The logic behind this was palpable. Nevertheless, this was the way things were done here.

As young aristocrats themselves, Earlene and Cadence had gotten used to this system. But unfortunately, unlike the other parents, they had a father who wasn't as lax about their education. So therefore, because of how passionate and driven Quaid was about their learning experience, he engaged the most respectable mage in the town to teach them and augment their already flaccid academic scheme of work. Laddie of course, being the staunch academic was only to happy to take up the job.

Actually, the old man loved excellence. He was uncompromising in that regard. But unfortunately for the kids, that simply meant that he was a bit of a task master when it came to learning. He pushed them hard and expected great results from them. When the kids complained to their father about just how monotonous their learning experience was, Quaid attempted to correct the issue by bringing in a mix of fresh tutors. Each, to handle a different subject entirely. Earlene hadn't been happy with the new arrangement. So, she made it her personal mission to sabotage the success of some of the other teachers.

She would pull stunts, throw fits, refused to do her work until some of the weaker ones left. Each tutor she broke was always a joy to her. In fact, that was the only thing that kept her looking forward. But Laddie had been the one stubborn exception. No matter what she did, she just couldn't seem to break through him.

Until Xzavier.

Fully aware of his daughter's cruel antics, Quaid did the other tutors a favor by temporarily relieving them of their duties. He thought they would be appalled. But he noticed that there was almost always a slight sign of relief on their faces when he broke the news to them individually. It was as if they were glad to take a break from Earlene for a while.

Quaid didn't take it personally. He knew his daughter. And more importantly, he had Xzavier now. He was confident that he would handle them accordingly. Naturally, this arrangement wouldn't hamper their studies in school. Things would go on as usual in that regard.


All the parties involved had their very different feelings about this arrangement. Quaid and Cadence were thrilled in their own way. Earlene no doubt was infuriated. Xzavier, well, he was still unsure about this. As a human being, Xzavier excelled at a whole bunch of things. He could use only one hand to kill an enemy in seven different ways. He could survive on his own in a jungle for weeks on end without much provision or gear. He could even navigate his way around the politicking involved in dealing with shrewd creatures.

But the one thing Xzavier was lacking in experience was management and teaching. As Xzavier laid down on his bed, on the night before his first lecture, he stared at the ceiling, thinking back to his past, hoping to draw any kind of knowledge on how best to approach the matter at hand. As expected, his mind drew a blank.

Xzavier was surprised at himself. There was never a time he recalled being nervous like this. It was almost as though his anxiety had a mind of his own. Unable to sleep, he stood up in the dark room and began to pace up and down in his room. The whole mansion was asleep, and yet, sleep had completely eluded Xzavier.

"Teach? How am I supposed to teach these kids?"

He wondered.

"Back then, during my time in the Special Forces unit, I was known as the technical guy. My skill set is honed for handling hardware! How am I supposed to teach? How do I even begin?"


Xzavier silently cursed Quaid's smooth talking silver tongue that manipulated him into doing this. With the way Xzavier was acting, one would have thought that he was about to embark on a destiny altering journey or quest.As Xzavier reflected on his past, he discovered that experience dictates that he had to teach students according to their intellectual capability. If anything, his military background showed that there was no uniform standard for soldiers when it came to physical fitness and talent. Everyone had their own path, each person their own distinct set of strengths, weaknesses and abilities. It was the same way one couldn't force a cheetah to swim, or a fish to run a hundred meter race.

Unable to sleep for until he had come up with a successful plan, Xzavier thought and thought till something that vaguely resembled a plan began to take shape. Finally, he was able to close eyes to rest. Finally, he could fall asleep. Finally, he had a plan.

The very next day, after Xzavier had successfully completed his morning run. He washed up and prepared for his first class.

A couple of hours later, in the special homeroom designed for private tutoring, Earlene stood before Xzavier, staring at him with a look of unbelief.

"I beg your pardon?!"

She stuttered.


Xzavier replied her calmly;

"You heard me right. Did I stutter?"

"Of course I heard you!" she snapped back impatiently. "I am just not sure if you know what you're doing!"

She calmed down a bit and looked at him through squinted eyes.

" Is this some kind of trap? Will my father step out at the last moment to scare me?"

Earlene was right to be paranoid. She had dealt with a handful of new tutors who always thought it was best to make a good first impression. Xzavier's first instruction to her as her tutor was a bit strange.

"I meant what I said Earlene. But for some reason, if you're having trouble processing it, I will willingly repeat myself again..."

The soft verbal jab caught Earlene right in the ego. A look of annoyance briefly registered on her already troubled face. But she could not react yet, not until she knew exactly what was going on.

Xzavier continued.

"I said, you should run along and play outside if you do truly don't want to learn anything you don't to be exposed to."

Earlene thought she had heard him wrong the first time. But even as she heard it for the second time, it still sounded as unbelievable as the first time she had heard him say it. Was this some kind of joke?

She swallowed hard. Not wanting to skip out on such a solid offer, and at the same time, not wanting to be played for a fool, she accosted Xzavier courageously.

"Look here waxavier, I don't know what game you're playing here, but it's all going to blamed on you at the end of the day. So, I would like you to officially say it one last time so Cadence can be my witness."

With a look of indifference, Xzavier shrugged and said it smugly.

"For the last time Earlene, you can go if you don't want to stay. Got it?"

Earlene stared back at him defiantly. Xzavier had robbed her of the fun she intended to have with him by making his life completely miserable. And yet, by some cosmic miracle, she was being offered a free pass. This was all too good to be true.

Finally, after deciding that it would be foolish of her not to take advantage of this offer, she decided to damn the consequences and take Xzavier on. If this was all a dare, then she was going to show him how daring she could be. After all, at the end of the day, it was the instruction from her tutor. No one would tell her anything.

Cadence on the other hand watched the scene unfold with glee. This was the first time he had seen anyone unravel his sister's plans. Earlene had proven to be more than capable of getting under anyone's skin. And yet, very calmly, Xzavier had diffused her ego and got rid of her in one solid move. The governor's son was more than impressed. Xzavier had handled his volatile sister like a pro. Not even giving her the chance to lash out.

As soon as Earlene walked out the door and burst into the courtyard, the annoyance and suspicion that had gripped her melted away like snow before spring's sun. She was truly happy. She had never had free time at this hour before and her brain was bursting with ideas. Because she wasn't exactly sure what to do first, she immediately went to the one person she could have fun with.

Adalia had been busy with her duties in the main house. She knew that Xzavier would probably be busy with the kids, and so, she had to occupy herself till he finished. Her primary place of assignment was the dining room. So, as she cleaned and busied herself, she resigned to the fact that she would be alone for the next hour or two. So, when Earlene snuck up on her and tickled her from behind, Adalia very nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Earlene! Gosh what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class right now? What happened?!" she exclaimed.

"Wow, Adalia, you're starting to sound like my Dad. What's up with all these questions?"

"Come on Earlene, you know what I mean! You're not in any kind of trouble are you?"

Earlene pretended to be shocked. She leaned back dramatically, placed her left palm on her chest and asked in mock surprise;

"Do you really have that little faith in me?"

When no answer came from Adalia, Earlene fiddled with the table cloth on the dining, and walked around the table humming a tone.
