this out."

Laddie was truly a gracious victor, and an even more decent human. He was in a position of strength. He knew it, Xzavier knew it, and of course Babara knew this as well. If he wanted to, he could actually bundle Xzavier in one heap and cart him away like a sack of meat. It was well within his rights to do that. After all, he had won the joust, and Xzavier was too weak to do anything.

But, despite all these factors that were in his favor, he didn't do any of that. Instead, he had chosen a more courteous path, and Xzavier in a polite manner to come with him. Just the way a host would politely invite a guest. Given the situation, it was far more than Xzavier could hope. But Xzavier wasn't thinking about that. The young man was disenchanted. He felt like it wasn't just his body that was broken, his mind had also suffered what seemed like an irreparable damage.


The truth about the magic of this Isekai being superior became a solidly established fact in Xzavier's mind. Of a truth, he had despised it. His entire confidence had been rooted in his belief that; no matter the time or situation, advanced technology would always trump magic any time. Xzavier had held on to this creed all through his time here. It had actually worked for him, for he had believed in technology very firmly, as well as its advantages.

This strong belief had filtered its way into every battle he had fought, as well as every enemy he had engaged. For that period, it had worked beautifully well for him. But unfortunately, he had met his match with Laddie. The top mage had showed him that technology had its limits. If his adversary wasn't such an understanding man, Xzavier knew that he would have been dead already. It was all over. He had nothing left to fight with. So, he threw in the towel.

"You're right old man…" Xzavier coughed. As he drew in another breath, he coughed violently again, and then continued after he had gotten himself."I guess the battle is over…" Laddie nodded. Of course it was over. "…but, I have one request Laddie. If you honored me at all, you would do this one thing for me…"

Laddie frowned slightly. As a self-respecting person, he refrained from making any promises that he would never be able to keep. He wasn't sure what Xzavier wanted yet, but one thing he wasn't going to do was to make the mistake of committing himself.

So, the old mage answered warily; "Ask, if it is reasonable and within my powers, it will be done accordi---"

Deciding the first part was enough reassurance, Xzavier cut him off and stated his own request.


"The girl…" he uttered darkly; "Let her go…"

Both Laddie and Babara were shocked at Xzavier's request. Here he was, weak and at the mercy of his enemy. And yet, his only request was centered completely on the well-being of another person entirely?

"…she has nothing to do with this Laddie…please…let her go."

Laddie was yet again impressed. Xzavier couldn't save himself, and yet, he was trying to leverage on Laddie's courteous nature to save someone else. The old man couldn't help but admire Xzavier more. He had also noticed how Xzavier had left out the name of the girl, so she wouldn't be implicated. But he didn't know that Laddie not only knew Babara's name, he also knew that she was a government official.

Laddie saw no point in taking the girl. Sure, he could decide to take her as hostage to make Xzavier cooperate, since it was obvious that Xzavier cared about her. But on the long run, he knew very well that arresting Babara would only create room for more discord and fester grievances. Thus, straining the relationship between Xzavier and the governor even further.

After some consideration, he decided it was in everyone's best interest that he let Babara go.


"You have my word Xzavier, if you chose to willingly come along with me, I will let Babara go."

Laddie saw Xzavier's eyes widen when he called Babara's name. Of course it hadn't been a mistake. Laddie had intentionally made it clear to Xzavier that he knew who Babara was. He wasn't fooling anyone.

The coast was now clear on all sides for Babara's release. The deal had been made. Al that remained was for Babara to be on her way. But alas, the very person Xzavier wanted to save ended up being the barrier to the completion of the process. Babara did not want to go. And she made it very clear to Laddie that she wasn't going anywhere;

"Look here old man! I am not going anywhere! If you're going to take Xzavier, you're going to have to take me too!!"

Laddie was amused by the young girl's spirit. He suspected that she had watched the entire battle the whole time, and despite all she had seen, she still dared to challenge him openly, even when he had agreed to let her go. Laddie looked at her amusingly, like she was a rabbit that had just gained the ability to speak.

"Don't be foolish child! Get on with it and leave this place immediately!"

But the ultra-stubborn Babara glared back at the old mage defiantly; "I am not going anywhere! I and Xzavier will stick together! Even in captivity!"

Laddie found this all to be really entertaining. This wasn't the typical scene one would see at the end of a battle. The whole scenario was kind of ironic, and also a bit satirical in nature. Here was a man that was doing everything possible to save the girl, and here was a girl who was determined to sabotage his efforts by defying the conqueror who had just agreed to spare her life.

The old mage looked past Babara and gave Xzavier a knowing look that said; "You'd better get your girl, or I will."

Xzavier picked up on the message and tried to get her to reason;

"Babara, you really shou---"

She snapped back at Xzavier furiously; "Don't you even dare! I have already told the both of you, weren't you all listening? I am not going anywhere!"

As she spoke, she trembled with emotion. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Xzavier, especially after all they had been through together. Finally, here was the man of her dreams, someone she actually loved, someone who hadn't treated her with scorn, someone who had been able to take her virginity.

The thought of losing him to Quaid was unbearable. Especially since it was all her fault that Xzavier was in this mess in the first place. She was much too in love and guilt ridden to let him go at this time. Babara knew in her heart that she was willing to follow him to the ends of the earth. That was just the way it was. And it showed in her eyes.
