Xzavier didn't even flinch. It was worth it. He gave the purchase order;

"Military system, I want to purchase the mini sonic locator."

Immediately, he saw his points' balance reduce by one thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine points. And immediately, a small device that vaguely resembled a Bluetooth headset appeared out of nowhere. Its size and portable nature was so negligible that it didn't in anyway affect Xzavier's combat.

Xzavier was no stranger to modern technology, he had seen the best of humanity's finest technological advancements. He had seen what prosthetics, medical physics and bio-engineering could do to augment human physiology. But even at that, he wasn't totally prepared to handle this enhancement. It was simply life changing, especially in the aspect of combat. Xzavier felt like a completely new person, like he had been reborn entirely.

The mini sonic locator was worth every penny, and Xzavier felt like he hadn't even used up to ten percent of its full potential.

The first notable change was the sudden difference in perception. The entire way he perceived and sensed things had evolved, and in a very dramatic way! Xzavier felt everything, literally everything! He felt the direction of the wind change as well as the exact bearing to the last degree. He read the multiple wavelengths of all objects emitting radiation in his surrounding area. He felt even the croaking of the lazy frogs in the drainage system. Xzavier felt everything.

And because he did, for the first time ever since he began to fight Laddie, he was able to sense something other than the painful feeling of multiple jabs digging into his ribs from unidentifiable angles.As a high-speed object rushed towards him, Xzavier felt its movements coming in his direction. It wasn't like seeing, it wasn't exactly like hearing either, it was a whole new sense entirely that was more like a combination of all his other five senses. It was a feeling that was backed by not just a whimsical baseless instinct, but by actual data. Xzavier's brain took control of the situation even before his conscious mind could react.


Without even realizing it, like he was in a simulation or something, just as he sensed the object closing in on him just west of him, Xzavier's hand rose up 'instinctively' to parry the attack. Xzavier was stunned, no doubt. But in that moment, no one was more shocked than Laddie. The old man frowned slightly. Did Xzavier actually just read his movements? Or was that simply a lucky guess? Laddie was doubtful, it was very unlikely that an ordinary person like Xzavier would be able to keep up with his speed.

But Laddie had to be sure. He suspected that maybe Xzavier had actually managed to predict where he would attack, since his attack combo now followed a pattern. If that was truly the case, then he had to take a different route. So, Laddie decided to switch it up, hoping to test his theory to see if it had indeed been fluke. In the fraction of a second, the old man altered his regular cycle of attacks and delved towards the lower part of Xzavier's torso with a balled fist.

But yet again, Xzavier's full body swung into action, his full weight shifted to allow his hands block the attack. Laddie couldn't help but gasp in surprise. It was an incredible feat. To think that Xzavier could function on such a high speed level was astounding. Totally impressed, the old man backed up a bit and temporarily suspended his attack. He was truly impressed. Xzavier had admirable talent for someone who lacked any kind of magic. It was truly astounding! How was he able to do it?

Laddie had every right to be flabbergasted. Xzavier had only just begun to things clearly now. He realized that the main reason he couldn't see Laddie earlier on (asides from the fact that he had been moving at an inhuman speed of course,) was because Laddie had wrapped himself inside some kind of stealth magic. This had completely eradicated the sound of his footsteps, his scent, and even the regular swoosh that came along with a fast moving object had also be eradicated.

This magic had basically rendered Laddie's movements ghostlike. And of course his high speed hadn't helped matters at all. But that wasn't a problem now. Xzavier wasn't worried about all of that. He was more aware of his environment than ever. He was hyper sensitive to everything around him now, because he could now sense the varying bandwidths from different sound waves. Laddie's stealth magic was good and his speed was awesome, but it didn't in anyway invalidate Xzavier's new tech.

He could sense virtually everything now. And at night, this tech was more advantageous than sight. Xzavier was now on even ground with the old mage. He knew he had to make this very small window of opportunity count. His heading was storming with so many ideas, but at the end of the day, he opted for the weapon with the most powerful kickback; the Gatling.


Xzavier knew his counter attack needed to be bold, it needed to have the shocking nature of gratuitous audacity. He had to make a statement. Something that would shift the paradigm of the battle. It had to be something that would give him the edge he needed- the psychological factor that would wipe off the smug look on Laddie's face. It had to be a game changer, because so far, Xzavier had brought nothing spectacular to the fight. And this was supposed to be the battle of the decade.So, fully determined to make sure that this counter attack made the impact he desired, Xzavier cranked up his Gatling to the highest intensity, and started to rain down destructive lead bullets on the old mage. Xzavier spared no sympathy, it wasn't because he wanted the old man to die or something, but because deep down, in his hearts of hearts, Xzavier knew that Laddie could take it. But Xzavier just wanted the old man to get a taste of the destruction that he had to offer him.

In many ways, this wasn't just about the physical battle. It was a battle of wills, of ego. To prove which side had the better offensive technique; magic or technology.

As Xzavier bore down on the old man with the heavy artillery, just as he had expected, Laddie immediately mounted up a magical barrier to barricade himself. The senior mage felt the impact of the bullets against the wall of his barrier, and knew that even one small hit would be enough to render him incapacitated. He couldn't deny it, Xzavier had some tricks up his sleeve, tricks that could do some real damage if he were to make the mistake of underestimating them.

So, Laddie focused all his energy on strengthening his barrier. The relentlessly powerful bullets of the Gatling continued to bombard Laddie for a full sixty seconds. Truly, in that moment, it seemed like there wouldn't be an end to the attack. Laddie's entire consciousness was focused on keeping his barrier active and strong. He couldn't even entertain any thought of attacking, at least not while he was under heavy fire himself. So, he remained safely hidden behind his own wall.

Xzavier on the other hand relished every single moment of it. Seeing the senior mage crouched behind his barrier made Xzavier excited in a sick fashion. He couldn't explain it, but there was something oddly satisfying about watching the old man take up a defensive position, especially after such a grand opening with the disappearing act. But eventually, like all things, Xzavier's reign of terror came to an end.

Normally, Xzavier paid attention to his bullet count. It was something he almost always looked out for. But this time, he had been way too distracted with this battle that he had completely forgotten that his bullets had a finite number. Eventually, after the last bullet was spent, Xzavier heard the sound that he never wanted to hear in his lifetime; click. He was out of bullets.


Xzavier's face went deathly pale as soon as he heard the click. He knew what this meant for him, in that very moment.

If Laddie had been an ordinary mage, or even an ordinary beast, Xzavier wouldn't have fretted about him being out of bullets. After all, all weapons ran out ammunition at some point or the other. But Laddie was the closest thing to a supernatural being that Xzavier had ever fought. In fact, as it stood, Xzavier would have preferred to go toe to toe with any other beast. Any other enemy would have given Xzavier enough time to reload his bullets.

But unfortunately, in Laddie's case, time was the one thing that Xzavier didn't have. So, when he realized he was actually out of bullets, Xzavier's balls went to his throat. He had only one word to think;


That was the only thing he could think about in the short time he had before Laddie lurched at him at a terrifying speed. The old mage spared no punches. It was as if he had also realized that Xzavier was way too dangerous for him to be puling punches any longer. Laddie had to admit it, Xzavier had been nothing but impressive. First, it had been his ability to somehow keep up with his speed and read through his extremely veiled attacks.

As if that wasn't problematic enough, the old man had felt the sheer destructive intent and bloodlust of Xzavier's bullets. So, as soon as he heard the click from Xzavier's weapon, he sensed that this was his chance. So, without the slightest reservation, he rushed Xzavier, not willing to give him another chance to continue bombarding him with whatever strange weapon he had been using.
