As someone who was strongly against oppression, and Xzavier was cold to the bone. From the casual tone with which she spoke about it, Xzavier could tell that it was pretty much the norm in this era. Xzavier wondered, how is this any different from child trafficking? Adalia's next revelation answered him flatly.

"Even as we speak now, as of this moment, there are several little girls in the governors mansion. They are being groomed to play the part of the perfect courtesan. At the end of the day, they will be shipped off to become high class sex slaves. That is the reality for them…"

She avoided Xzavier's eyes and added, "For us all."

It had been a really long day. And now, Xzavier had been dealt another card by fate. This was the crushing reality for those who were unfortunate enough to be born on the wrong side of the tracks. It all began to make sense now. Adalia was Quaid's trump card. Her very presence here at this time was proof of the fact that Quaid had finally found the perfect candidate for her. Although Xzavier didn't know it at the time, but the beautiful blonde maid was still very much a virgin. Quaid had preserved her virginity for the suitable candidate.

Asides from that tiny minuscule detail regarding her chastity, Xzavier had successfully put the whole thing together. Adalia's next confession was all the affirmation he needed.

"Xzavier…" she pursed her lips as she softly called his name. "Now you can understand why I am here. The order came in this evening. I am here to fulfill my duty. You can have me in what ever capacity you desire."

She curtsied slightly, demonstrating her fealty to him.


"I am here to serve you my lord Baron."

The whole thing seemed so farcical, so unreal and so comical to Xzavier. This was the type of transaction one would see in ancient times when women and slaves were traded like livestock. He only read about things like this in books and historical stories. Never had he thought in his lifetime that he would be a willing party to this level of inhumanity! It was preposterous! It stood against everything he stood for.

There was no doubting it, the temptation was great. He had often heard it said that there was no greater sight on earth than seeing a beautiful woman naked for the first time. The primal urge to take her from behind like a stallion was still there. But Xzavier was much too principled to let his emotions decide his action.

Refusing to be a part of this, Xzavier hung his clothes on her shoulders and stepped back.

"No…" he said in an assertive tone. "I refuse this service. Go back to the governor and ask him to have mercy on you. I will not be a party to such an inhumane treatment! In fact, let's go right now!"He grabbed Adalia by the arm, and made to storm off to clear the matter with the governor.

Surprisingly, Adalia resisted him firmly. She stood her ground and pulled away from Xzavier's grip.


"Xzavier no! You don't understand! I will be severely punished if I don't do this."

Xzavier was taken aback. If he rejected her and sent her back to the governor, she would suffer. On the flip side, if he took advantage of the situation and used her like a prostitute, she would also be hurt. It seemed like either way, she was well and truly done for.

"Don't be silly Adalia, I will have a talk with the governor and sort this out quickly!"

Still, Adalia remained stubborn.

"No. It's fine Xzavier. Really…"

Now Xzavier was really surprised. This made no sense at all. Here he was, offering her a way out, and she was still refusing. Was she so terrified of her employer's wrath? Again he tried to reassure her;


"You're not listening to me Adalia, I said I can get you out of this. Quaid won't be able to lay a finger on you, I promise you that."


She called his name not pleadingly, but like someone who was reprimanding someone else.

"It's you who isn't listening…I don't mind doing this…"

Her voice, barely above a whisper, she began to stammer indecisively; "I-I don't, I m-mind."

She dropped the clothes Xzavier used to cover her and stepped out fully naked again.

"You haven't been listening Xzavier… for you, I will do anything. I am yours…if you will have me…"

In that moment, it all became crystal clear to Xzavier. She was more than willing to do this. This was what she meant. She actually wanted to. The fact that she had been ordered to do so was merely a bonus. It turned out that it was all the prompting she needed.

"No one's making me do this…it's you I want Xzavier…it has always been you…you can read any battle situation, and yet, you were blind to this all along…"

Xzavier finally understood. Her feelings towards him were undeniable. Xzavier had always liked the fact that she was strong and independent. Adalia had brought herself forward. She hadn't been dissuaded by his offer to relieve her of her duty to serve him. Instead, she maintained her ground and looked him in the eye and declared her feelings towards him. He knew that men and women represented the ultimate difference between humans. He recognized the fact that it took real guts to cross the threshold to declare one's feelings.

Adalia had always been brave. But this was the crown on all her achievements. Xzavier was moved, both in mind and in body. Now, he not only had her consent, he had her declaration of affection for him. He couldn't say no to that. Finally, for the first time in a very long time, Xzavier allowed his walls to come crashing down. The mask of self control wore off, as he allowed the ravenous hunger within him to surface.

All the blood in his head rushed to the part of him that needed blood the most in that moment. The front of his breeches began to swell uncontrollably. The throbbing bulge in his pants became more pronounced by the minute. Xzavier could have sworn that it had its own heart beat. But he didn't ge a care in the world.

Adalia was still standing before him like a prize willing to be snatched. As Xzavier took his first step towards her with the intention of devouring every inch of her skin, he realized how much he wanted her in that moment. As he walked towards her, he undid the buttons of his shirt and pulled it over his head. The time for clothes was over. Now was the time for their naked bodies to writhe together in wanton pleasure. The very thought of it burned a hole through his mind, leaving him with a gaping hole that only Adalia could fill in that moment.

He wanted her, he wanted her real bad.

A couple more steps brought him closer to her, placing him right in front of her. He was so close that he felt her steamy hot breath on his chest. He didn't touch her immediately.

Eventually, his left hand moved on its own accord and lightly touched her arm. Adalia melted like snow under the warm glow of the first rays of spring's sun. Her legs suddenly felt like jelly. His hand gingerly ran down the parts connecting her arm to her chin. Across her shoulders, her soft neck, and then finally her chin. He lifted up her chin and leaned in to take her lips in his mouth. Her lips met his with a sensual thud.

Adalia moaned into his mouth as his right hand clutched her lower butt cheek and pulled her in closer to him. In the process, her thigh brushed against his rock hard erection, making her to shy away a little bit. But Xzavier didn't let her. With his mouth still on hers, his right hand pulled her closer until she felt the full length of his throbbing cock through his breeches. This was Adalia's first time, but Xzavier didn't realize this until much later.

Their kissing became more aggressive as Adalia's enchanting voice moaned into his mouth. He gradually left her lips and gently slid down her neck like a serpent. Adalia couldn't have been more sensitive to anyone's touch than in that moment. He kissed her neck and made his way towards her chest area. All the while, his hands were all over her back, her waist, her fleshy ass and her thick thighs.

Eventually, his lips found their way to her left areola. Her nipples were hard with want. Xzavier groaned deeply as his tongue landed on her nipple. Adalia shuddered as took his time to enjoy her full breasts. His free hand left her butt and grabbed the right boob, squeezing and pressing with an unquenchable ravenous hunger. Adalia's moans became more frequent by the hour. The sound of her moaning to his touch went straight to Xzavier's head, sending him into a frenzied state.

As he sucked on her boobs, his left hand expertly slid his hands into her panties to feel the tender region between her thighs. He was met with a soft pool of moisture. His finger traced the outline of her clitoris and Adalia let out a cry like a cornered animal. Between the sensational feeling on her nipple and the orgasmic sensation on her clitoris, Adalia felt like she was having an out-of-body experience.

As Xzavier's fingers delved further in, he was met with a very shocking surprise;

"What? She's a virgin?!" Xzavier couldn't believe it!
