Eadweard had probably watched him and Adalia at the award ceremony and automatically concluded that his weakness was his female friend. A cold chill ran down his spine, as he imagined all those times he and Adalia had slid in and out of the governor's house in the horse drawn coach. All that time, they were being watched!! And they hadn't even realized it!

This sudden realization only served as boost for Xzavier's engine, he didn't appreciate being toyed with. Worse still, he couldn't stand arrogant entitled brats who enjoyed picking on ladies. So, like a blood hound, he began to hunt down the impudent playboy as he sniffed out his trail. Xzavier spent the entire night shaking down street thugs and possible informants. Finally, his investigative method of terror gave him his first clue. He dropped the body of the last guy he had ruffled up, and headed towards the same place it had all started- the brothel called 'Spring.'

About half an hour later, Xzavier navigated his way through the streets of Victoria City and found himself standing before the place where all this had begun. The glaring difference between the brothel's outward appearance at day, and at night was very clear.

The building was built for finesse, and allure. It had all the characteristics of a high-class brothel. So, even at night, it stood out of the throng of shops. Fancy umbrella lamps lined up on the entrance and lit up the outside, drawing in adventurous young men, tired married men, and rich nobles looking for a good time.

The appeal was evident, but that wasn't what Xzavier came for. So, with his face frozen in a cold look, he walked into the building. Anyone who saw the outside would immediately assume that it was the best part of the building. But as Xzavier entered the lobby and opened the other door at the end, he was flabbergasted when he saw the internal décor of the inner building.

Xzavier was not too hard hearted to admit that this was easily the most gorgeous building he had ever seen in this Isekai. In his mind, he placed it side by side with the city hall and even the governor's mansion, and yet, the difference was clear! It was more of a yawning chasm than an ordinary gap. It was difficult for anyone to step in to Spring and not get sucked in by the powerful pull of the aesthetic atmosphere.

The lighting was strategic. It was not too bright, and yet, it was just perfect for wandering eyes to see the well decorated space. Just as was the original intention, Xzavier's attention soon went from soaking in the out-of-this-world decoration, to the numerous beautiful women that littered the open space.Reclining on Persian cushions, standing at the corners, and even swinging from the ceiling were different countless types of beautiful women. They all wore their hairs differently, some were clad in long flowing gowns that made them appear like goddesses. Some others were semi naked with very revealing clothing. Some others, much to Xzavier's surprise wore nothing at all.


Xzavier had never seen a mix of different types of women before. He thought he was seeing things, but at a second glance, he confirmed his first thought- yes, there was a pregnant woman in the mix. Her bulging belly and engorged breasts betrayed her state. All kinds of shapes, sizes, and races were there. The very low, and relaxing sensual music in the background helped ease the customers into the right mood. Alcohol flowed very freely. Other forms of psychedelics also passed around.

But all of this passed over Xzavier like a heat wave, passing through a continent. It burned, but it passed anyway. Xzavier knew that this kind of high-class brothels had their own form of VIP sections for the elite of the elite. He knew that he was most likely to find Eadweard there since he was probably a loyal customer.

"This bastard!" Xzavier cursed inwardly. "He actually brought Adalia here!"

As Xzavier angrily worked his way through the throng, he remembered the flushed expression on Adalia's face when she tried to tell him that this place was a brothel. The poor girl had been so embarrassed by the mere thought of speaking of it. And now, Eadweard had dragged her into such a vile establishment. Xzavier knew it would be very difficult for him to forgive the Anjou boy.

Xzavier silently observed his environment and soon, he caught on to his perfect mark. It was a skinny waiter whom Xzavier had noticed coming in and out of a private area with trays and trays of expensive liquor. By all count, it seemed like a dignified personality had secured that space.

The large amount of food and drinks that were being carried inside told Xzavier that there was probably a small crowd in there. The more he thought about it, the surer he was that Eadweard was in there. Besides, the young Anjou prince loved having a battalion of servants around him. It made him feel special.


With no time to waste, Xzavier decided to take his chance. Even it wasn't Eadweard behind that door, he was going to make the most of it by gleaning information out of whoever it was. So, he timed the waiter perfectly, and when the waiter finally came out, Xzavier put on a smug look that was typical of rich nobles, and approached his mark;

"…is Eadweard in there? I've been looking for him all over. I am his friend from the spa in town."The waiter was obviously too busy to even give a second thought. It made no sense that someone would try to barge in on someone as powerful and as protected as Eadweard. Anyone who would try that probably had a death wish. So, absent-mindedly, the waiter hurriedly ushered Xzavier in.

"Follow me sir."

Xzavier couldn't believe. It was a long shot. A hail Mary at best, and yet, by some ridiculous twist of fate, here he was, going down the rabbit hole with the assurance of his target at the other end. So far, all things were moving rather smoothly, and he still had the undefeated element of surprise. At least he thought he did.

The waiter led Xzavier down a kind of dark tunnel. Here, the lights were so dim that they were pretty much non-existent. That was how Xzavier knew he was on the right track. The darkness didn't stand in the way of the waiter even though he was carrying a tray load of delicacies and assorted alcoholic beverages. Obviously, the young lad was used to the whole terrain.

Finally, the waiter stopped in the middle of the tunnel like hallway, and turned to his left to open the door. It was so dark that Xzavier could have very nearly bumped into the waiter if he hadn't heard his footsteps suddenly stop. Then, the door opened and the waiter, followed by Xzavier entered the private room.


Xzavier felt as though he had entered another world. He understood why the rich were so tacky about moral values, as well as the concept of an afterlife. It was difficult to imagine heaven as a better and much refined place of paradise. They simply couldn't see any luxurious state of mind that was better than what they already knew and used to. As Xzavier entered this room, he was reminded again on why the elite had this mindset.

This private room in particular was packed with a small group of people. They appeared to be enjoying themselves to the fullest. On the center table, in the middle of the room was loaded all kinds of delicacies. There was a fully roasted lamb, there were several baked pies, there were berries and nuts. And of course, flasks and flasks of assorted liquor. The group of guys were huddled around the table, each man had a pretty woman on his lap, some had two.

Eventually, as Xzavier scanned the faces of the group, his eyes landed on the very familiar oblong shaped head of the playboy prince right in their midst. Almost as if there was a connection on the primal level, Eadweard's eyes lifted up from the women on his laps, and turned in the direction of the penetrating gaze coming from Xzavier who was still positioned at the entrance.

For a moment, their eyes locked, and a hand of terror gripped Eadweard's heart. He froze up as if he had seen a ghost. The young lad wondered if he was seeing things as a result of his intoxication. Seeing Xzavier in the flesh, (and not just a figment of his imaginations) brought back fresh memories he had long tried to suppress.

Eventually, the shock faded away into oblivion, in its stead, the rising storm of anger took its place. Assuming the role of the entitled noble whom had been offended, Eadewaerd snarled at Xzavier.

"How dare you show your face here?! Do you have a death wish or something?!"

Xzavier said nothing, but he observed the other guy very closely.

Eadweard on the other hand wasn't looking to let go of his anger and disdain for Xzavier. Dismissing the prostitutes the same way one would drive away a couple of house flies, Eadeweard rose up menacingly from his seat with his eyes fixed on Xzavier the whole time. Without saying a word, the two men locked their eyes in a battle of the will. Then they arrived at a wordless understanding. They couldn't do this indoors, they had to step outside. So, the two men left the 'Spring' and walked out into an open space where they could conduct their business.
