"Do we need to be in such a hurry? We still have time to burn you know."

"My friend, will you get started? We need to be there on time just in case any unforeseeable thing comes up. It wouldn't look good for the governor if the celebrant were to show up late or unprepared!"

"Adalia, there is still time. I was hoping to get some training done before that period."

Adalia scoffed.

"Training? Are you joking?"

She rolled her eyes as she added;

"You're not going to weasel your way out of this one Xzavier! Get to prepping right away!"


She whistled a melodious tune as she made her way out.

"Don't even try to sneak off to the training ground or anything. I will be back as soon as I get all dressed up okay?"

She was truly excited for Xzavier. Looking at the two of them, one would have thought that Adalia was the one who would be receiving the award.

About two and a half hours later, accompanied by Adalia, Xzavier made his way to the city hall in the horse drawn carriage provided for him by the governor. Cadence would have loved to come along to witness this, but he and Earlene were in school. The governor valued school so much that he wouldn't allow any of his kids to take a day off, not for any reason. Even if they were sick, Quaid would have their private tutor stand by their bedside for an hour each day, as he read out their lessons to them. As long as it came to education, the governor cut no corners.

So, seated in a very posh coach, dressed like a Medieval military douchebag, and with Adalia in a flowery caramel colored gown beside him, looking out the windows of the coach as they entered the city's streets, Xzavier felt like he was living in a fairytale. It was all so surreal. Xzavier joked to himself that all that was missing to complete the scene was a mystical creature and a magic sword.

He laughed softly hoping to ease into it, but he was still not in sync with the happenings all around him. Xzavier felt like he was in a dream state watching himself and at the same time, living it fully.Adalia who had been watching him curiously dragged him out of his self induced day dream;


"What exactly is so funny huh? You'd better not say nothing, because I clearly saw you laughing!"

Xzavier turned his gaze from the window of the carriage where his focus had been, and steered his gaze towards Adalia until his eyes landed on her with a sensual thud.

Seated across from him, on the opposite seat in the coach, sat the transformed Adalia. Xzavier realized that he had been so consumed by his own repulsiveness for this whole arrangement, that he had failed to acknowledge just how ravishing Adalia looked. She wore her long, thick blonde hair in braids, and wore them on her head like a Viking queen. She reclined in the plush, crimson red cushions like a celestial being. And her blue eyes glazed under the rays of sun that filtered into the carriage. She was truly in her element.

Xzavier didn't realize that he hadn't answered her question. Actually, he had been staring at her the whole time. Adalia knew what he was thinking, and she decided to give him a hard time for it;

"What are you staring at you creep? Cat's got your tongue?"

Xzavier had never understood that expression and why it was often quoted by people. Just as he was about to reply her with something witty, the carriage pulled to a halt. Both of them instantly looked out the window, and simultaneously looked at each other in agreement- it was time.


They dropped down from the carriage, and were immediately ushered into the building like royalty. The guard at the door who led them to the receptionist tried his best to be professional, but even he couldn't help but sneak a few glances at Adalia. Xzavier didn't know why, but for some reason, he was triggered by the guard's subtle actions. Unconsciously, without actually realizing it, Xzavier found himself giving the other guy a cold look. The guard immediately got the message and backed off. He did not want to be the guy who was going to annoy the celebrant of the day.

The receptionist received both of them warmly.

"Please confirm your identity sir. Kindly state your name and purpose here today."

As a military man himself, Xzavier understood the security need for him to verify his identity.

"Xzavier Mace. I am here to receive an award from the city."

The receptionist scribbled something quickly and stood up to lead them to the event center.

The doors swung open and revealed a large meeting hall. It was a large auditorium and it was filled with rows and rows of seats that were neatly arranged, and evenly spaced. Before now, the fact that he had been chosen to receive an award existed only in his head. But as he gazed upon the people gathered to watch him take his medal, it all suddenly began to feel really real. As Xzavier's quick searching eyes roved all over the place, his eyes landed on one particular familiar face.

Xzavier didn't know if it was fate or something, but the odds of him spotting that face in the crowd before him was very slim. It was the very same secretary who had vilified him on the first day he stepped his foot in Victoria City. Xzavier had completely forgotten about her, and had only remembered her the moment he laid eyes on her.

The secretary who was busy making sure that everything was perfect didn't catch Xzavier's gaze until a few seconds in. At first, she was a bit unnerved by the piercing stare of the handsome stranger with the blond beauty by his side. Feeling adventurous, she decided to size him up and match his gaze eye for eye. As soon as she dared to look him in the face, the secretary almost died inside.

"No! It can't be! It can't!"

That was what she kept telling herself. But it didn't change the fact that it was indeed true.

From a Karmic point of view, the sinking feeling she got was as a result of the fact that she had never thought this day would come. She had been so quick to dismiss him as an ordinary bum that day, and with each passing moment, that regret threatened to consume her. She felt light headed and the continuous feeling of losing her balance only enhanced the damning feeling of shame she was nurturing. If Xzavier was a vindictive person, she would have to run to the farthest reaches of the state to escape his wrath.

She quickly averted her eyes as soon as she knew it was him and pretended to looked far away, at the ceiling, at the entrance, anywhere but his location! She couldn't recognize Xzavier in his new splendor. The fraudster in simple clothes whom she had met that day had transformed before her very eyes! It wasn't just his new stardom, it also wasn't the fact that there seemed to be a halo of glory hanging over his head. She just couldn't recognize Xzavier in his regal military ceremonial outfit. Also, Xzavier had been working out nonstop for weeks on end. He had also been snacking on the choicest and richest meals, so he looked fresh and healthy. All of these factors contributed to her inability to recognize Xzavier in that moment.

While the full circle moment closed in on her from all sides, the voice of Quaid came from the stage;

"Ladies and gentlemen, lords and ladies, dignitaries and special guests, welcome to this very special award ceremony."

A very enthusiastic round of applause followed. Nobles never failed to take advantage of any opportunity to publicly show off their pomp, and trot out their fancy clothes as well as their lavish generosity. They clapped and clapped, making sure their fancy bracelets, rings, cufflinks and watches glittered under the lighting of the auditorium. The sounds of their palms beating against each other clashed with the sounds of their jewelry crying for attention. Xzavier and Adalia took this as their cue. They smartly waltzed into the crowd to take their place in the audience.

Being of a relatively modest disposition, Xzavier wanted to sit in the back, but Adalia, pulled him towards a more glamorous position.

"Come on Xzavier! You're the star of the show! When they call you up, do you really want to come all the way from the back with all these eyes digging into you?"

Like a bully, like a five foot five bully dressed in a ball gown, she nudged him in the direction she wanted. All the while smiling like she wasn't just yelling at him a few seconds ago.

The boring part of this kind of events was the speeches. As Xzavier sat down with Adalia, he started to remember why he hated going to these things. Quaid's voice, loud and regal, came over from the stage and filled the entire space with his energy.

"...gathered here today to celebrate the magnanimous achievements of one man. Many say the age of heroes is long gone, but the actions of this man has led us to believe otherwise!"

The round of applause followed as well as cheering from some of the younger and more energetic nobles.

He held up his palm to douse the cheers and to restore order.
